
Is is a dream

Today is March 1, 3333. It is 7:45 in the morning on a school day. The world was just the same as it had always been for me. Twelve years ago on the day I was born a mist started to slowly creep over our land. We all hope that the wall surrounding our town would stop it, but we think that nothing can stop this mist that is slowly moving towards our town.

I just turned the corner by my school and a man yelled "The mist is only 5 miles away!"

"Impossible! It was 100 miles away yesterday! It has never moved this fast before," said a woman trying to get her youngest to let go of her so she could enter the fenced school yard with her brother. There was cute little snowman the kids made early this weekend. Everyone started looking around and then people began to panic and run around like they were insane, but the woman just stood there.

Without thinking I went up to the woman and asked, "Do you want me to bring your kids into the school for you?"

With a small grin she said, "Oh, I would love that, but are you a student here? Only students can go into the school."

"Yes, I am student, so we will be fine. I will even take them to their classroom's." I said.

"That would be great! I am Maggie and this is Sammie," she said as she put her hand on the little girl with hair was the color of a daffodil, "and that is Jax." she said as she looked at the boy, he looked like a 5th grader.

"Okay then let's go Sammie and Jax. Oh by the way I'm Mia." I said with a little hesitation, as Sammie grabbed my hand and Jax was right next to me as we walked down the hall. Then all the sudden Jax went running to a 4th grade class E-2 and started talking with some boys. "Is that his classroom Sammie?" I asked.

"Ye... yeah that is," she said with a quiver in her voice's.

"How old are you? What grade are you in?" I asked as we went further down the hallway. Then there was a loud scream echoing down the hall! As soon as Sammy heard it she hide behind me.

"MIA! MIA, god where are you?!" a voices that was familiar.

"Is that person looking for you?" Sammie asked.

"Yeah probably,but you are more important so what grade and class do you have?"

"....I think I is in Kindergarten" Sammie said with a hesitation.

"Okay then let's get you to class!" I said excitedly.

"....Okay, class A-3." Sammie mummered.

We turned and went outside which was the fastest way to get to the Kindergarten classrooms.

Then a man yelled "Hey, you can't go to the school with your kid, that is the rule and NO ONE can break that rule, it does not matter how much you pay the school!"

"She is a student and promised my mommy she would take Sammie and Jax to their rooms, because Sammie was scared to go on her own!" Sammie yelled at the man and the people whispering.

"Sammie it is fine because your class is right there," I said as I pointed to a door that had A-3 on it, then she hugged me and ran to the classroom.

"You little brat, what did you tell that kid? Get over here now or else!" the man demanded.

"And if I don't? What will you do? As you stated earlier you can't come in here! If I were you I would mind my own business," I snapped at the man .

The man began yelling louder, "You little piece of…," he got interrupted by a woman


I turned around, and saw Mrs. Slod, "Sorry Mrs. Slod."

She snapped back, "Don't Mrs. Slod me, you had me in a panic!" With a sigh of relief she said, "All right Mia let's get to class, come on!"

"All right I'm coming" I said as I ran up the stairs my jacket flipped up and they saw my uniform!

"Hey you!" the man yelled as I reached the landing I spun around almost losing my balance. "What grade are you in anyway my daughter had that uniform last year why do you have it now?! NO KIDS WERE BORN THAT YEAR SURVIVED WHY ARE YOU MOCKING ALL THE KIDS THAT DIED THAT YEAR!" He yelled but it seemed like he was just about to cry.

"I am a twelve! My birthday is March 3, 3320, I am in 7th grade!"I said as loudly as I could. "That is the day the mist came! Also the day when all the kids that die! What do you have to do with that?" The baker said as he pushed his son to get in the school yard.

"What do you think you are doing Mia if they know they wi…" Mrs.Slod said, she looked very unhappy with me.

"Yeah right you are lying! Tell me the truth!¨ The man demanded.

¨I would if I was lying, but I am the reason why the world is about to…,¨ I said as I got interrupted.

¨Bang!¨ echoed through the town.

As I fell to the ground with a hole in my chest. I could hear Mrs. Slod saying, ¨You are going to be okay! Mia stay with me!¨ She was trying to stop the bleeding and started to cry.

¨You were the best teacher I have ever had.¨ I said very quietly.

"Mia! Where is Mia?" Sammie yelled running out of her class her teacher chasing after her she ran up the stairs, "Mia?" she said as she fell to her knees and started to cry. Then she looked at Mrs. Slod than me, "Is Mia okay? She is not moving and her face looks pale. "Why is the a hole in her chest?" Sammie said.

As I moved my eye and looked at her and said, "I am fine it should heal." I said then it was black and there was silence.


Class Chart


Class Ages


Kindergarten 5-6


1st 6-7


2nd 7-8


3rd 8-9


4th 9-10


5th 10-11


6th 11-12


7th 12-13


8th 13-14


9th 14-15


10th 15-16


11th 16-17


12th 17-18
