

Anita_Mensah · Urban
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10 Chs


Today is annual cleaning day in our school. We've been working all day and so I'm exhausted. Josh stared at me during the entire clean up session but I ignored him. I'm sure he was wondering why I stopped trying to talk to him.

After the clean up, I took some tools back to the janitor's closet. What I heard in front just before I entered the room made my jaw drop.

Unknown(Boy):What did you tell Lexa about a past

Unknown(girl): nothing

I could recognize their voices now. It was Rihanna and Josh.

"Now stop pressing my neck.

I rushed into the closet and told Josh to stop what he was doing but he didn't listen so I kicked him at where the sun doesn't shine, held Rih's hand and run to our room and locked the door behind us.

"Now Rih , tell me what's going on."

"Josh thinks I told you something about our past (which I did) and now he's blaming me 'cause you're not trying to talk to him." Rih responded

"Oh! but he shouldn't have tried to end your life. Now I know he's a MONSTER!!!"

"Don't worry, maybe he's going to change"

"Girl, do you still have feelings for him" I asked Rih

"Well, to be honest...I don't really know for sure" she said with a confused look.

"okay" I said knowing very well that some feelings for Josh are still left inside her heart. She's an unconditional lover.

" You try talking to him." Rihanna said

"okay, I will try this evening."

That evening, I went to the Garden, where Josh usually stands but he wasn't there, Drake was.

"Hey Drake, where's Josh" I asked

"Over there, sitting on that bench"

"Okay, thank you!"

I walked up to him and started a conversation

"Hey!" I said smiling

"What do you want?" he asked rudely

"Um..to talk to you. Why did you try killing Rih"

"Who me! no way!" he denied

" Stop telling lies, I caught you red handed"

"Yeah so? She deserved it" he said raising his voice and for some reason he got pissed off by my presence that he held my neck and luckily for me Ethan arrived from nowhere and saved me. He got beaten up though but he was fine and I was too. Some other boys and I took Ethan to the school nurse because he had bruises.