
misses alex

alex is a man that become a women , he is feminin person and like girl stuff. in his chilhood her mother wanted him a baby girl. she treat alex like women and when he adult he become a man girl. the first he is like a man but her hood and his played wanted him like women. now days he trap in the status social gender. many people know him as alexa but his gender is a man. alex working as call center in the big company, and he happy with his job. you know many custumer that he known as a women cause his voice like women. for the first he doesn't realize and dosen't care about the status. but fot long time he known as alexa and he really bother with that. he said am a man sir. thank you he really mad at that. his doesn't know what he think and now he become she, an a man become women. without escuse he like being women. what his like and he wanted is the way of him. and how his life with the struggling status of gender

Ahmad_Hayyi_Afriza · Urban
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26 Chs

6. i am a women

i wake up in the morning, i look up miror and said you can do it missis alex, this day toni asked him to having lunch together just toni and me. i am so happy to hear that i dont want to embrassing him and i know i will do the best of it.

hah... i am a women alex said to a mirror. this is the first date a think. suddenly after take a shower my phone ringing and i Hung up it. its from cindy and she said baby we go to shopping today can you company me.

i am sory i cant do it baby you know i have a new project in design. so you can company me , i am so sory. ok its ok i will go by myself.

so we go to work together i will wait in the bus stop ok. ok around 7 am ok. ok baby i love you, yeah i love you too.

i feel akward with that and i dont know about it. i just follow my feeling right know. ok i will dress like princes and i will look charming to make this special with tony.

ok i am a women , i'll go down the status of my house and take a breakfast. after that i go to office and meet with cindy at the bus stop.

mom , what sweet heart i go to office right now, maybe cindy already wait in the bus stop. ok . how about the date its ok mom, i feel guilty no honest to talk to her about this.

its ok , do what you like and follow your feeling, you are my baby girl. ok mom see you. but i am still guilty about it. dont worry just walk in the silence.

cindy will know you by the time. ok i'll go mom. we meet and go to office together. what project do you have missis alex you want to know yeah its call the damn project , hah... yeah you know i'll always name my project like that.

suddenly morning missis alex morning toni, morning cindy yeah sir morning. why you look so happy with hin alex me... no.,.. i just wanted to be kind in front of him.

i thought you fell in love with him.. me no way your my baby now cindy. yeah i know it. you know alex your still the man that i love and i dont give a shut opinion of people about you.

ohh... you said that, yeah alex your a man. cindy what if your wrong about me, what that its mean alex i mean what if i dont love and i am a transgender. i love a man cause i am women. oh if that true i dont forgive you about it , and your broken my hearth.

yeah i know just like i think of you baby. ok let go to work and i will beat you today hehehe... cindy said.