
Mission Series 1: Maids Contract

Sofia needs a job where she will earn a lot so that she can support her Mother’s operation. But she could think of nothing else but to venture into being an entertainer in a nightclub bar. On her first day, Sofia immediately got into trouble. A man blocked the way and grabbed the knife that was supposed to stab Sofia. The man who saved her life asked for help. He asked for a favor to be his friend's maid. Will she be able to tolerate the behavior of a man who has a hot head?

Firedragon0315 · Urban
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13 Chs


"Miss, do you need anything?" Sofia was surprised when a guard suddenly appeared. She didn't notice that he had been looking and looking at her. 

When the guard saw her he immediately approached her to question her. "Earlier you were standing there I noticed you so I approached. Are you looking for something?" The guard asked again.

Sofia swallowed. She did not know what to say to the guard because she did not know who the owner of the house was and the people who lived in the house. 

Dave also did not mention the name of his friend to her nor did he say who she would look for once she was there at the aforementioned address. 

Sofia's nervousness and confusion are obvious. The guard wondered as he waited for her answer. 

"I'm looking for Dave, is he there?" The guard frowned. "Dave told me, at this address at his friend's house we will meet." 

Sofia quickly grabbed her phone and looked for the text message that Dave sent to her which detailed the address she was going to.

"Who are you?" The guard stared at her. 

Sofia's eyebrows met, she had a feeling and she guessed from what might be on the guard's mind. She has not mistaken.

"Are you Sir Dave's girlfriend?" Sofia was surprised not by the guard's question, but by what the guard said and called Dave Sir Dave.

Sir Dave? 

Is he the owner of the massive house I see? Sofia asked herself as she put her hand over her mouth.

Sofia couldn't answer as she saw Dave out of the house and Dave approaching them. "You're already here."

The guard turned his gaze to Dave. It looked strange to Dave. "Do you know her, Sir Dave?" Dave nodded, smiling.

"Yes, let her in," Dave ordered.

The guard opened the gate quickly without asking again. He asks Sofia to enter after he gives way. "Come in," was his invitation, allowing Sofia to enter. 

Dave is waiting for Sofia. It greeted Sofia with a smile. "How are you?" he sighs. "Have you stayed outside for a long time?" Dave asked, taking the initiative to walk back to the house. 

Behind Dave, Sofia follows him. 

Sofia was still amazed at what her eyes could see. 

Sofia was amazed at the yard and beauty of the house. The garden is also very large and the space very spacious. 

She then wondered if she would have a child, she thought that her child would run happily in the huge garden. 

Sofia grew up without even a small garden or a vacant lot. She and her mother were just renting in their very small house.

Sofia's life is also so sad that she doesn't even have a sibling she plays with while her mother leaves her alone at home while her mom goes to work and works.

Dave suddenly stopped his walk when he noticed Sofia not answering. 

Dave saw Sofia's face as she glanced around without looking down the road. 

Dave smirked as he sighed and he stared at Sofia's beautiful face. Sofia was amused and saw in her face while she was amazed at the beauty of the surroundings her eyes could see.

"I'm sorry," Sofia looked down when she saw Dave staring at her.

She felt her cheeks turn red as they started to heat up. She was embarrassed by Dave when Dave caught her doing what she was doing by rolling her eyes around.

Dave smiled, Sofia's cheek even redder as she lifted her face to see Dave's reaction when she apologized for what she had done. 

Sofia quickly averted her gaze as Dave's eyes widened. She covered both cheeks with her palms and said shyly. "I'm sorry," while not removing her hands from her face.

"It's okay, anyone who passes by here is always amazed by what they see with their eyes. Not only you, but I was also the first day I set foot here. I will never forget that day when I was so amazed by what my eyes saw. Just like you, Sofia, so you don't have to be embarrassed or apologize." Dave said.

"It's normal for people like you, like me, every time to see just such beautiful things, like this beautiful home... Our eyes are amazed, especially for those like us, it's hard for us to have such a big and beautiful house." Dave sighed. with a smile on their face while speaking again. "Just work hard and don't forget to pray, Sofia. I'm sure one day you'll have this too. Dave reminded Sofia deeply.

"Isn't this house yours, dave?" Sofia asked incomprehensibly, she was very surprised by what Dave said to her.

Dave laughed.

"Why? Do you think that I'm the owner of this house?" Dave's smile never left his face as he stared at Sofia.

Sofia nodded because that was really what was on her mind especially when the guard called Dave Sir Dave while she was talking to him.

"I told you in the text, didn't I?" Sofia thought. "This house that you saw with your eyes is my friend's house." again is its statement.

Sofia didn't immediately shut up as Dave just smiled, Dave shook her, and he told Sofia to walk again and enter the house.

Sofia was surprised at what Dave did. But, her feet just followed the walk as she followed Dave into the huge house. 

Surprisingly, she just nodded at what Dave said. She thought at first that Dave owned a huge house. It turned out that her mind was disappointed.

"Come in," Dave allowed her to enter the house.

Sofia didn't seem to want to step on her feet when her two eyes could see and see the inside of the huge house.

If she was already amazed at the beauty outside of the house. She was even more amazed inside the huge house. 

She couldn't believe it. 

She just swallowed as she started to step on the very clean and shiny floor of the house. 

Dave was still smiling as he watched Sofia roll both of her eyes around the house.

It's even better here inside than outside. As Sofia whispered her eyes rolled all around the house.

"Sit down first," she heard Dave's offer. So she looked back at it when she saw it walk away, he left her on the sofa first after telling her to sit down first.

Dave left for a while and first left Sofia on the sofa to get something to eat and juice in the kitchen. Every step of his feet while he walked was straight in the kitchen.

In the kitchen, people were peeking at the door and were even more surprised. When Dave opened it, they didn't see it, and once Dave opened the door hit their heads.

Some of those hit by the sudden door opening frowned.

Like Dave, they laughed after being surprised. 

Dave is surprised by the unexpected people who are waiting for him to go into the kitchen to ask him who the woman was with him.

Dave was shaken by the visible commotion of people in the kitchen who at once wanted to ask questions. "Quiet, please stop being noisy. Maybe she heard all of you, it's embarrassing for Sofia."

"Is she your girlfriend?" All of them want to ask Dave and find out the answer to each other's questions.

Dave shook his head, he told the real reason why Sofia was sitting on the sofa.

Dave explained that this would be Peterson's new personal maid so as not to bother everyone in the kitchen.

In the looks of the people with Dave in the kitchen. They all sighed and sighed because they would no longer have a hard time convincing their boss to eat at meal time. But there was their concern for their boss's new maid. It may be difficult for her to serve with their boss who is stuck in a room.