
Miss Reincarnated

Something strange is happening within Arcadia once again! What will come of it this time? will all reality end for good? Warning: this story may contain sexual activity, violence, threats and possibly death. You have been warned! (Legends of Arcadia fanfic story)

GogetaFanUwU · TV
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

*this chapter may have random gibberish and I have a hard time filling in proper spell wording so stick with me okay*

400 years went by the kingdom was in the skies using the power of Esmeralda, and what resigned within her pendant cracking her as centuries go by, making it clear that no one cared about her as only Albus and the librarian came down, checking on the progress ensuring that she hasn't escaped, however today is going to be much different from the others.

Esmeralda remained numbed below her waist from how long, she remained glued to the floor for using whatever her mind could come up with to remain calm by the fact she is forever stuck down here, loosing all sanity there more she remained stuck down there, looking exhausted and done with life with long hair that hasn't been cut in forever, she was cursed by Albus to never die under no circumstances that is specified to magic and magic alone.

"Here. Your daily worth of bread. Don't waste it you animal" The librarian snarly replied throwing the bread straight at her hitting the poor las in the face, before it fall bounding onto the ground in front of her as she struggled to reach out for it, while the librarian just chuckled seeing her struggle to reach for the savoury treat already severely malnourished from only being fed one loaf of bread a day. "You should've stayed in Camelot, it's were a monster like you deserved to suffer being alone despite being incredibly dangerous and beautiful, but it's my job to keep you alive for as long as I can, since we have big things planned for you, darling" coldly replying as Esmeralda ignored her finally grabbing the loaf of bread, eating a handful of it as she planned of saving the rest for later, despite her stomach pain caused my the malnourishment of being severely underfed.

The librarian grew impatient expecting Esmeralda to yell back like she had for last centuries, but nowadays she remained silent and out of her mind not listening to a word they have been saying, but truthfully Esmeralda just didn't want to give them a reaction, other than give them a glare reminding them that she will never forgive them for what they've done to her, and those in Camelot with fishing them with their lies.

"How much longer until they decided to stop using my magic? I can't take this pain anymore!" Thinking to herself despite being stuck there she grew used of being treated like trash, as this was her lesson of trusting people she hardly knew without thinking of what it could cause her in the end. In endless agony Esmeralda was at the verge of breaking, until the idiots who got her in this situation came down the stairwell with Albus by their side who had her pendant in his hands, their cold and silent demeanour confused her as she frantically looked at each and every one of them.

"Don't look at me like that, you know how much it hurts me to see you chained down like this, Esme" Theo said freezing her in shock not really getting the message remember that specific day, when he chose to cheat on her with her supposed best friend and now he's sympathetic?

"Don't call me that.. You have no right to call me anything anymore. You're a cheater, a fake and I HATE YOU! " Esmeralda responded in a serious tone showing no guilt in any of her words surprising him as he glanced at Becky.

"Don't listen to her, you know she's just jealous that you chose someone better than a monstrous Camelot loser like her" Becky replied making Esmeralda growl in response startling her despite the sorceress being stuck down by chains.

"Stop it! We haven't got the time for this, the blue moon is coming soon, and I refuse to let it's light touch her so get in formation" Albus ordered as the two got in their respective positions. "Normally for a sealing for someone of this power 5 are recommended, but luckily for us my power is strong enough to complete the ritual" he added having no use of her anymore striking fear within her.

"A what?! W-wait you aren't thinking about sealing me away, right? Don't you need my magic to keep this kingdom afloat?!" Esmeralda panicked not getting the reason behind all of this, and why before a blue moon? What is so important about it?

"It's too late to beg for freedom, beast. Now do you both remember what I've taught you, right?" Albus replied not giving the prisoner what reason she asked for making her anxiety skyrocket, as Theo and Becky nodded readying themselves to begin. Everyone was in formation with both hands out aiming straight at Esmeralda who was fearing for her life not wanting be sealed away for the rest of eternity. "Now after me.." he added starting the process as everyone must be in sync with one another in order for it to happen properly without any failures.

"ႬႸაႦოႸ êhߧk ꅐꃳ꒤ꋊꏂꄲꋪ ꏂꁝꁝꏂ꒐!!" The spell was casted as both the pendant and Esmeralda began to levitate, unchaining her from the cuffs she was bound with for the past 400 years of her life, confused on what in hell was happening. The three remained focused not aloud to speak another word despite being Theo and Becky's first time doing this type ritual, as they watched as Esmeralda was sucked into the pedant along with the magic that flowed within it. FOREVER. When it was over Albus kept the pendant by his side at all times, in fear that someone will one day come by and try and retrieve it freeing the supposed evil he had originally sealed away for all eternity.

