
Miss Rong

Miss Rong has been acting strangely ever since she returned after that accident. She doesn't eat much, nor she talks to anybody. She seems different from her past self.

"is there anything wrong with Miss Rong?"

Miss Lin, a senior maid at Jiang Mansion, asked Xiao Lu, a new maid in charge of Miss Rong's daily necessities.

Xiao Lu has been serving Miss Rong only for the past few weeks. ever since Miss Rong returned from the hospital, she has been by her side. she is strictly instructed by Mr. Jiang to avoid any interactions with the members of the Jiang family, especially if they ask anything about Miss Rong.

"Maybe she hit her head during that accident..." another maid, who had just entered the kitchen said. she also came to get some gossip about MIss Rong, as it has become a trending topic in Jiang Mansion these days. everyone wanted to know about Miss Rong.

Miss Lin serves Madam Jiang, Mr. Jiang's stepmother. She is also curious about Miss Rong, as she comes from a well-influential family in IT Industry.

She is worried, if Jiang Ze, the first eldest son of Jiangs, marries the only daughter of the Liu Chen group, his foothold over the family business will be even stronger. which, may not be a beneficial situation for her.

also, Rong Ziyi is the only granddaughter of Mr. Liu, who was an old friend of Master Jiang, Jiang Ze's father. so naturally, both families decided on their marriage. however, Mrs. Jiang wanted to set her up with her own son for her personal benefit.

Xiao Lu remembers every instruction she received from Mr. Jiang, and also, what he taught her when meeting with such a situation.

after thinking a bit, she smiled and politely replied, "You're right. Miss was fortunate enough that Young Master Yue happened to be there at the right time. otherwise, god knows what would have happened."

"You Mea..." Miss Lin wanted to ask more, But Xiao Lu quickly ignored their questions and picked up the tray, which she was preparing for Miss Rong's breakfast, and hurriedly walked out of the kitchen. while both maids were still standing there, looking at each other, and finally returned to their respective works.

Madam Jiang is the second wife of Master Jiang, who also came from a noble family. she has a son, named Jiang Yue, who is younger than Jiang Ze by several years, however, the gap is not much.

Rong Ziyi is the granddaughter of the President of the Liu Chan Group. they have all settled abroad for over a decade. it's been only a few weeks since she returned, and she already faced a serious accident.

no one clearly knows what exactly happened. They only know that it was Jiang Yue, Jiang Ze's younger brother, who saved her on time. he happened to be in the same place, where the accident happened.

Jiang Ze suspects it might be an attack, however, they didn't find anything strange, except Rong Ziyi's behavior.

it looks like something is really off with her. She seems to lose her memories. She couldn't recognize anyone, instead, she's been uttering some strange words. her way of speaking has completely changed. She couldn't even recognize her fiancee, Jiang Ze, for whom, she didn't spare any effort to get engaged with him.

the matter was sensitive as well as carries many doubts. they can't afford to make any mistakes. Hence, they kept it secret, not only from outsiders but also from members of Jiang's mansion.

also, they suspect that someone from the family might be involved in this case. therefore, instead of telling the truth, they have been making different excuses. so that they can absorb the situation first.

another task in front of them is the safety of Miss Rong, who at the moment, is not in her right senses.

Except for Xiao Lu, no one is allowed to visit Miss Rong. still, somehow, the news of Miss Rong's accident went out. now most people, if not all, knows about the case. family members are also curious about the situation.

however, no one in the family dares to ask Jiang Ze directly. not even Mrs. Jiang. so they can only try other methods to get some information.

"Miss Rong..." Xiao Lu knocked on the door before coming in.

"Miss, you've already awake?" she questioned politely while looking at Rong Ziyi, who was sitting at the window, looking outside.

hearing her voice, she calmly turned around and gaze at her with her dark obsidian eyes.

she is a pretty girl in her twenties. She has a round face with soft features, with no excessive makeup or accessories. she is not too tall or very thin. her clothes are plain but neat.

