
Mission Complete: Respect Achieved

Max, a lustful corporate slave died. He reincarnated into a fantasy world as one of the children of a Duke. He doesn't have any goal yet, he just wants to fuck. That's it. ----- Be warned: This is a Sexual Fantasy only, logic is not working and the MC is dumb only thinking of his dick. ----- I don't want someone saying later on that there is no logic on his action or something like that, he was a psychopathic anyway, why do you care, the plot is only to make it more fun to read so chill. This is just for fun! Another note: I'm not a native english speaker so yeah there will be a lot of grammatical errors. ----- I do not own the cover photo or the original story, this is a rewritten 'Sexual Fantasy' here in Webnovel, you can visit it if you want the original. ----- I'm continuing the story now, If the the original author wants me to take it down, just say or comment in any chap NP since your not replying to me.

CherryPoPsicle · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs


Max woke up feeling totally calm and a little joyful. He still remembers what had happened last night. He turned his head slightly and saw how his penis rested on Maria's face. He looked down to rejoice at the sight of Maria's still naked body.

His penis couldn't help getting an erection again. Maxwell shook his head trying to get those ideas out of his mind, he couldn't let himself get carried away by lust and forget the rest since he still has a plan.

He got up quickly and changed, he used the last second to tuck Maria in and suck on her tits for a little while before reluctantly leaving.

It still dawned and hardly anyone is awake, which is why he was able to quickly get to his room where he found his mother still asleep in her bed. It didn't take him long to join her to get some needed sleep.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable, Maxwell reached into his mother's nightgown and grabbed her big tits, and buried his face deep in the valley.

This formed a smile on his face as he quickly fell into the dreamland.


Early morning, Maxwell was awakened by the continual knocking on his door, but he didn't want to get up.

It was his mother who got up and opened the door.

"Lady Olivia, my lord has ordered young master Maxwell to report to the great lord at once"

Olivia Lucio Magnar gave a puzzled look, but after a few second, she went to the sleeping Maxwell, and regardless of his complaints, she dragged him to bathed and clothed him at the fastest possible speed.

Maxwell was very nervous, not very often that he meets his so-called 'lord father'. Besides that, he called for him specifically with no apparent reason whatsoever.

It didn't take him long to think about his incredible night yesterday.

Maybe his father found out somehow?

But how?

He is the lord of the castle, it is impossible that he does not know what had transpired inside his own home. But if he knew everything, why didn't he execute those two guards? That makes no sense at all!!

Maxwell rubbed his head in frustration, every time he thought more about it, he got more and more nervous.

When the guiding guard stopped in front of a large double panel door, Max felt his heart stop beating for a brief moment.

The guard didn't let Maxwell's condition stabilize and he pushed open the big door, opening it wide and showing what was inside.

Something Maxwell doesn't expect to see.

In the farthest part facing his location, across the room, everyone in his family was gathered, and at the center of all of them was his father, a handsome man in his 30s with short platinum blonde hair and showing a very stern expression. Around him were all 12 of his wives, his mother and Maria included. Each one of them is distributed according to the level of favoritism that his father had with them. The closer they are to his chair the more refined their attire is.

As expected of his mother, she was at the far end to his left. Maria on the other hand was on the right side of his father in the fourth position. Not too far and not too close either.

In addition to them, there were also two men standing behind his father in this great hall. Not too old but can't be called young anymore either. They are his old advisers of his father. Close to them is the bishop of the church of the goddess Marhim with two old nuns behind him.

" Maxwell come here" his father spoke with his characteristic recorded tone, which commanded authority and respect just by listening to him.

"Yes, lord father" Max did not dare to reply casually. Lowering his head, he walked in his direction.

"there is good" his father spoke again which made him stop completely in the middle of the room.

"Today is a very important day in your life, Maxwell" his father uttered in a very solemn voice.

Maxwell couldn't help but lift his head in confusion. All he could see was all the people in the room shared the same solemn expression, all except his mother who was looking at him with great concern.

Sweat broke out on Maxwell's brow at the thought that he had been discovered. But the next words of his father shocked him at the same time relieved him of his tension.

"Today, we will test your magic affinity"

Maxwell breathed a little sigh of relief and began to think.

