
Chapter 147:

Ugh... I sighed to myself as I remained quickly typing on a laptop I borrowed from someone. This homework is just a little too muc

rupted by a voice soft and sultry voice in the distance to give me a greeting.

"Hey, Grace! What are you doing?" She turns her head over to look at my laptop with Yuri behind her rolling his eyes as he walked towards me holding a milk-tea drink.

"Are you like stuck being Jake's bitch again?" Yuri jok

h for me in my opinion. Why is this professor giving us so much homework like it's out bloodline or something?

As I continued to type on the keyboard with my eyes slowly open and close from the drowsiness of not getting eight hours of sleep. I was interrupted by a voice soft and sultry voice in the distance to give me a greeting.

"Hey, Grace! What are you doing?" She turns her head over to look at my laptop with Yuri behind her rolling his eyes as he walked towards me holding a milk-tea drink.