
Miss Zombie: A K-pop Idol

They were surrendered by people attacking them as if they wanted to eat them all. They were their prey and they were just scared especially that one girl who was covered by bl**d all over her clothes, and face and was scared for their lives, that bl*od wasn’t hers but theirs who were coming to attack her and the people who were with her. She tried to look at the people who were standing beside her but couldn’t because her attention was on their hunters. She could tell that she was surrounded by muscular and handsome men, but does it matter if they are handsome or not at the point where she and they can die anytime? No. It was tense and very chaotic that she struggled to breathe and held something sharp for the attackers to protect themselves. A girl lazy girl who isn't doing anything for her future gets herself into a messed up situation, an apocalypse with none other than some K-pop idols, and American singers. But it is somewhere her fault that she is stuck with them. After all, it started with a kiss. But there's a secret she needs to keep from everyone else. Will she be able to come out of the mess? If she does then will her life be the same as before even when she made the popular people fall in love with her? Will she even meet them after she gets out of the apocalypse? She ends up being popular, Miss. Zombie. Filled with Love, Drama, Adventure, Comedy, Sweet romance, thriller, and horror.

Tesbie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Going out to become preys?

"Yes, I mean we need to go outside… yeah… aahh hmm." She repeated herself and nodded innocently when she let those two words out of her mouth, Everyone's reaction was screaming 'Not agreed' at her but then someone broke the silence. "And where will we go?" KR was the one who broke the silence and asked her in a calm voice.

"To the nearest mall." She replied quickly making everyone else even more shocked. "Just do whatever is needed because I need to use the restroom!" Nolan yelled at everyone. "But why mall?" Jose ignored his brother and asked her. "Because we can find everything there like food, clean clothes, a place to sleep, a large roof for a helicopter to land, and a washroom too." She explained the reason behind choosing a mall to go to. "Nice, But don't you think it will be very hard to even reach there." Ezra was in doubt. "There will be zombies all over the mall as well." KR finally found his voice to ask questions after recovering from the shock. "There will be, no doubt. But just think about it, we can't stay here for 5 long days." Tiara tried to convince them.

"I think she is...right." Vin was with her and supported her again, trusting her more than himself. "I trust her too." JJ said while stepping forward to stand with Vin. "Me too." Joy raised his hand because they all saw how she protected them yesterday and how her all plans worked out well till now, there was no reason not to trust her.

Tiara smiled at them to thank them for their support. "Okay okay, but how are we supposed to get there? We can't run between zombies, right?" Nolan was still pissed off because he needed to go to the washroom. "We can take a bus because we are 15 in total and only a bus can carry us all together and I think we can find an empty bus to drive because all the people are here is…uhmm.. Well dead, I guess." Tiara was talking confidently but struggled to call them zombies at last. "Right, Bu-" KR was going to say something again but Nolan cut him off. "No buts! I am telling you I can't control." Nolan burst out in anger at them to stop talking and go wherever she wanted to go.

"Okay okay, Let me explain this to our parents." KR said and explained everything to their parents meanwhile Tiara decided to open the door and grab the wooden rods that they left outside when they come in yesterday. JJ and Joy shifted the couch a little to let her go outside to grab the rods.

She jumped over the couch and went outside, luckily the zombies were far away giving her enough time to grab the rods silently and go back inside. She grabbed the rods quickly without making any sound and jumped into the room without any delay. It was the easiest work she did since yesterday.

Joy and JJ shifted the couch back to where it was before. "So, Shall we go now?" Tiara asked KR if he was done discussing everything. "Yes… I think so…" He was afraid but still agreed because somewhere he knew she was right.

"Okay, Then let's go. Grab the rods, those who don't end up having any will stay beside us for protection." Tiara said while grabbing one of the woods. They started to pick the rods one by one.

Wooden rods were 13 in total this time but they were 15 in total making 2 people go without any of the weapons to attack. One of the rods was unsharpened because it was outside of the room since yesterday and Tiara couldn't sharpen it up which was taken by KR. As usual, Joy didn't want to take the rod because he wanted to record everything and another person was Mrs. Kim.