The kingdom remained floating out of sight for 500 years, after Esmeralda's sealing into the pendant remaining around the wizard's neck for safe, while she continued to torment and guilt him time to time of the huge mistake he had made that day. Phoenix mainly ran on a specific large purple crystal, that gifted them eternal magic for all that wish to be chosen and use its magic for the name of good.

"You called me, sir?" Theo walked into Albus' office seeing him looking out from this window, down at the field ground of his academy or what is left of Phoenix due to a misuse of magic, causing half of the place to crumble and fall taking some innocent lives along with it, but he didn't care about a single one of them.

"I've heard that you're friends with someone from Camelot, am I right? What are they like nowadays, boy?" Albus questioned him looking not as happy, and yet curious of what their people are like after almost a millennium of separation since Esmeralda's appearance.

"Well.. The kingdom is no more, Sir. Yet his apprentice is still alive thriving in a town called, Arcadia" responding truthfully before glancing at the pendant that held someone he used to know very well, even though the guilt remained with him sadly now being stuck single ever since the day Becky unexpected died.

"Hm, I guess it's true after all.. Is he still aware that Esmeralda is missing? You haven't told him yet, have you?" He asked again wanting to go more deeper, seeing how nervous Theo is becoming slightly sweating rubbing his neck in response.

"No. But I think he's catching on as I don't think he knows that I'm a wizard yet.. Besides, he isn't really as dumb as you said he was.." Theo replied reminding the wizard that his information was wrong very wrong, as it has been awhile since Albus has left the Kingdom as the fear of losing the pendant to some thief.

"Good. Make sure no one finds out about this or you'll be sealed away along with her!" Albus was beginning to grow paranoid having the only excuse, but to threaten the boy despite no longer being his teacher. Theo was terrified by the thought of being sealed away just like his ex, knowing that one day she'll break free and seek for revenge.

"Yes! I will ensure you that no one will find out!" Theo yelled in response like a loyal soldier unaware that on the other side of that door, an unknown figure listened in hearing this before suddenly vanishing not allowing anyone to see its appearance, or who this mysterious person was now knowing exactly what is happening behind what's left of Phoenix.

When Theo returned back to Arcadia he grew unsure of that to say incase they do grow suspicious, as a book they found from the local library spoke about the mysteries of Phoenix and how it first came to be all, because of a fiery bird of flames before mentioning something about the chosen one who was gifted at birth with immense magical powers, that don't need a staff or book to control it. Making things far more interesting and dangerous if on the wrong side.

"If they find out what really happened to Esmeralda, I'm sure to be a goner!" Theo thought to himself panicking like mother who was trying to find her child that had ran away in the mall.

"That was quick, where did you actually go?" Theo jumped before glancing back, seeing that it was just Claire the one of many to see him randomly vanish and appear out of nowhere.

"Um.. It won't be a secret if I tell you would it? But don't worry about it wasn't anything important" Theo replied acting completely calm all of a sudden slight getting her attention from suddenly changing his demeanour.

"If you say so.." Claire confusing replied as Theo just wondered off leaving her to quickly follow after him. "So, how's things with you and Zoe?" She asked making it pretty obvious that something was happening between the two, even though never really revealing it to anyone.

"Good I guess, how's Jim?" He calmly responded not giving her the reaction she wanted from him as she softly sighed in response.

"He's fine, but onto more important tings, I think the library is that way" Claire grabbed his jacket pulling him back pointing in the actual direction they're supposed to go.

"I know this is gonna sound odd, but.. Can I ask you something?" Theo randomly asked as she got her ear ready for the question he was so eager for her to answer.

"Is it possibly about Douxie? *Theo remains silent* Oh it is about Douxie! Sorry, just ask me the question already" surprisingly responded not expecting to guess it correctly, and yet hearing his sigh proved that he was nervous to ask.

"Has he ever mentioned anyone called, Esmeralda? I'm just curious and please don't tell him.. I wouldn't want to know how to react if he confronted me about this" Theo finally asked ending it with paranoia, making it pretty clear that he was kinda scared of Douxie as if something bad was going to happen, if she were to tell him about this 'odd' question.

