
Mission To Make Villainess Happy

"I've not opened my eyes in a 19th-century novel but rather in some weird place, maybe Rome. But I'm not sure." A modern girl Juli has been reincarnated as Livia Aulus, an upper-class lady in Rome, who has summoned her to make her friend Flavia Publius happy- a so-called villainess. Even though Juli doesn't want to do this she has no option other than completing this task. "Who are you?", Quintus Publius elder brother of the Flavia asks. "Looks like this life is also going to be hellish. How can I make someone else happy? When I'm one of the most unhappiest people in the world?"

yonalovecatz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
105 Chs


"Gulp", Juli crossed her fingers. "I can do this.", Juli murmured.

"Come here.", Flavia ordered Juli to come to her bed. Juli's bed was covered with a dark color bed sheet.

"Why?", Juli asked. "You'' faint with pain.", Flavia explained to her.

"No, I'm asking why these leaves are under my bedsheet.", Juli inquired.

"To prevent blood from penetrating in the bedsheet.", Flavia told her.

"Uhhh..", Juli silently protested as she pulled the blanket. "I'm already wearing leaves and cotton. Seriously, all of these leaves.", Juli shouted.

"Then what do you use in your world?", Flavia asked.

"We use cotton and some absorbing chem...", Juli stopped talking.

"What's wrong?", Flavia asked.

"It's happening... I'm feeling pain!", Juli shouted.

"It's so early. There are few minutes left.", Flavia looked at the hourglass.

"I don't know. But Uhhh..", Juli started to scream.