
Miss Not so Typical: Consider me Humored (GL)

Ginny Green, an aromantic nerd, accidentally slept with the infamous campus Princess, Persephone Campbell, but she can't remember. ** Ginny Green is an aromantic nerd who only believes that love only exists in movies and novels, but still wishes to find that special someone even though she's thinking that it's impossible. After she got drunk at a party, she found herself tangled in bed with the infamous campus Princess, Persephone Campbell. Persephone Campbell is an extremely attractive, charismatic, misjudged individual due to her wealthy background. Deemed by the people as coldhearted and a snob, but she's totally the opposite. She fell in love with Ginny after their faithful night together and would love to start a relationship with her. But there is a problem, Ginny is aromantic and doesn't want to be in a relationship with anyone. Now, Persephone is on a mission to make the aromantic nerd fall in love with her. ** "You're not going to run away and walk out of this room and pretend that this didn't happen, are you?" In every accidental one-night stand, of course, that thought is not an option anymore. Embrace each other at night like long-time lovers, and in the morning, shrug off every memory like it never happened. That's always been the case. And of course, that was Ginny's initial plan after assessing the situation. But looking at Persephone's threatening, yet smiling face, she knows well how screwed up she was. Let's just laugh first. "N-no, I wasn't thinking of that at all." "Good." Persephone smiled, satisfied with her answer. She gingerly moves closer to Ginny, wrapping both of her arms around her waist. Ginny can't seem to utter a single word. Seeing a naked Persephone in front of her was... was... was - she doesn't even have any words to describe it. ** This story is slowburn that contains fluff and will contain some mature scenes soon.

Talesofheaven · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Chapter 6


It took ages for all the right scenes to come out. Thanks for waiting. Also, we got a new poster! Do you guys like it? I didn't like the colour palette of the previous one so yeah.



Ginny grumpily dragged her body to detention, where she'll spend the rest of the hours writing lines. How marvellous. She mentally mutters in annoyance. If it weren't for Persephone and her crazy fangirls, she wouldn't be in this hell right now.

"Hi." A very familiar girl greets her. "Ariel James, a prefect. You must be—?"

"Ginny," she finished.

"Right. I'll be the facilitator today. Feel free to have a seat wherever you want, Ginny. Once you're done, you can just leave your paper on the desk," she politely said. Ginny just nods and proceeds to find a seat.

She sat at the back, near the window. The last time she went to detention was in high school. It was the time when she encouraged the whole school to water bomb those spoiled brats who kept bullying her best friend Natalie due to her humble background. She couldn't help but chuckle while reminiscing about that time.

Ginny was extremely angry when she found out about it. Everything went hellish after that, and the bullies got what they deserved. Well, as good as her intention was, her mother, a mayoral candidate at the time, wasn't very pleased to see that her daughter's face was published on the front page of the local newspaper for horrendously committing an act of juvenile delinquency. Let's just say it was a very entertaining clash of events.

She was grounded for two weeks. No phone, no shopping, and she wasn't even allowed to have visitors! How annoying is that? So no Natalie and mani-pedi for almost three weeks. The only 'visitors' that she had at that time were her twin siblings, Augustus and Guinevere, who loved to constantly annoy the hell out of her. Thank God she's not attending the same university with them, or Ginny will die of utter humiliation.

Although her papà was absolutely proud of her for standing up for her friend, he wasn't really that fond of the violence, especially if his youngest daughter was involved in it. Ginny couldn't blame him for that. Her papà has a heart of gold. Blessed his soul, wherever he is now.

"Wassup," said the person beside her.

She stares at the person oddly, gives a slight nod, and says, "Good."

"Not much of a talker, are you?"

"I don't like it when strangers talk to me." She mutters, uninterested, and proceeds to do her task of writing, 'I will not be late again,' repeatedly for 200 lines.

"Ouch." The latter fake a pained sob, "Well, we can still change that. My name's Reagan." She extended her hand, expecting her to take it, but Ginny just looked at it weirdly, "Not a hand shaker either. Got it." She playfully nods as if she wasn't offended by the lack of enthusiasm from the latter.

"Ginny," she answers.

Reagan grins, "Pleasure to meet you, Ginny."

Five minutes had passed, and everyone was busy with their tasks until someone faintly knocked on the door, creating a disturbance.

"Ariel." Persephone peeks through the door, still dressed in all Chanel glory. "Yvannah requires your help with the designs for the carnival."

"But I have to facilitate the students." Ariel reasoned, "I can't just leave them by themselves, Persephone."

"I'll take it from here."

Ginny can hear other students murmuring to each other. Some are thrilled that the Head Girl will be the one who'll facilitate them. She forgot that Persephone is the Head Girl of St. Ives College, and that's why she's everywhere. Is this what she meant when she said, 'I'll see you later, cutie.'? Ginny shakes the thought.

"I reckon they'll not be that difficult to handle." Persephone sent a wink in her direction, and she could only groan and roll her eyes in annoyance.

"I heard the two of them are in a secret relationship." Reagan comments, looking at the two.

A bit intrigued, Ginny asked, "What made you say that?" They discreetly watched Ariel walk out of the room as Persephone filled in for her.

"Rumours." She simply shrugged, "A freshman said he caught them snogging each other's faces off under the bleachers after the football game with Penwith."