"Miss, Your Breakfast is here," she said while flashing a smile.

without reacting much, She calmly came over and sat on the table. Xiao Lu served the dishes one after another. All the dishes are plain as she was instructed. She sat calmly on the table and started eating.

while Xiao Lu stood at a little distance, still looking at her. She couldn't believe her eyes. how can a person change this much in a few days? not only her behavior but her habits and way of responding to the situation, everything seems different from the past.

in the last few days, she has doubted many times, if she really is the same Miss Rong who she use to serve.

it has been the same for over a week. ever since she awoke from a coma, her behavior has changed drastically. She talks only when necessary and replies in very few words.

her eating habits have also changed. before this, she never liked plain food, and now, she claims to be a vegetarian. her behavior and manners, both have changed.

she used to be a lively and carefree girl. but looking at her now, she seems a well-disciplined, proper-mannered girl. she wakes up early and sleeps at nine with no exceptions.

is it really because she is still sick? in the last few days, she never pestered Mr. Jiang, like she used to. instead, she seems to avoid talking with anybody in the family except little Yu.

He is a six-year-old little boy, Mr. Jiang's son. after his mother's death, he usually doesn't speak much. let alone interact with strangers, he is even less active with most of the family members. however, it's different with Miss Rong. He seems to like Miss Rong, and so does she.

"I didn't see Xiao Yu today!" Miss Rong Asked.

hearing her, Xiao Lu got shocked for a moment. in the last few days, this is the first time Miss Rong initiated the conversation.

"Um... He, He went to school," she answered.

"School?", she looked curious, as if she never heard about this term. xiao Lu seemed puzzled by her question.

"Isn't what she has been doing for days? to pick up and drop Little Yu at school to impress Mr. Jiang? now she forgot this too?" she thought in her mind, then spoke.

"Miss, Little Master Yu's school has opened for days. he's been slacking off from the school in the name of your illness for days. today Master Jiang himself went to drop him to school. he cried a lot, but in the end, studying is important, right?"

Ziyi nodded while smiling faintly and then continued eating.

she was eating slowly and elegantly. which made Xiao Lu think of the past. before her accident, while eating Ziyi never followed the table manners and all those formalities.

she claims herself a modern lady, who has been living abroad for years and has fully assimilated into the culture. she couldn't believe in her own eyes. even in her village, Xiao Lu had never seen anyone eating with such elegance and manners.

looking at her at this moment, she could not decide which one is her real self.

Xiao Lu was silently looking at her, without saying anything. Despite all those thoughts and ideas, she never forgets what Mr. Jiang ordered her to do.

She was specially hired by Mr. Jiang to keep an eye on Rong Ziyi and report any unusual movement at once. Along with caretaking, xiao Lu is also a trained bodyguard. Who was hired especially for Miss Rong, as Mr. Jiang already had some idea about the situation.

On the other hand, Ziyi, who seemed carefree about what was happening around her, was also somewhat alert. She quickly finished her meals and ordered Xiao Lu to go out, making an excuse, in the name of being tired and needing rest.

Xiao Lu didn't doubt any of her actions. She obediently picked up the tray and left the room, wishing her to have a good rest.

As soon as Xiao Lu left the room, she swiftly closed the door and started looking around as if she wanted to find something. She looked at every big and small object, where it could be. However, she found nothing.

She has been in a coma for the last few weeks and only gained consciousness a few days ago. Even after gaining consciousness, she wasn't in a condition to take any action. She couldn't understand, how her body became this weak. Also, the injuries on her body.

All of this makes no sense to her. It took her days to analyze the situation, still, quite hard to understand, let alone accept it. The things, the people, everything is unfamiliar to her.

Neither the people nor the World she is in, seems familiar. Even the body, she is in, is unfamiliar to her. Rong Ziyi is not her true identity. Coincidentally, the face is similar to hers, however, nothing else. The strength of this body is far less than her original self.

In her world, she is a trained martial artist as well as a powerful cultivator of the Sheng clan. Her father is a leader of the famous Sheng clan, respected by many.

in a blink of an eye, her whole reality changed completely.

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