
Miss trickster transmigrates

V1v1_3nn3 · Teen
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4 Chs

Next Destination

As the system went silent, Jordan decided to see if there was anything useful for her here in this bedroom of 'hers' as she thoroughly goes through her new found memories since she thought if she has this body this room and this brain she might have memories too and was surprisingly right.

She finds cash. And Decent amount of clothes and basic necessities one would keep in their bedroom.

She sits on the bed and goes through her housing situation through the information she can gather so far.

Jordan is living with her grandparents while studying at Thorne military high school. Shes also living with them since the old Jordan didnt want her parents to suffer anymore humiliation than they already do and she also seems to have mommy and daddy- no, family issues. As such they havent seen each other since she was 6.

'Weird. This body as a six year old was kinda mature-ish so why is she 'unuseful'? With that maturity she could've at least ended up successful at best average, Whatever.'

Jordan understood the basic things of her new situation and walked down the stairs and into the large kitchen.

The reason she went here first is because she saw how her grandparents treated the old Jordan despite her being f*cling moronic and decided to honour the old Jordan by protecting her new family in her stead I dont know some sense of responsibility from old Jordan in heart cold dead, heart or something.

So she started by making breakfast for them.

As she was doing this, an elderly couple walked down the steps wondering what the good smell coming from the kitchen was.

Soon after, this elderly couple entered the kitchen and looked at Jordan with shock written all over their faces.

This elderly couple were Jordan's new grandparents, Mr and Mrs Callister. Jordan's maternal grandparents.

As Jordan already noticed them earlier Jordan turned around and smiled seemingly like she was glowing with cheerfulness.

This just shocked Jordans grandparents even more. Because the Jordan they knew always kept her head down and was almost always gloomy. Even though if she wasnt so gloomy and kept her head up as she was doing now she would of been considered an unparelled beauty.

This brought tears to Mrs callister eyes. She had never seen her youngest granddaughter smile so brightly before.

But, this was Jordan's goal. If you've noticed and diddnt skim through the 'not worth my time backstory' Jordan was an unparalleled scammer so her skill of reading people through slight glance was impeccable.

Jordan wanted to revoke the so-called unbearably stupid title and twist it into young genius title instead, if she can, if she cant she thought it could be fun to run away or something and live in luxury surrounded by chocolate, cake and adorable animals (preferably baby hedgehogs and deers, look it up, you'll understand).

If anyone who knew the old Jordan heard this, they would indefinitely puke blood.

The dumbass of Devinlery nation become a genius would sound like a pipe dream to them.

But, this was no ordinary stupid ass bitch this was a previously unfoolable scammer and Ex- elite military special forces soldier, personally trained by the cruel general himself AND THEN transmigrated into that dead kid.

And so she planned to break the laws of logic and become a young genius (as I repeat if shes bothered to).

And the first step to that. Is to fix the problems with her family (and as I've said, if she can).

Which seems easy enough (heh,if only she knew).

"Morning grandpa and grandma!"

The old couple were practically blown away by her beauty. Clear jade skin that touching it had the capability of turn you to ice, Big, innocent but wicked, grey eyes as if you look into them you would lose your mind, and lastly long silky gold hair that reached to her waist.

Unbearably beautiful.

Grandpa then mustered the courage to ask.

"Uhm. Jordie what happened? You seem... happier."

Jordan expected this from her new Grandfather, from what she new, her mother's side were all quandillic (kinda like russian on the original Earth) which concludes to her rarely seen appearance. And that her grandmother and grandfather were considered skilled doctors in the army but as they got older both had to retire due to their old age (and probably had some type of cheesy love story too).

So basically they knew how to get to the point and take action.

Enthusiastically Jordan did the same.

"I've decided to no longer be so gloomy and gain enough power to protect us all instead of being protected. So I'll start by making breakfast. As they say, one small step and you're already closer to your goal."

Her grandmother once again. Teared up and ran to Jordan squeezing her tight in her embrace.

"Oh my child! I'm already proud you dont have to push yourself."

"But I want to, grandmother. and I no longer want to be trash."

Jordan almost rolled her eyes at this free-style performance and thought to herself.

'*sigh* so cheesy of I have to keep doing this maybe I will give up no questions asked...'

When Grandma finally stopped crying she stepped back and lightly held Jordan's shoulders.

"Alright. *sniff* you should get dressed for school while we finish this..."

"Omelette with chopped tomatoes."

As Grandma pushed up her red rimmed glasses as she answered.

"Ah. yes Omelette."

When Jordan entered her room she dropped her poker face and let out her true colours.

"*Giggle* Really. Me, a huge time... influencer is now studying with a bunch of moronic brats?!"


After putting on her uniform with a plain black skirt, black high socks that go over her knee and a plain white button shirt and finally her dark purple blazer on.

She then, tied her hair into a light braid a the back of her head.

Jordan looked at herself in the mirror and smirked.

"Next destination. A school full of moronic brats."

Jordan then went down stairs, grabbed an apple, put on her shoes and took one last look at her grandparents to finally take it all in to truly realise she is no longer at her old crappy apartment, old 'job'... and have to bare with her... loneliness.

She saw them eating the breakfast she made, with glee not even looking at her direction that they were so absorbed at the food she prepared for them.

Then she left.