
misses alex

alex is a man that become a women , he is feminin person and like girl stuff. in his chilhood her mother wanted him a baby girl. she treat alex like women and when he adult he become a man girl. the first he is like a man but her hood and his played wanted him like women. now days he trap in the status social gender. many people know him as alexa but his gender is a man. alex working as call center in the big company, and he happy with his job. you know many custumer that he known as a women cause his voice like women. for the first he doesn't realize and dosen't care about the status. but fot long time he known as alexa and he really bother with that. he said am a man sir. thank you he really mad at that. his doesn't know what he think and now he become she, an a man become women. without escuse he like being women. what his like and he wanted is the way of him. and how his life with the struggling status of gender

Ahmad_Hayyi_Afriza · Urban
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26 Chs

4. part of me

after work we come by to shopping we meet in the shoping center to celebrate it. you know shopping center is our favorite place to relax and shopping window on it.

maybe you can call me crazy cause cindy and me like couple sometimes he kiss me and say i love, i dont know if its real but i do the same too to her. we just like couple when we at the mall.

our favorite film is same we like comedy romantic movie, buy although we have the same likes we different cause you know i am a man in dressing women. sometime i like having women friend than man.

man is suck and i hate it when i was kid. i always dream i become women but my status am a man. there is a part of that cindy dont know until now.

we come to the restaurant and we wait my parent . not for long my parent come. and we eat together. oh ya cindy what do you thing about alex. hhmmm.... i think i really love him he the kind of the women needed.

oh... mom why you should say like that dont answer cindy that stupid question. but already tell her you punk ohh... i feel embarsing yoh know ha..ha..ha.. its ok alexa i know you will angry but i really like you.

for real cindy yeah swear by god, oh.. what should i say to it, alex hearth said. ok i accept you to be my girl friend are you serius alex yah am serious i love you too cindy , you are like my complicated life for me.  i cant descrabe you to the detail, but you always there for me when i was cry, lonely, and happy i feel everything about you than other women that i know.

its getting late i better take cindy home, you should alex, i will pay for the dinner you better go and take her home. ok thanks mom and dad.

do you know the answer of your question is yes how about you cindy. oh i think you kidding but your serius ,and i want to say the truth is yes. so we are couple now, cindy kiss me for the first time and i kiss she back.

this is call live describe it, we in the van talking and laught together in my car. so you happy now cindy i cant imagine that alexa my friend become a man. i though you women. ok it is in the home and better sleeping see you tomorrow cindy, alex said. thank a lot baby yeah baby take care of yourself and see you.

when  i was driving for home i feel like i am a women. i know i dont know how to become a man. ahh... stress up to think about it.this is the part of me that no one know about me.