
Fierce Rosy

The sound of gaming filled the small apartment ,two figures could be seen sitting on the floor with folded legs ,a game controller in both of them hands as they focus all their attention on the visual game .

"Damn it Daniel....Move to the left.....left idiot"Roslyn shouted ,her character engaged in a fight with the mystery beast while Daniel was fighting with the Dragon lord ,he was almost shot down by the assassin if not for Roslyn intervention.

"Gosh Rosy...Stop shouting at me ..."Daniel said ,His hands controlling his character effectively why he scolded Roslyn.

"Make use of your brain next time .then", Roslyn said with a hiss .

"Damn it Daniel .....why did you shut down the TV"Roslyn shouted seeing the TV suddenly turned off .She glared at Daniel as if to bite off his head .

Daniel blinked his eyes innocently ,not quite getting how he became the accused,he didn't even stand up .....

"Stop accusing me Rosy .... it's wasn't me...."Daniel defended ,he wasn't going to take the blame for what he didn't do

"Stop bickering ... I turned it off"A Female voice interrupted them before Roslyn attacks Daniel.

The Two of them eyes went straight to the direction of the voice.A Young Woman nearly 40 ,stood there , resting her back on the door frame ,her hands folded on her chest as she stared accusingly at Roslyn .She was dressed smartly like a business woman.

Roslyn let out an awkward chuckle seeing her manager...She instinctively rubbed the back of her neck out of nervosity.

'Oh God ....Am dead'

"Why didn't you pick up my calls"Barbara investigated .

"Huh .....You called??? "Roslyn asked not quite certain,she stood up from the floor ,her hands grabbed her phone on the couch .She unlocked it , seeing 10 miss calls ,she looked at Manager Barbara and smiled awkwardly.

"Ofcourse... you did ...."

"Get your Butt up ...You are going to Country C "Barbara said ,she opened the door and walked out not waiting for her reply.

Roslyn was shocked ...'Country C....Hell No!!!'

"I don't approve of that"Roslyn shouted ,she quickly stood up and ran after Barbara not caring about how messed up a Star like her was .

She opened the door but couldn't find her on the hallway ...She stomped her foot on the ground and went Back into the room .

"What's up with Country C"Daniel asked ,he stood up from the floor .The whole room was messed up . Roslyn stayed overnight.

Roslyn glared at Daniel as if accusing him of sending her to Country C.

Daniel eyes widen seeing the way she was looking at him

"Wh-what....I wasn't the one who sent you there ....Why are you looking at me like that "Daniel said .This girl is really ...

"Ask your Sister .....She is Soo.....Gosh"Roslyn said, She ran her fingers into her dark brown hair . making it even more messy .

"Get your sister on the phone .....We need to talk "Roslyn instructed then walked into the bedroom next to Daniel's .

She need to wash out first before she deal with this matter .She isn't going to Country C...Not matter what .

She has a strong dislike to that country . Reasons unknown.....


Roslyn came out of the room .Still sporting an angry face on.She wore a simple brown high waist Jeans and a big Yellow cardigan with an imprint of..


Her hair was tied in a messy bun with a few bangs falling over pretty face .She was a beauty .

Daniel stood in the middle of the room , holding a phone over his ear ,he smiles awkwardly seeing Roslyn.

'Ooh No.... She's back'

"Did she pick"Roslyn asked and Daniel nodded quickly ,he quickly put down the phone , seeing her getting angry again then ran off to his bedroom .

Roslyn looked at his back with a raised eyebrow"Scary Fish "She said loudly , enough for him to hear .

"Thank You bae"Daniel shouted back and Roslyn glared at his closed doors. Bae really????

"Don't let me get in there Bro ... Don't let me "Roslyn sounded a warning.

"Am Sorry"Daniel shouted an apology from the room .She can really do it.

Beating him up was never an option but a necessity ,She loves doing that .

Roslyn smiled "Okay Boo .....Am off "She said then walked out of the Room . Daniel rolled his eyes.This girl really knows how to harass someone .He called her Bae ,she nearly beat him up now she is calling him Boo ,and he couldn't do anything about it!!!!!