

im_garbage_horror · Horror
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chapter 2: in the park

Walking away from the house julian's phone buzzes in her bag, she reaches to grab her phone and sees that she got a text that read, "your close! Your only like 15 minutes away, cant wait for you to get here! Were gonna have so much fun!!" It was from ashley. She replies "ya! Cant wait!! I'm super excited!" As juliana presses send and puts her phone back in her bag, she starts walking across the road getting closer and closer to the park.

            Almost to the park juliana see's a strange old man in the distance. He starts walking towards juliana and says "oh young girl, can you please help me get home? I'm lost." Juliana stops in her foot steps as the man stumbles towards her with a bottle of alcohol in a small paper bag. Juliana can tell hes drunk. "Sir are you ok?" Juliana asks the strange old man. "Yes, yes, I'm fine." He replies as he approaches her and puts his hand on her shoulder. "Sir can you please stop touching me your making me feel very uncomfortable." Juliana tells the man, while reaching into her bag grabbing a small bottle of pepper spray. "Now that's not very nice to say young lady." the man says grabbing her arm tighter. "Get off me!!!" Juliana yells, she sprays the old man in the eyes with the pepper spray and runs off approaching the park. "Hey! Over here juliana!" Ashley yells from a picnic table, waving her arms vigorously. "Oh! Hey!" Juliana yells back.

          Walking over to the table she starts to say hi to everybody and tells everyone what happened on her way there. "Wow that's super creepy." Ashley responds in shock. Chris and Isabelle just sit there quietly, "hey why dont we play a game?" Chris says breaking the silence. "Sure, why not." Isabelle says back. "Oh yes! This will be fun!" Ashley replies excitedly. Juliana sits down next to ashley, "so, what should we play?" Juliana questions the group. "I think we should play ghost hunt!" Isabelle replies back with a smile, looking at chris and ashley. "Ok sounds like fun." Chris says back putting both his hands on the table. "Wait, how does this game work exactly?" Juliana asks ashley and isabelle.


           Isabelle sits there quietly glaring back at ashley. "Well, theres a hunter and some ghosts obviously. So the hunter will sit underneath a street light, and the ghosts will go out into the woods and hide separately. Now when the ghosts all hide, they will text the hunter and that's when the hunter will go and hunt. When the hunter finds a ghost they will tell them to go back and sit underneath the street light and wait. If the hunter finds all the ghosts then they win, but if they don't then its game over they lose!" Ashley explains to juliana. "Oh, ok sounds like fun." Juliana replies understood. "Who wants to be hunter?" Isabelle asks the group. "I will be the hunter, you know since juliana hasnt played this before." Chris says back grabbing the flash light. "Alright, you know what that means everyone. Chris sits underneath the light and we all are ghosts so let's go into the woods and hide!" Ashley tells isabelle and juliana. "Ok! I will go this way." Juliana says to ashley and isabelle walking straight into the woods. "Alright, I'm gonna go this way isabelle, so you can go which ever way you want." Ashley tells isabelle as she walks into the woods. Isabelle looks back at ashley and winks, then walks into the woods soon disappearing.


             Chapter 3 coming soon