
Trip to Country C A new start

Two figures stood side by side each holding a small traveling bags .They managed to stay in a less crowded place without getting anyone's attention.

Roslyn wore a black nosemask ,she wore a white crop top over a silver tight jeans then wore a large White coat on it ,the hoody covering her dark brown hair .

"Where is Big Sis"Roslyn asked in a whisper enough for only the two to hear .Her eyes scanned the crowd nervously ,She couldn't afford to be spotted here unless she wants to be on the News.

"She should be on her way"Daniel assured,his hands tucked away in his pocket ,he wore a simple white t-shirt over a yellow trouser ,he wore a yellow jacket to match with it. He was classic and fashionable .He wore a dark sunglasses .

"Sorry ....Am l-late"Barbara emerged breathing heavily , quite obvious she was running .

Daniel handed her his water bottle and she quickly downed it before her heart calmed down.

Roslyn just stood there waiting for her to calm down before speaking"Why were you late"She questioned

"Taking care of something ....Am sorry "Barbara quickly explained ,she gasped down some water again before returning it back to Daniel.

'PASSENGERS GOING TO COUNTRY C SHOULD BOARD THE PLANE ,THE AIRPLANE TAKES OFF IN THE NEXT 30 MINUTES' The loudspeaker delivered , people could be seen running into the Waiting room ,to get their tickets checked .

Roslyn looked at Barbara then back at the door "You guys should get going."Barbara said ,her eyes a little teary .She pulled Roslyn into a hug then hugged her younger brother too .

"Take care, don't be manipulated by that girl. Understand?"Roslyn said with a serious face and Barbara smiled then nodded.

"Okay.....Come on get going ,your plane will take off soon"Barbara said with a tight smile ,she checked her wrist watch "25 more minutes,Okay kids Bye"Barbara added .

Daniel nodded and Roslyn sighed "Damn it ....Who is going to take care of my needs"She mumbled,she was already missing her Close friend and Manager ,she was a little bit clumsy some times and act rashly too , Only Barbara was able to control her .

"Daniel would do that .... Don't worry he is pretty good at it"Barbara assured with a smile , Roslyn glanced at Daniel ,only to see him nodding with a big smile on his face . Roslyn rolled her eyes"Yeah.....I can see"She tossed her Travelling bag at him and he instinctively caught it by the handle.

"What is this about"Daniel asked confused , Roslyn didn't bother looking at him"Deal with my needs"She said nonchalantly ,she bid Barbara goodbye then walked away like a Boss lady.


Roslyn was lucky as Barbara got her a first class .

She stepped into airplane ,a flight attendant greeted her with a formal courtesy.

"Good morning Miss, Welcome to SEA LOVE AIRPORT.Please which number are you "The plane attendant said with maximum respect and professionalism .

Roslyn didn't say a thing and just showed her her ticket.

Seat 012

,the flight attendant leaded her to seat ,at the back .Only few people boarded the airplane .

Roslyn took her seat ,At her front sat two people .One Young Man and a little Kid probably 6 or 5yrs.

And at her back sat two elderlies . Roslyn sighed ,she rested her back on the headrest.

Daniel wasn't here yet ,he went to keep their bags and since she wasn't planning to help him.She came in alone .

"Hey Why didn't you wait for me ."Daniel questioned the moment he sat down , Roslyn didn't bother looking at him .She was Soo bored.

"Nothing....Just felt like dumping you behind ...."Roslyn replied , Daniel rolled his eyes .She always have some thing to say .

The plane soon take off.They are spending 5 hours on board ,yet they have nothing to do.

Roslyn closed her eyes and dozed off .

Daniel looked at ,he shoke his head .She falls asleep too easily .He brought out his laptop and Continued making Design on it.

He was a Web designer and Cartoon maker as well.He runs a small Game company