
First Meeting

"She's here !!!!!"Someone shouted from the crowd.The whole airport was filled up with reporters ,The moment the person stepped out of the airplane with two lady's walking behind her dressed similarly .

She wore a long black leather coat with furry wools around the edges of the hoody and edges of the button place.She wore a dark sunglasses and a black nose masks .

The camera began flashing as they all took pictures endlessly .

The figure walked fast in hope of getting away from them

"Miss .....Miss ...Are you really the new female lead ??"

"Miss ....Why did you accept the role"

"Miss...Miss .Are you in a fight with the top actor "

"Are you in a relationship with Jordan "The reporters bombarded her with questions not willing to let her go.

They all pushed closer to her . leaving her no gaps to excape.


Meanwhile not very far from the noisy place filled up with reporters and fans .

A young Lady dressed up in a black leather jacket underneath it is a white crop top then wore a black fitted jeans and a leather boots .

She wore a black nose masks as well finishing up the dress up .

She walked hurriedly towards the entrance of the Airport ,a black limousine was already waiting for her arrival .

Her eyes were focus on getting out of the stuffed up Air port when she mistakenly collided with someone and a stick came crashing on the floor .

She stopped "Oh Gosh.,...Am sorry ....",She said and quickly picked up the walking stick and gave it back the Person then walked hurriedly away .Not bothering to check who it was .She needs to get out of here real quick!!!

The Owner of the walking stick stopped in his track ,his Cold eyes looked at the figure literally running out of the Air port,he hummed silently .

He wore a dark sunglasses , dressed formally in a black suit .

"Boss ....Boss .The Car is ready "A Young Man appeared from a corner ,he was dressed up in suit as well .

The Young Man (Boss) nodded ,then began walking with the help of the stick .The Young man was hesitant seeing the Boss walking alone without help , their bodyguards are scattered in every corner so it's quite safe but....He is blind ....

Boss Should I ....."The Young Man started

"What..."The Boss interrupted him ,his voice was naturally icy , sending constant fear into anybody's heart if he ever speaks .

The Young Man quickly shut up ,he knew how much his Boss hated getting assisted for walking but....he couldn't help it .

The Two silently walked out of the Airport through a secret Door .

Three Cars were parked there ,A sliver Car between the Two .

The Young Man quickly helped the Boss to open the door and he entered .

The Sliver Car speed off with the Other Two serving as backup .

The black limousine drove off as well ..


Thankfully the person was helped as the Air port securities quickly helped in clearing out the reporters .

The Three figures Then walked out of the Airport ,and A black Car was parked outside waiting for them .

The three Figures quickly entered before the nosy reporters come running after them.