

"uncle!" a girl went immediately to miko and hugged him.

"thalia, this is Mariko, call her miss or miss mariko" miko whispered to the girl but i still heard.

" welcome to laison's island miss!" The jolly pretty girl went in front of me and wore a simple pearl necklace on me.

"oww, thank you darling" i smiled at her. A woman went near us and smiled at me.

"thank God for your safe trip" she hugged miko and i was so shocked when she hugged me next.

"you are so pretty in person" she said.

"thank you miss" i thanked her for appreciating my beauty.

"miss mariko, this is my mother" miko introduced me to his mother, the woman who hugged me.

"hello ma'am" i greeted.

"just call me tita" she smiled and said , " let's go outside, it is so hot here right now" his mother said and held my hand.

When we got in the hotel, we went to the restaurant to eat breakfast.

"mikolai!" a girl went to miko.

"rhia!" miko stood up and ran in to the girl and they hugged!

Oh im shock hahahahaha they looked close.

"they are bestfriends" a man beside me whispered it. My mouth formed into 'O'.

"hi tita!" miko's bestfriend greeted miko's mother.

"oh rhia! You are late" his mom hugged rhia and kissed her cheeks.

We started eating breakfast and when we are done, we went outside.

"mom, i'll tour mariko all over maldives" miko said to his mom

"sure, take care okay?" she hugged miko and looked at me "enjoy, mariko! feel at home hmm?" she held my hand.

"thank you t-tita" it was awkward to call her tita. When we got insode the yatch, i was shocked when the boy who talked to me while we were eating was there, and oh... also that rhia and i don't know the rest but i am sure we are at the same age.

I sat in the couch and started to vlog it all.

"hey," the boy sat beside me.

"hi" i answered.

"i'm leo" he introduced himself, "i'm mikolai's brother"

" oww, how old are you?" i asked.

" we are in the same age, 19" he said.

"wow" i just said it.

" yes, my birthday is on April 17 while mikolai's birthday is on April 17 also" he laughed.

"what? you two are twins?!" i asked

"yes hahahaha, we are four in the family. ALL BOYS" he explained

"ohhhh, i am the only daughter of my mom and dad while dad has another family outside. I have two step brothers." i also tell about my side.

"i hope you're okay" he tried to comfort me.

"of course, you know what's funny? after i knew that my dad cheated to mom and he has another family, i was fooled by my guy bestfriend" i opened up.

"what happened? if you don't mind" he smiled.

"i ran to him, i call his phone for how many times when i knew that my dad cheated. He did not answer my calls and texts so i went to his house and i saw him having sex with a girl. No one was there for me, i wanted him to comfort me but he just ignored me so i decided to come here to have fresh air and peace of mind, and i knew you welcomed me with all your hearts" i explained.

"maybe he did not know what happened to you that time" he said.

"yep, maybe. But he never text me nor call or even just visit me after that night. I am sure he saw those missed calls, but he never checked me." i defended myself.

"you're right. You said he is your bestfriend. Are you sure he's only your bestfriend or ????" he said

"i admit i had feelings for him and i am so broke. I am trying to move on, leo so lets not talk about him, okay?!" i just said it.

"fine fine ahahaha" he laughed so i laughed too. Miko came to us.

"wow, you two are having fun huh?" he sked and sat on the other side of me.

"yeah, hahaha " leo answered. I admitt he's attrctive like mikolai.

"owww, hii mariko, i am rhia" rhia cam in front of me and offered her hands so i stood up and gave her a handshake.

"mariko" i simply answered and back to the seat.

"hey miko, can you help me with my things? i can't find my sun glasses!" rhia ambitiously said to miko. Leo was hiding his laugh while i was curious on her attitude. Miko went inside with rhia while me and leo are still itting and enjoying the view.

"rhia and miko are bestfriends since birth hahaha, i don't like rhia that much because she's choosy and she has bitch sides so yeah" leo started talking again.

"bitch side? really, leo?hahahaha" i laughed.

"yeah!" he answered and laughed again.

"everyone has bitch side" i said.

"yes but she's different. She's always a bitch hahaha oh my God, forgive me" he was laughing while saying it.

"i thought they were couple hahaha" i said.

"what?!hahahaha" he laughed again. oh my gosh, this boy never stopped laughing huh.

"whyyy?!" i asked

"don't tell to anyone but rhia have feelings for miko that's why she can't leave here. Rhia is supposed to be in Hongkong because of her new shop in there but he send her friend to manage it because she knew you'll come" he whispered.

"why i am in that story?" i asked

"honestly, miko and i are always supporting you. On screen or off screen. We were so happy when your mom called our mom to look at you here in maldives. I was supposed to come and take you here instead of miko but i had urgent meeting so i did not make it" he explained again.

"really? thank you for supporting me. Since i was a child, i am dreaming to travel the world and be a model. But since highschool can't make the permanent modeling career, i started doing vlogs at the same time part timing on modeling" i told him

To be continued...