
Miss Nuggets and Lemonade

Between love and duty, which is one a person should choose when it comes to marriage? But in my story, it's a little bit of both when I enter this new phase of life. What is the result? AWKWARD. Yup. Even the big capital letters can't sum up my feelings. Because it mixes with guilt, making me feel wrong, tense and a little bit giddy when facing my borrowed new handsome husband. And why is that? It because the groom ended up marrying the bridesmaid when my big sister, the bride, went missing on the day of the wedding ceremony! # This current cover books do not belong to me. Found it on internet. It just a temporary cover until I draw a new ones.

Shima_Himawari · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

What am I? A horny teenager??!!

But the sense of comfort been hugging by the heavenly smell of the most handsome man that I ever saw barely last two minutes. Suddenly, out of blue, Alex starts shaking both my shoulder not in so gentle manner.


"Alex?" I murmured his name confusedly.

I lose a bit of my hand that wrapping on his waist so I can put a little bit distance. But alas, me been a short person myself when compared to a tall man like Alex, where my own top head barely reaches his collar neck isn't an easy feat. Not to mention, his hands that still imprisoned both my shoulder also not helping either.

I step a back so I can look up to his face more easily. And my poor eyes, instead been feasted with a gorgeous face now having an eyes strain. Since when did the pair of eyes in front of me change into the grey eyes that watching me grow up?

"Err. Father?"

My father giving me disapprove expression with tsk sound comes from his lips.

Urgh...The deja vu feeling like a kid gets caught stealing cookies with a jar in one hand.

With a burning face, I immediately release my hands from Alex's waist, eh no...my father's waist.

I'm pretty sure it was Alex that embraces me previously so how come now it turns up it was my father that I hug? What's going on. But more importantly here...

What am I? A horny teenager??!!

To avoid him asking what the heck I am doing by embracing my father but calling him Alex, I quickly shot barrel of questions with the hope he will forget to ask that unspeakable topic.

"Father? Why are you here? You didn't go to Country A? What happen?" I ask anxiously.

"Still won't wake up?"

"Malina Rose Marshall Wenthworth! Wake up already!"

This situation is getting more weirder.

First, my father always calling me Mah as a pet name like Sis Gie did...not my full name. And Wenthworth also been mentioned? And second, this voice does not belong to my Father at all. But a new voice which getting familiar the more I think of it.

"Wipe your drool before it becomes a flood."

This sentence magically reminds me of this morning incident. And the same kind of shaking shoulders also make sense now. The shaking getting more intense by seconds.

When I opened my eyes, Alex in front of me are in motion standing up. He probably is half bending his body when shaking me up earlier. But now he facing something on his left side. With my hand reaching the wet tissue mini pack I put on my right pant pocket earlier, I also glanced what interested him so much that he keeps watching it.

It's just a bunch of airplanes standing side by side. Is it that interesting in his eyes? This guy is too hard to understand.

Within the corner of his eyes, Alex actually watching Malina wiping her drool around her small mouth without being too obvious. He waits until Malina is ready before starting to speak again.

"Its time."

I glanced up and nodded before retrieve my backpack and follow him to board the plane.

When we are on the plane, we quickly step out of the aisle as fast as we could so that others can continue to board. Then Alex stopped at the seat in the middle of the aisle and open the overhead bin. He stows two of his luggage inside it before took a medium paperback that he drops at his feet. When did he carry that paperback and where that paper bag comes from? As far as I remember from home he just has two small luggage. Ah, forget it, not my business anyway.

Then Alex turned over his shoulder and raised his left eyebrow while watching my backpack that I holding on my chest.

"I want to keep it," I answered his silent inquiry.

He nodded, acknowledge my intention.

I quickly sit on the seat next to the window and after retrieving my MP3 player and my handphone from my backpack, I put the bag under the seat in front of me.

When I glance sideways, Alex already sits next to me and folded the mouth of a paper bag to make it more secure before shoving it under the seat of a passenger in front of him as I did earlier.

With a heavy heart, I try to memorize whatever scenery outside the window before I said goodbye to the country I called home and embark to a new foreign country and unknown future...

Sorry for waiting. As soon as I finish my exam, I caught a cold. Today I feel slightly better apart of sneezing and running nose.

Thank you QyQk and Charisma92 for your previous comments and your wishing good luck for me. Truly appreciate it.

To my new readers who add this story during my temporary break, and my long term readers, I am feeling grateful of you guys who are willing waiting for me to finish my exam. Thank you to all of you.

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