"No? Why? I never once heard him talk about this girl, do you know her? And why would he?" Claire questioned back wanting to know about on this, but Theo shook his head and hands at her, ending the conversation instantly on a strange note which completely bummed her out. "That's weird..." thinking to herself Claire wondered about this name and what it had involving with Douxie, yet promising to not mention Theo of this as things wouldn't look pretty for him, so she took it with her gut and kept him out of it.

When inside of the library meeting the wizard Douxie himself silence was met when he turned around looking at the two while holding a old looking white book.

"Ah. There you two are! I was worried that you wouldn't be able to show up" he said being all friendly like person he was before feeling the atmosphere come over to him. "What's with the dullness? We haven't got time for this you two, so whatever is happening leave it for later as I need your help to find something very important" he added not wanting to waste the time they already had, allowing Theo to begin already getting the memo on why he came here to help in the first place. Claire however walked over to him curious on what he knew about this Esmeralda las. "What is it, Claire? Is everything alright?" He asked knowing that she wanted to talk willing to waste at least a few minutes to know what's wrong.

"Everything's fine it's just.. I have a question that you might not know how to answer" she responded looking nervous, seeing that Theo was far enough so he wouldn't be able to hear them.

"What is it? Get out with it already, we are on borrowed time right now. This isn't going to help us to find Phoenix is it?" Getting a little impatient as finding the location of this legendary Kingdom was very important to them, as they need something in order to find and eliminate an unknown evil force that's currently walking among them. Claire took in a breath in and out realising the nerves in order to concentrate.

"Okay.. Do you know anyone by the name, Esmeralda?" She finally asked freezing Douxie in place shocked that Claire would know about this, but he doubt that she would know who she actually was and her entire origin. "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked!" Claire panicked realising that this was a very touchy subject, even though the memories of Esmeralda still haunt both him and Zoe to this day wondering where she could possibly be.

"No it's fine.. She's a very, very, very close friend of mine and Zoe's. I haven't seen her in over nine hundred years, and I'm worried that something bad could've happened to her.. She actually was last seen in Phoenix before her disappearance" going slightly more in-depth making very clear that this girl was something else.

"What did she look like? If you don't mind me asking?" Claire asked hoping that asking a little more wouldn't upset him, but things were odd.

"She wasn't like nothing you've ever seen before, her hair was a beautiful shade of wine red, crimson red eyes. And to top it off she's an absolute sweetheart and an amazing cook! Like who wouldn't want to be her friend?! If she were here you would absolutely love her, like for reals she is the world, and without her it's just dull and lonely" Douxie was the opposite of upset he blabbered on about how amazing she was and how great everything will get along with her other than the fact that she was an elite chef back in Camelot before she went away to learn magic in Phoenix.

"Eh? Why did she go to Phoenix to learn magic, when she can be taught by Merlin? Let alone have the help from both you and Zoe!" Claire asked unsure of what the meaning was on sending her way, when she too can be taught with the help of the others to make the process more easier.

"That's what I said! But he said it was for the best as apparently we would distract one another, but whatever he say must go I guess.. He also promised that she would be safe there too.. I guess he wasn't expecting her to disappear like that either. He would never have sent her away if he knew what was going to happen to her, she was like family to us, so losing her was also losing a piece of ourselves" it was heartbreaking to know that even now Douxie still remembers, and misses Esmeralda despite being away from one another for almost a millennium.

"Guys.. I think I found it" Theo butted in carrying a oddly old, dusty book he found, while searching the back shelves stopping the conversation the two were having right then and there.

"Yes! Now we can find than pendant and end all of this for good" Douxie replied going to grab the book, but Theo pulled it back refusing to let him have it. "What are you doing? We need this book to find what items we need before it's too late, are you trying to doom Arcadia or possibly the world? As I remind you that whoever is behind these disappearances and summoning these monstrous being, aren't doing it for a good cause and must be stopped!" Douxie was not happy on how Theo was behaving, as he was still after being reminded that the entire world will be at stake.. Again. If he doesn't hand over the book. "Unless... There is something you aren't telling me?" Theo shakes his head no making it clear that he doesn't have anything else to say, purposely making Douxie grow increasingly impatient. "Good.. Now hand me the book, I need to find out where that flying city is" asking again seeing how defensive Theo has become leaving him no other choice, but to use magic snatching it from his hands.

"Hey! You can't do that" Theo yelled not happy by the fact his own friend used magic just for a book other than grabbing it himself.

