
Mission : Destroy the Ending

"Activate Command!《 Mission : Destroy the Ending 》!" 【 Welcome to Eternal Void Space 】... 【 I'm the System : Afterlife 0021 】... 【 Host : Xael Zaitsev-Wilczynski 】... 【 Main Mission : Fulfill Your Regrets 】... 【 Reward : Your Ultimate Desire 】... ✤ ✽ ∗ -- - - - - - - - What does it mean to fall in love? Everyone has their own definition when it comes to this powerful words, some are negative while others are positive, a number may care but there's still a few who didn't. But in what category does Xael's love fit in. For her fated one, she'll turn impossible to possible. For that man, she'll break through even heaven and hell. For Zeether, she'll destroy every ending that could rip them apart. ✤ ✽ ∗ -- - - - - - - - Xael and Zeether has always been the perfect couple, they are both powerful and smart, more importantly, they possessed the love that anyone would envy about. They would share their laughs and pains, go through every trouble and success, even share their tiniest secrets. Xael thought that the only thing that would break them apart is when they are six feet below the ground leaving the world when they are older. But she was very wrong. That day, every thing changed. It should have been the happiest moment of her life but what welcomed her was the death of her very beloved. Due to depression, Xael has made one of the biggest decision of her life. "I just need to destroy the end of our love, even your death will never break us apart. I will follow you even if I have to turn everything into ashes. I won't let you go. You are mine and I am yours. "

Yashahime_sama · General
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29 Chs

By Blood

Love will find ways, death won't break us apart.




"I love you too. No matter whom you are; that won't change."

With that, Zeether grasped her hand tighter as he smiled back to her. His heart was filled with constantly tugging warmth making him a bit breathless, he was excited and happy.

Smile appeared in his face, not his friendly smile but one that emits strong love, it was so breathtaking that made Xael stunned for a moment. Zeether only stared back at her as he watched her beautiful purple eyes, he could almost see his reflection on it. He felt his heart beat still abnormally racing and it will probably do whenever he's with at her.

He couldn't believe on how dense he is, wasting years of only looking at his woman like an ordinary friend. Though he couldn't say that Xael was really just an ordinary friend when even in the beginning, he always has this desire of locking her up so nobody would try on even looking at her. Such possessiveness,

Finally, he started confessing everything, from him being a Zaitsev-Wilczynski heir not missing the fact of his merciless deeds to being madly in love with her.

Finding about that, Xael was quite shock. Not with the fact that Zeether was a Zaitsev-Wilczynski descendant but because he was also a descendant. She stood rooted on the ground.

Sensing her discomfort, a glint of fear passed through Zeether's eyes. It was his first time feeling this strange emotion. His hands shook letting Xael's hands go, slowly lowering it on his side, in the end he was startled as Xael hurriedly grasped his hand and dragged him out of where she was held.

Slightly disturbed, she asked Zeether to drive to his home. Momentarily, Zeether was actually confused on why she insisted on him doing that but inside he just wants to please her and do everything that would make her happy. Not opening his mouth, he speed up and reach his home in a fast pace.

Xael on the other hand was also quiet; she didn't want to create any misunderstanding and just decided to shut up. She was doing this to clear out a lot of things that could produce trouble in the future.

Entering the mansion, she was startled to see her very cheerful mother standing beside a dashing middle age man in a suit. Their atmosphere was friendly; it was really no big deal on that part until both people hugged each other in a loving manner. Despite that, she decided to call out to her mother.



Xael and Zeether look at each other simultaneously. Processing the information, Xael's face turned sour. Like any minute, she would definitely cry not knowing what will happen if it turns out that both of them were actually…

She couldn't take it anymore, tears started to form clinging into her lashes. Zeether who was beside her hugged her softly, comforting her. Xael grabbed on his back, shivering from fear. She thought that her love was finally fulfilled but it seems like it is still out of her reach. She has been waiting, always waiting for the day Zeether would finally looked back at her and love her like she does. She tightened her embrace more thinking that if she let go, that man will disappear forever.

Zeether gently brushes his hand on the locks of her hair, his eyes determined. "It's fine. Even if we're tied by blood, I won't let you go."

This eased some tension on Xael's heart. She's been fantasizing how it would feel when she and Zeether would finally be lovers but this is incomparable to what she has been imagining, Zeether's love was full of unsuppressed warmth.

Due to the small commotion, some people has come including both Xael's father, and Zeether's mother, and other family members.

With both the middle aged people earlier being out of their stunned state, they didn't waste time and tried to correct the misunderstanding. Pointing out every necessary clarification needed.

"Distant cousins?" Xael asked in relief, Zeether squeezed her hand expressing support, which action was not missed out by elders, of course.

It turns out that they shared the same great – great grandparents. The couple who managed to mixed both of the largest family factions of the world. The Zaitsev family and Wilczynski family.

At first, these two families were in great competition with each other, but with the couple, they manage to stand at the top and tied the two families down not leaving anyone to complain. Anyways let's leave the story of this couple for some other time.

Zeether momentarily let Xael's hand go before he stood up in front of Xael's parents. In front of everyone, he formally introduces himself as Xael's lover seeking blessing and agreement from the couple. Fortunately, both parties were very please about the news. They already anticipated that this two will end up with each other in the end.

After a few more years, Xael and Zeether finally entered what they call, the commitment ceremony. On the way, they shared a lot of pains and tears, sweats and smiles before finally achieving this happiness. With this exchange of vows and love, they finally took another step forward.

On the way home, riding in a very luxurious car, there's no denying that both of them were filled with happiness. Xael who's inside of Zeether's embrace couldn't help but looked at the beautiful wedding ring that was placed on her ring finger.

She could really explain what she's feeling as it was mixed with delight, excitement and anticipation. It was overflowing that her cheeks were turning red.

Zeether saw this and smiled. He cupped her beet red cheeks and gave it some light peck before uttering the words. "I love you, no matter whom you are, that won't change." These were what Xael told him the moment he confessed his feelings making Xael giggled softly responding, "Me too. Forever,"

Amidst of their sweet moment, Zeether has heard a faint sound of unrecognizable voice. Realizing what it was, he hurriedly opened the door and jumped out of the car clutching Xael's body in his chest. They were too careless letting their guard down too much. Zeether cursed to himself.

Before they hit the ground, a loud explosion was heard turning their sweetest dream to nightmare.

Yey~ Chapter 2 is finally hereeeee~~~...

So... I've got this advice? that I should do a mass release to start up this book... and there go...

first 'five chapters'? will be published continuously this week. :)

Yashahime_samacreators' thoughts