

"so how did you met?" julia asked while we were having fun with other friends of harris. We sat on the couch and forming a circle.

"well, our old school in the Philippines, we had this oraganization. The students need to vote for the candidates who are responsible and deserving for the spot" i started.

"what spot then?" jena asked, one of his friends. Harris and I laughed

"oh my gosh! You won't believe what spot is that! Hahahahhahaa" i replied

"REPRESENTATIVE!" harris and i shouted and everyone was laughing.

"hahahaha imagine?! Representative for our grade level!" i can die now because of laughing! Hahahahahhaa

"wtf! Hahahahahahhahahaa" julia shouted and everyone was laughing.

"yes, i was in the second spot and as usual, harris got the first spot" i told them again

"wow mariko, you let harris on the first spot?!" archie asked

"nah really, we had a fight after the election hahahahahhaa i can't accept it but he gave me some flowers and chocolates! Uhhh i can't leave him" i said and the memories just flashbacks.


"Harris Guzman got the first spot!" thr emcee announced and my knees trembled when i heard that. " Mariko Herrera, second d spot!" the emcee announced it again. I feel like my world is crashing. First spot is my dream goal amd this is my last time to get that but i didn't. I didn't make it.

" you know what?! Im going to canada, i will not study here anymore!" i yelled at harris after the election.

"mariko, why don't you just accept it?! It was just a spot for pete's sake!" he also yelled. I slapped him, I cried because of so much anger.

"fuck you! How did you get the first spot when you're only charming those girls?! So that they will vote you" i yelled again. " you know how much the first spot means to me, it's our last term harris, but you still chose to charm girls just to get that spot!"

"i know! But i don't mean to get that fucking first spot, mariko! I will talk to dean and ask him to put you in the first spot" he told me and left me so shocked. When i realized something, i went to harris.

"hey, don't do that. It's okay, i- i accepted it. Congrats for being in the first spot, harris" i told him and went home. I really have a plan to go to canada if i can't get the first spot.

After a week, he gave me flowers and chocolates. I know that he already know that I'm leaving. We are at the airport.

"hey, I'm sorry" he pouted.

"shh it's okay harris"

"no.. Please don't g-go" he was crying!

"i need to." i told him and my voice just cracked.

"pl-please Don-don't leave me" his cry was too loud.

"dad wants me to go there, Harris. I can't refuse his offer besides, i don't have any reason to stay here anymore, i didn't get the first spot. " i explained.

"me." he answered

"w-what?" i asked

" am i not enough reason to make you stay?" he cried again, uhhh my gosh.

"hey, you are. We're friends right? I'll visit. You can also visit me, you have a lot of money right?" i laughed so that he can stop crying.

"oh men! Im going to miss you" he hugged me so tight. I'm going to miss this jerk too.

" me too, always remember that i love you!" i hugged him back and silently crying because i don't want him to worry.

"i love you too" that was his last words before our airplane board.


"ohhhh but you two are only bestfriends?" jena asked. I can't answer my goshhh

"yes" Harris answered so my heart aches but it's okay, im over right? Im done with harris right? YES YOU ARE.

"uhhh,, still i will ship you two hahahahahhaa" julia laughed so i glared at harris to see his reaction and he was just smiling.

"shut up juls hahahahhaa" i answered.

"so what happened after you went here in canada?" jena asked again.

" we always text but one day he stopped. He ghosted me!" i pouted and looked at harris.

"hey! I did not" he defended.

"oh my gosh! Harris why would you do that to mariko?!" julia asked

"i-i didn't. I had a girlfriend." he told so i was like shocked to here that.

"what?!!! So that time when i met mariko, she was crying in the bar omg hahahahhaa" julia told everyone! Uhh it's embarrassing.

"h-hey" i whispered.

"hahahahaha u too look good together even before huh" archie told

"the best! And i think that they will be the best couple i ever Hahahahaha" jena laughed.

"hey, i didn't know that that he had a girlfriend" i told them and everyone was quiet already. Maybe they are shocked.

"w-what?! Harris did that? I thought you knew" archie stood up. Everyone was confuse now.

"h-he didn't tell me, he just didn't reply on my texts and yeah" i told. Harris was just quiet on my side.

"harris you should have told mariko that you have a girlfriend that time. I swear, mariko really cry over and over until she was over to you hahahahahahhaa" julia told harris and everyone laughed.

"hey, it's okay. I'm fine tho" i told and everyone was quiet until jena shouted.

"shhh! Lets just party!!!!! Wohoooooo" everyone stood up and the party begins. I really tried to hide my pain to make myself happy and yes, it was effective.

To be honest, wehn julia and i met i was crying in the bar and drinking so much tequila or whatever alcohol is that. I told her that a guy just stopped talking to me without even saying or telling goodbyes. I love harris that time, i am so inlove with him that time but its just.... It hurts. My boy bestfriend is my loved ones and had a girlfriend and he didn't even bother to tell me.

To be continued...