"If you weren't being such a nuisance then maybe I wouldn't have use it in the first place, use your brain lad" he relied finally having the book in his hands before glancing down at it, seeing how dusty and old it was making it pretty clear that this was the real deal and blew the dust off, making all three cough from accidentally inhaling the thick dust particles. "That's..*coughs* One dusty book *coughs*" trying to speak before seeing the Phoenix feather symbol on the front that could possibly mean one thing.

"Do we really have to find this thing? We could just get a different one it isn't like it'll do any harm to anyone, as all crystals share the same energy, right?" Theo responded not really getting the full memo on how crystals actually work kinda making Douxie cringe.

"No that's just stupid, Theo. Not every crystal is the same as every species give off a different feeling of energy when used, but this one however isn't anywhere near what you're used to seeing, it's from the celestial realm where only the chosen one on this planet can use its magic. Does that make any sense to you?" Giving Theo a little pep talk about what makes this crystal different from everything else, embarrassing himself despite secretly being a wizard just like his 'Camelot' friends.

"Sorry, I just got confused as it looks similar to one of the gems I saw, while marketing for a few things earlier" Theo slightly and yet fake apologises for his inconvenience over a simple mistake anyone could make.

"It's fine, just don't do that again. I am trying to save you from a potential slow and possibly agonising death" Douxie accepted this but slightly messed around with Theo's anxiety a bit knowing for a fact, that he hated evil shadow monsters or anything related to a monster in general. Theo was about to regret his whole life decisions before a snicker came from Douxie "I'm just kidding! Haha, you should've seen the look on your face, priceless" he laughed before walking off to the nearest table wiping a tear from his eye from laughing too much.

"So what do we do when we get our hands on the pendant?" Claire asked as the book was opened revealing a oddly familiar pendant, that used to hang around Esmeralda's neck, but why is it in here?

"Well, I think we need to release the negative energy within it, as they believe that the ancient power within it still remains active. I guess we wizards have to do something about it and release whatever is still stuck inside before using it again or bad things will happen" Douxie replied slightly knowing about the pendant, as it was read to have dark energy within it as this was once used to seal off a great power, ending one of the greatest disasters in the Kingdom saving hundreds of lives from a horrific end.

"But if you release the negativity that's stuck inside won't it attach itself to someone, and bring them back for revenge? It's a full on fact to never awaken an evil or it will cause catastrophic consequences because of your selfish decision to free it" Theo objected as if he knew more about this negative energy more than his.. friend.

"Selfish? Do I sound selfish if I want to use the pendant to save the world? No I don't. So stop worrying everything is under control" Douxie replied sounding rather annoyed that now of all the times they fought evil, he wants to stop them from getting this pendant. This was beginning to get on his nerves. Before Theo could say anything he was quickly brushed off when finding a ripped piece of paper on of the pages. "What's this?" He questioned seeing how oddly neat and joint the handwriting was.

"What's does it say?" Claire asked peering over knowing that no one could write like that, but even nowadays some people prefer jointed handwriting than separating every letter as it was supposedly 'neater and understanding'.

"This goes way back! Could it be a clue?" Talking to himself for a second before beginning to actually read out what it has to offer. "When in the sky soaring high just like a bird flying in the sky soaring by those who were lost over time. A girl young and sweet rare to see was lost in between, swept forever out of your reach. Beware the old and wise man that hides in fear, as the secrets he hides are very much luring near" after every sentence perfect separated and yet paired to one another, somehow felt closely personal to Douxie as Theo froze in place, knowing exactly what this piece of paper was rhyming about revealing the actual location of where Phoenix is still hovering over, what remains of a catastrophic events that struck half of his people down, taking the royals along with it leaving Albus in change until the right one is found.

"A bird flying in the sky?.. Soaring by those who were lost over time... The Phoenix! The kingdom is still afloat in the same place it has always been, but it's hiding from something and that someone who's protecting it is Albus! I know where it is?!" Douxie got the hints really quickly hiding the paper away out of anyone's reach, excited that after all this time he might actually have a clue on finding where Esmeralda could've ran off to.

"Oh no, this isn't looking good" Theo thought not wanting them to find his home, but he knew they would've found it either way and yet this clue was far too personal, as if someone from Phoenix has planned all this out and knows something he doesn't.

What will come of Phoenix once it's secrets are leaked? And will Douxie ever know the truth behind Esmeralda's disappearance?