
Miss Not so Typical: Consider me Humored (GL)

Ginny Green, an aromantic nerd, accidentally slept with the infamous campus Princess, Persephone Campbell, but she can't remember. ** Ginny Green is an aromantic nerd who only believes that love only exists in movies and novels, but still wishes to find that special someone even though she's thinking that it's impossible. After she got drunk at a party, she found herself tangled in bed with the infamous campus Princess, Persephone Campbell. Persephone Campbell is an extremely attractive, charismatic, misjudged individual due to her wealthy background. Deemed by the people as coldhearted and a snob, but she's totally the opposite. She fell in love with Ginny after their faithful night together and would love to start a relationship with her. But there is a problem, Ginny is aromantic and doesn't want to be in a relationship with anyone. Now, Persephone is on a mission to make the aromantic nerd fall in love with her. ** "You're not going to run away and walk out of this room and pretend that this didn't happen, are you?" In every accidental one-night stand, of course, that thought is not an option anymore. Embrace each other at night like long-time lovers, and in the morning, shrug off every memory like it never happened. That's always been the case. And of course, that was Ginny's initial plan after assessing the situation. But looking at Persephone's threatening, yet smiling face, she knows well how screwed up she was. Let's just laugh first. "N-no, I wasn't thinking of that at all." "Good." Persephone smiled, satisfied with her answer. She gingerly moves closer to Ginny, wrapping both of her arms around her waist. Ginny can't seem to utter a single word. Seeing a naked Persephone in front of her was... was... was - she doesn't even have any words to describe it. ** This story is slowburn that contains fluff and will contain some mature scenes soon.

Talesofheaven · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter 20


Thanks for waiting!


Ginny is such a sucker for love confessions, especially young love. There's something so innocent and excitingly cliché about the whole thing. She feels like a hopeless romantic whenever she watches her favourite rom-com movies or reads those cliché romance novels she can't put down, often pulling all-nighters just to finish them. Even though the whole concept of romance doesn't resonate with her much because she's not romantic by nature, she can't help but be drawn into the fantasy of it.

Hopelessly hopeless, that's what she is. Hopeless because she's living in reality, where every word, scene, and character in those stories are just products of someone's imagination. It's a total bummer for a non-believer like her. What an irony. Such a big irony that she doesn't fancy such fantasy for herself, yet she knows deep down that a part of her wishes she could feel that spark everyone talks about.