Apparently, people in this world knew of the existence of magic and also knew how to detect it.

Maxwell doubted its existence a bit, since his 5 years of life in this world he had not seen anyone using magic.

"Please, counselor Gramm" his father waved his hand disdainfully and one of the two elders behind him stepped forward and walked in his direction.

Once he was in front of Maxwell, he pulled a dagger from his hip, and against Maxwell's will, he took his hand and slashed hard. Something that make Maxwell grit his teeth in pain, as he held his wrist and looked at the large, deep gash on his hand.

Max couldn't help but throw a resentful look at the old man, to which he responded with a look of disdain.

But no one in the room paid attention to his interaction with the old man, rather, everyone was totally focused on the great stream of blood that dripped from Maxwell's hand.

The blood fell on the ground and as if by magic, it began to move by itself and form a very cryptic and indecipherable pattern.

The blood made a variety of signs on the ground and gather in one place, which moments later began to float a few meters from the ground. Visible to all, including the aching Maxwell who stopped concentrating on his wound and looks at the fascinating scene.

The large drop of blood began to rotate rapidly and within seconds its color had changed, from dark red to a deep blue, but before Max could ask what it meant, a rumble was heard and the blood ballooned and exploded.


The small windows made of stained glass that adorned the great hall were smashed, at the same time, several women in the room jumped in fright. While Max whose in the center of the explosion is protected by what seems to be a barrier of sorts by the counselor.

Contrary to the reactions of the women in the room, His father along with other men wore excited looks on their faces particularly his father wore a weird big smile on his face.

"Blue color, accompanied by rumbling sound. There is no doubt about it, he has the lightning element" muttered Magnus Magnar, his father.

"The lightning element!! Are you serious?" screamed his fifth wife, Sophia. "How is it that the son of a commoner awakened such rare element?!!"

Many of Magnus wives nodded in agreement with the lady but they weren't cheeky and brave enough to say it in front of everyone.

It was a fact that Maxwell was discriminated against by many of them which is why he had never been able to see all of his siblings. Only the wives with higher status have the guts to try and bully him and his mother. They could not afford to do it as publicly as Sophia since she is counting on the support of another ducal noble house.

Magnus looked coldly at Sophia and said " Because he is my son too!"

His words completely silence Sophia, leaving her with an ugly expression plastered on her face.

Magnus completely ignore Sophia and looked at Maxwell with a smile. "You have done a good job, Maxwell. You managed to awaken the lightning element, from this day forward you will be under the training of Knight Dream. You will receive proper education from your teachers every day, now go and rest, after you recover you're going to start training"

"Yes Lord father" Maxwell bowed his head and left the great hall.

Max sighed in relief as he walked outside. He still felt angry but he couldn't show it in front of his father.

Max looked at his still bleeding hand, he ripped a piece of his shirt off and bandaged it.

"Damn that old man, just you wait"

After he finished tying the wound, Maxwell's eyes widened in surprise as he realized something.

He had sex yesterday!


He's supposed to get sexual points for simple things like touching the erogenous zone. Sucking boobs and kissing also gives more points. So, penetration should give him a whole lot of points, right?

Max opened his status immediately.

[Maxwell Magnar]

Age: 5 years and 6 months

Strength: 3

Agility: 3

Resistance: 2

Intelligence: 10

Mana: 20

Magic P: 0

Element: lightning

Sex points: 1208

Max whistled at the shocking amount of points.

Having not been on the lookout, he didn't know exactly which sex act gave him the most points, but he didn't care.

He invested 60 points to vitality and raised it to 10 which was the average of for a normal person as far as he knew. He didn't waste his points on strength and agility as these would improve as he gets older. The only reason he invested in vitality was to be able to ejaculate inside Maria. (10 sex points is equal to 1 stat point)

The rest of the points he placed to his magic, increasing it from 20 to 134. When his magic reached 100, a small spark of electricity began to flash through his body. (1000 sp = 100 stats)

Maxwell walked happily into his room. He knew that his days after today wouldn't be easy, but at least he wasn't discovered. Since he can control lightning, he already has an idea of how he's going to develop it to maximize the pleasure of sex.