
Not that close

Feng Yui flinched at the way he addressed her but her cold facade was quickly put back on, "I believe we're not close for you to call me that, but if you want to fill your satisfaction with that title, you might as well call me that, Mr Su."

She had clearly drawn a line between them with her words, Nan Su looked at the girl beside him with a sense of hurt in his eyes, yet he kept it all to himself.

"It's QingQing's birthday party, since I've met you here, I thought I might as well invite you since you're his mothe–"

before he could complete that sentence, a loud and annoying voice came towards them.

"brother Nan!"

Zhu WenWen ran over to Nan Su, her heels and dress making her look very feminine.

She gasped for air as she stopped right in front of him and glared at Feng Yui from the corner of her eyes.

"Why are you here?" Nan Su furrowed his brows. it seemed obvious he was annoyed at the women's appearance.

"I thought I could accompany you..." The woman cut off as she stood still and stared Feng Yui with Malice. "Why are you here?!" she spatted.

Feng Yui completely ignored the irrevelant person and said, "It's time to board my plane, about the issue you were talking about, I'll be attending."

She had not attended her elder son's birthday since she had the twins, even Nan Su only found out about their existence when they were already two years old.

but when he tried to bring them into his family, Feng Yui unsurprisingly declined him and had even insulted him badly.

The reason she accepted the invitation was because it was her son's 8th birthday, she had abandoned him for almost 5 years but got to know that the sweetheart had tried to contact her many times but was stopped by the old madame of the Su Family.

She also intended to let her other children meet their elder brother because he deserved the right to meet them and play with them.

Sigh, it was not for 'that day', things might've not been this rough..

however, Feng Yui quickly shrugged the idea off her mind,

the Su family was sick and terrible to begin with, 'that day' just boosted her desire to end all things with them. She closed her eyes as she sink into sleep on the plane's seat.


When they'd had completed attending the meeting, it was already One. They should've gone to London for a contract later but due to some complications from the other side, they postponed it for next week.

Feng Yui flew back to attend the gala anyway as she had time, she didn't go straight to her masion.

Instead, she had gone to a beauty Salon, whose owner was her close friend.

Seren Jie looked at his masterpiece that was right in front of his eyes, "You really have a good figure, Yui. The dress looks even better on you." It was a fact that Feng Yui had an impressing body, every man would fall for her with her snow white–like skin.

She had no problems with showing off her good figure because it was her own, with that, Feng Yui stepped into the expensive car.