
MISS. GUN CHATMANEE มิส กัน แชทแมนนี่

A young lady,Gun Chatmanee fighting for her husband's love while working in his company: THE BENZ GROUP. With her evil mother-in-law,Dao Chirawan trying to replace her with another woman - Kwang Kanchana who will instead marry her husband and take place of her in everything including the business. Benz Narong is treacherous,cruel,evil and hot-tempered and is taking sides with his mother. This instead makes Gun Chatmanee to start working even more harder than usual in order to have the shareholders on her side when she can finally be promoted to the COO from her original position of a sales manager. In an accident Gun Chatmanee meets Chai Mee Noi who seems to understand her problem but instead of helping her he tries to pursue her himself. What will do choose to be with her treacherous husband: Benz Narong or with a kind and gentle handsome gentleman: Chai Mee Noi.

Crytalcasey · Urban
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18 Chs


She waved her hand to dismiss the Dao Chirawan from her office.

Gun Chatmanee browsed through the files on her desk whole-heartedly and leaned against the chair with her hands crossed on her chest.

Her plan of becoming the COO had to come in plan no matter what the odds she would face, she thought.

Dao Chirawan was seen to disappear from the corner of the building as she headed to the technology office by the entrance of the hallway's door.

She made her way down the stairs and towards the hallway.


The melodious chirping of birds could be heard very early in the mornings.

The city was filled with all sorts of morning activity.

Some people opening up their businesses,cars racing on the roads,people conversing on streets including hubbubs from customers and sellers.

The food stalls had just opened and the sweet aroma from the various delicacies being cooked and served filled the city.

Traffic was building up on the roads.

Crowds of pedestrians, shoppers and others could be seen walking along the pavements outside the shops or trying to cross the roads.

The noise of cars and taxis hooting, or of scooters, flying past is deafening. Anyone who stops by to watch the scene is amazed at the number of vehicles zooming past or crawling along when caught at the traffic lights.

From the outside viewer the Benz group was seen to glimmer and shine in the morning sunlight.

The sun rays penetrated through the glass windows making it to appear like a magical palace.

The sound of water dripping from a statue's mouth at the center of a glistening white fountain pleased the people who were seated on the public facility chairs while chatting away their worries while inattentively watching over the happy birds playing in the clear luscious liquid.


The maidens who worked in the Benz mansion were already up preparing breakfast for the family.

The freshly trimmed lawn, flowering bushes and sunlight and light from the sunshine outside reflected off the surface of the pool like on a typical warm summer day.

There were stone statues guarding the entrance of the Benz mansion.

They were beleived to keep evil spirits away from the mansion and act as a decorative factor.

The sound of water dripping from a statue's mouth at the center of a glistening white fountain pleased the grounds men who were trimming the lawns while chatting away their worries while inattentively watching over the happy birds playing in the clear luscious liquid.

To the outside viewer, the mansion seemed identical to any other in the prestigious neighborhood.

Large curtained windows set in solid concrete walls and burnt red tiles on the roof.

Stone statues guarding the entrance, a freshly trimmed lawn, flowering bushes and moonlight and light from the floodlights outside reflecting off the surface of a pool on a typical warm summer day.

A well-kept gravel path led to automatic double doors.

Inside, rested proudly several brand-new sumptuous vehicles.

A desolate bicycle leaned groaning against the mucky wall.

A rusty toolbox screeched bearing the weight of various gardening instruments.

A colossal couch occupied the living room along with the most recent TV released.

Sitting by the border with her pale legs, sat a young woman staring numbly at the ripples spreading from where her bare feet glided across the lustrous water.

Kwang Kanchana walked from the pool and went and sat down on a chair underneath an umbrella where Dao Chirawan, Benz Narong's mother was seated.

Sitting on the chairs under a white umbrella.

A table with two orange glasses filled to the brim and a jug were neatly arranged.

Kwang Kanchana stared at her pale legs.

There Dao Chirawan and Kwang Kanchana sat two staring numbly at the ripples spreading from where the colourful balloon floaties glided across the lustrous water.

"Gun Chatmanee might just become the COO of the Benz group and because of this our plan of replacing her must be rushed or else, we will be regretting our choices." How do you feel?" Dao Chirawan asked Kwang Kanchana.

She took a drink from the glass and gently placed it back on the table.

"Proud of her... and at the same time pity for me."

"Why the mixed bittersweet reaction. Do you feel that you should be the one to become the COO of the Benz group and the legal wife of my son, Benz Narong instead?" Dao Chirawan asked.


"If you would also like to be a well-known COO of the Benz group and all the shareholders vote for you in the Benz group. I can help you with overthrowing Gun Chatmanee and using her as your stepping stone." Dao Chirawan replied.

Kwang Kanchana thought she knew her mother well as a kind woman but the version that appeared in front of her now was a completely different version of her.

Kwang Kanchana smiled at her mothet before she took the glass of orange juice again.

Gun Chatmanee stood in the shadows by her bedroom window, her back to the room.

From her vantage position on the third floor of the mansion where their mansion was located, she had a bird's eye view of the sprawling neighbourhood.

There from the third floor she spotted the two chatting and concluded that they were now working on a plan to out throw her.


▷𝚂𝚞𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛 𝙾𝚏𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝙾𝚗 𝚃𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛, 𝙵𝚊𝚌𝚎𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚖 ◄

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