After the game with Penwith? That was the day she got drunk and the day she accidentally slept with Persephone. She remembered Natalie dragging her hopeless arse after the game because a friend had invited her to this party.

"Do you also have one of those?" Reagan's question popped her bubble.

Confusedly she replied, "One of what?"


Ginny grimaced. This person is utterly nosy. Well, she does have her fair share of baseless and unwanted rumours; like she decapitated a stray cat, which isn't true because she's allergic to cats' fur, and couldn't stand near them without sneezing a lot. Or that time she got rumoured dating a woman older than her, which isn't true because it was her sister Guinevere just being utterly affectionate towards her. She got labelled as a dyke for days by those people who despised her. But they eventually shut up when Ginny documented and spread their darkest secret throughout the campus. It was absolutely satisfying. She's not gonna lie.

One thing that people say about Persephone Campbell is that she has a bit of an overbearing personality due to her high social status. She also likes to abuse her power to some extent, so no one dares defy her in any way. She's a typical Queen Bee in a chick flick movie, as cliche as it sounds. Those were the rumours.

Ginny is indeed aware of those. But she's also not the kind of person who listens to baseless rumours, simply because she completely knows what it feels like to be misjudged by people—especially those insecure ones who hate people for completely no reason. She'd rather want to witness if what they were saying about Persephone was true or not with her own eyes.

Persephone is a very affectionate, yet absolutely straightforward kind of person. At least that's what she'd seen so far. She doesn't know the person and she would rather want it to stay like that. But that seems to be quite difficult to accomplish when the person is pretty much persistent to get her attention.

After two hours of ignoring Reagan, Ginny was finally done with her task. She was absolutely thankful because Persephone didn't pay attention to her throughout the period. She was definitely doing her job as the Head Girl.

Everyone was done and gone out of the room. She gathered her stuff and proceeded to pass her paper, but only to be followed by Reagan.

"You never answer my question." Ginny couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Because I'm not obliged to answer them." She nonchalantly replied.

"Reign." Persephone sternly called, which startled Ginny, "Stop putting nonsense into Ginny's head."

"I didn't do anything." Reagan raises her hands innocently in surrender.

"I heard what you said to her a while ago." Reagan grins sheepishly. Ginny looks at them a bit confused. "Hello, darling." Persephone gestures fondly at Ginny.

Ginny ignored the flirty gesture and asked instead, "You two know each other?"

"She's an acquaintance," Persephone mutters coolly, as she stands right by her side.

"Oh, what do we have here?" Reagan has a look of amusement in her eyes, "Are you two dating?" She gestures at both of them, fingers pointing.

"No, we are n—"

"Are you that girl on her Instagram post?" She cut her off, "I didn't expect that you're this—tiny. Are you sure you're not a kid?"

Now, that's absolutely rude. This person is even more annoying than Natalie. It was their first time meeting each other, but she never failed to poke all her pet peeves.

"I'm 5 feet 5 inches tall. I'm not a kid. You're being rude right now." She glowered.

"Feisty. I love her already, P." Reagan grins in amusement. "You weren't lying on your post, she looks cute though."

Persephone immediately slithered an arm around Ginny's waist in a possessive manner. Ginny's impression of Persephone is the typical cold-hearted Queen Bee in a chick flick movie. But deep inside she's soft and the type of person who turns mushy, sweet, gentle when in love, and goes extremely mad and cute when jealous. She was indeed right. She knows well because she'd seen a lot of people like her.

"Chill, P." Reagan chuckles looking at Persephone's annoyed face.

"Don't call me that. We're not friends." She bites back.

"Ouch. It hurts me so much when you say that, P." She fakes a sob, "You don't need to be mean. I just want us to be friends." She smiles smugly.

"I said don't call me that." Ginny flinched a bit. Persephone's tone was too intimidatingly cold and Reagan was just taking it all lightly.

"Well, I'm not gonna take her from you—unless she wants me to." Reagan charmingly winks at Ginny. She never really paid attention to her a while ago, but this girl is very pretty. Her short black hair with pink highlights, pretty much suits her funky and rebellious way of dressing.

Persephone tightens her hold, glaring menacingly. Ginny was still processing the bold action, feeling trapped inside. She was at a loss for words, not because she failed to explain her side that she and Persephone were not a thing, but also because this person flirted with her, in front of Persephone, and it irks her the most.

In every chick flick movie, there's always a troublemaker who'll annoy and constantly mess with everyone around. She can feel the trouble radiating from Reagan. She knows well because she was also a former troublemaker herself. Ginny knows better than not to be close to this one.

"Well, too bad. She's already taken." Persephone simply retorted, her possessive arms still wrapped around her torso, unconsciously giving her shivers.

This took a bit of time because I had to be careful when writing Ginny's background story because it was going to affect the plot if it wasn't written well. And I think I did a great job. We had a subtle glimpse of what her previous life had been like, and it gradually shows how she became the person she is right now.

Also, in this chapter, we could clearly make out that Percy is pretty much the jealous type XD Oh, don't judge me. Who doesn't want a smokingly hot jealous girlfriend? Shut up.

Enter Raegan, in the draft version, I didn't really emphasize what her role was. Well, now that I gain a couple of brain cells, I could say that she's pretty much worst than Natalie.

What do you guys think of this chapter btw? Don't forget vote! See y'all on the next chapter!

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