"Who's going to remove the couch from the way?" Jose asked looking at everyone else. "No need to shift the couch because we aren't going through the door." Tiara scratched her nape and looked at her crush. "Then how?" Ian was confused by her sudden plan. "Through the window." She pointed to the window area where she slept last night. "Why?" Joy asked her as he started recording. "Because I think it's a good idea to use a back exit rather than the front one as there's a possibility that there are more zombies in this building rather than outside because it's a big agency after all." She stated a fact and everyone seem to agree with her statement.

Mr. Kang went near the window to see if it was okay to go outside and luckily, it was safe. He slowly opened the window to go out but Tiara approached his shoulder to stop him. He turned his head to look at her with a questionable look but she just smiled and jumped out of the window without any delay and any answers.

She looked around for a few seconds and then gestured for them to come outside. "I think the elders will need a little help to jump out safely even though they look young." She explained why she jumped first and KR translated it to his parents quickly. She won their hearts with her caring nature toward them. Mr. Kang approach the window again to jump out but they heard a scream from a little afar.

"Ah, come on!" Tiara jittered and cursed under her breath. She aimed the rod toward the voice or to be more exact a woman with ashy skin. Soon the rod went through an ashy woman's stomach and her blood was spilled on Tiara's clothes. "It's too early for this." She was disgusted at herself. She was lost in her thoughts that got disturbed by yet another scream she turned her head back to look at the owner of the scream.

It was another zombie who was coming to attack her. She kicked the first one to let its body fall on the ground because the body was stuck to her rod and then she turned to attack the other one. This time rod went thr*ugh its chest spilling all its bl*od on her face and her expression changed into repulsed closing her eyes to avoid and forget what she is doing to protect herself and the others and trying not to let it haunt her for the rest of her life. She kicked out the body from the rod and rubbed her mouth on the shoulder to get rid of the bl*od from her mouth.

She looked around again to ensure that it was safe now and then her attention fell on the people inside with scared faces. She nodded and gestured for them to come outside as it was safe now.

She helped the elders to get out first and then one by one everyone got out. It was the back of the building and then they started to move to the front of the building to find a bus but they couldn't be at peace for more than 10 minutes because soon they were encountered by some zombies as soon as they reach the road. They formed a circle around Mrs. Kang and Joy because they didn't have anything to protect themselves and fought the zombies. She was covered in bl*od keeping the sharp thing straight to attack their hunters. She and the others were their prey that they were going to have in their breakfast and then she remembered her nightmares as the exact scene was in front of her eyes that she was having in her nightmares. 'So, I was right, It wasn't a normal dream but glimpses of the future.' She sighed at her thought and k*lled one of them again. "Keep walking forward because they won't stop coming after us." Tiara said struggling to keep up with the fight.

They all kept moving which resulted in breaking the circle barrier they created for Joy and Mrs. Kang making Joy terrified. A zombie attacked Joy while Tiara was k*lling another who attacked her as Tiara was behind everyone else as usual. Tiara looked at the zombie who attacked Joy and Joy who was still holding his phone straight to record instead of protecting himself from the zombie. She sighed after k*lling the one who attacked her and shoving away the one the other one away from Joy. "Do you want to die?" She stared at Joy who was still screaming being scared of the recent attack while she pi*rced the rod through the zombie's st*mach.

"Stop! You are going to attract more of them!" She shut his mouth but then she heard screams from a bit afar, Her eyes widened in horror after seeing around 30 zombies running toward them. "Run!" She yelled and everyone started running not knowing where should they go or what are they going to do now. They ran toward a crossroad when Jose saw a bus on the left turn of the crossroad. "There's a bus!" He pointed to the bus a little bit far letting everyone know about it and as expected everyone started to run toward the bus. Fortunately, The way to the bus was clear other than the zombies running right behind them.

"Wait, There are a few zombies inside the bus." Ezra noticed a few zombies while making a run for the bus. "Just get inside, We can fight a few but not those who are behind us." Tiara yelled again because they were just inches away from her.

They all started to get into the bus, Ian was the first one to get in. He k*lled one zombie just when he went a little in and others helped him k*lling another few zombies just after they get into the bus. KR stood near the driving seat and looked around to find a button that close the bus gates when Tiara entered the bus after Joy who was still busy trying to record everything but Tiara struggled to keep the zombies outside of the bus.

"Close the door already!" Tiara shouted at KR while she kept the zombies outside with the help of her rod. JJ came to KR and started looking for the button. JJ found the button just after a few seconds he came to look unlike KR. He pressed it and the gates closed quickly letting Tiara take breaths that she held for a few minutes struggling to protect themselves.

She bent down a little holding her knees after she dropped the rod while KR and JJ went to sit in the passenger's seats and Joy was still standing there recording the zombies who were desperate to come in. When her breaths came back to their normal state, She stood straight and looked at everyone else who was sitting on the passenger seats and Joy started to move back to take his seat as well.

She stood there watching everything while her brain was loading everything and then her gaze fell on the driver's seat where no one was sitting. "Who's going to drive?" She innocently and slowly pointed to the driver's seat and everyone's face turned pale as if they were outside of the bus again. "You?" Ezra replied while raising his eyebrows at her. "What made you think I can drive?." She threw a question at them which made them feel like their hearts fall from their chests.

"But wasn't it your plan to go on a bus?" KR's voice was filled with disappointment. "Aren't you the one who always calls me a kid?" She complained back. "And you all are adults, famous and working. Aren't you supposed to know how to drive?" She yelled and looked at them with a done expression. "We know drive car." Sam replied to her with not-so-good English but understandable enough. "Then drive this bus! I don't think there's much difference!" She encouraged him because the stakes were high.

"Ok ok." Sam stood up from his seat and went to the driver's seat. He successfully started the bus's engine and started to drive straightly, Tiara looked at the zombies outside one last time and pulled her tongue outside to tease the unwanted guests for their success which didn't go unnoticeable by everyone, They smiled a little after seeing her childish act but unknowingly some of the blood went inside her mouth at that time which was covering her mouth before which no one noticed.

Tiara went to take took one of the front seats. "Where?" Sam asked for the direction they are supposed to go. "I searched a mall nearby." She tapped on the direction button to start the navigation system. "Straight." She told Sam to go straightly when her eyes fell on the battery left. 'God, I only have 7% battery left. Hopefully, We will reach there before the battery runs out.' She prayed internally. "It's 20 minutes away." She informed everyone and they just nodded as there wasn't much they can do about it.

Tiara continued to show the way to Sam and after 4 minutes she remembered something. She looked at Joy who had stopped recording after Sam started the bus. "Can you stop with this recording thing? You were going to die back then." She scoffed at him. "Huh?" Joy didn't understand what she just said. As usual, KR jumped into their conversation and translated it to Joy. "I don't have anything to… save me." Joy tried to give an excuse.

"You could use your legs or hands to push it away from you." She waved her legs and hands to make him understand and he did understand what she meant as well. "I… was scared.." He hesitated to accept that he got frozen and afraid to protest. Tiara didn't take this conversation any further because she could understand his situation, She took a deep breath and stood up facing everyone gathering their attention toward her.

"I just want to say that… remember it's us or… us." She started her speech and put pressure on the word 'us'. "There's no option for them as they are already dead. So, Don't hold yourself back from attacking them." She stopped and took a deep breath before continuing. "And, I wanted to say if something happens to any of us… Including myself then don't hold yourself back to attack and k*ll because that person will be already dead." She wasn't being straight about what she meant about it was obvious enough for them to understand. She lowered her eyes, her eyes were moist while KR translated it to his Korean fellow.

Tiara was about to sit on her seat again when Sam slowed down the bus. She went near the driver's seat to look at why he is slowing down the bus. "Why did you slow downed the bus?" Tiara questioned him after looking outside. "Zombies." He pointed outside from where the zombies running toward the bus crowding the way they were going. Tiara looked at him in disbelief when she understood why he was slowing down the bus. He was going to stop the bus just because the zombies were on the way letting them attack on the bus and them.