
Miss Gu's Identity Exposed Again

In the past, Gu Ningyan was a carefree eldest daughter, but at the age of fifteen, her father passed away, and her mother remarried two years later. Some people were envious of her and set up a trap deliberately. They tricked her into a hotel on the day of her college entrance examination and even put her in the name of "messing around". To keep the Gu family from being judged, they decided to send Gu Ningyan abroad as soon as possible. However, they didn't expect that Gu Ningyan would have a car accident on the road and fall into the river. Five years had passed, and everyone thought that Gu Ningyan had died. However, with many identities, she came back to the country. But why did it start in the wrong way? Why did she save a handsome stranger and stay in the same room the night she came back?! Runaway as soon as meeting a strange handsome man, don't let him affect you. After all, men will only affect Gu Ningyan's speed of drawing the knife! But... Why did she meet this handsome man again when recruiting a bodyguard? "Hello, Miss Gu. My name is Jiang Han. I'm here to apply for a bodyguard." Gu Ningyan put down the newspaper in her hand and looked up. When she saw the face, she was a little surprised. Wasn't this the person she saved that day? Looking at the man's expressionless face, Gu Ningyan thought that he probably didn't recognize her. She smiled and said, "You are so handsome. Why do you want to be a bodyguard?" Without any guilt, Jiang Han said lightly, "Forced by life." "OK, you get the job. Let's go." When Gu Ningyan didn't notice, Jiang Han smiled. How could this little girl be so gullible? It seemed that she would be his wife soon!

DaoistETjgVi · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 5 Counterattack

Gu Ningyan looked very calm. It was conceivable who released the news. What He Qing did was just to tarnish her reputation, so that the Shen group would change another person to follow up the project.

She returned the phone to Jiang Han and said indifferently, "Let's go. Just ignore it."

With a trace of deep and inquiry in his eyes, Jiang Han compressed his lips and said slowly, "You are beautiful and excellent."

After getting along with him for many days, it was rare to hear such words from a cold man like Jiang Han, so she immediately smiled.

"You don't have to comfort me. I'm not that easy to be knocked down."

She really didn't care about the news at all. After dinner, she took Jiang Han to the shopping mall nearby.

She bought a lot of things, including men's clothes.

Looking at her swiping the card, Jiang Han felt like he was a mistress.

They were tired after shopping for a while. Then they found a cafe and sat down. Gu Ningyan took out her mobile phone. The news on the Internet was still spreading, but people's focus has changed.

At this moment, a famous university in Y country called Polyphony college issued an announcement.

Very was Gu Ningyan!

For a moment, this news directly ranked first on the Weibo hot search.

Very, a student who graduated from the Polyphony College three years ago. She came first in every subject. And she got her double degree in three years. Very was a well-known talent.

She was Gu Ningyan.

Everyone was stunned.

Those who mocked that Gu Ningyan was not well-educated only felt their faces burning at the moment! It was known that Very was a student that many people admired.

Looking at the comments, Gu Ningyan smiled. Everything was under her control. Her grades were originally outstanding, but after her father's death, her mother didn't like her and stole her compositions and grades many times to He Siting. When she was in high school, Gu Ningyan knew clearly that she couldn't be better than He Siting, or her life would be more difficult. Therefore, she kept the score around 60 points in every exam.

Thinking of this, a hint of coldness flashed through her eyes.

After returning to the villa, Gu Ningyan took all the things she bought back to her room. When she was tidying up, she found that the tie she bought for Jiang Han was left here.

Gu Ningyan stood up and went to Jiang Han's room. She knocked on the door, but no one answered. After hesitating for a moment, she pushed the door open and walked in.

The sound of water came from the bathroom. It was probably that Jiang Han was taking a bath. It was the first time that she came to his room. She looked around and put his tie on the table. When she was about to leave, her eyes were attracted by something on the bedside table.

With a slight frown, she walked over. It was a blue diamond earring, shining under the light.

Looking at the necklace around her neck, Gu Ningyan was lost in thought. This earring and necklace was a set, this set of jewelry was custom-made for her tenth birthday by her father. A few years ago, she didn't know where she had left one of them. She had searched for it for a long time but still couldn't find it. How could it be here?

Hearing that the sound of water in the bathroom stopped, Gu Ningyan put down the things and stood up. She happened to see Jiang Han coming out...

When they looked at each other, the atmosphere suddenly became quiet for two seconds. The man was naked.

When Gu Ningyan came to her senses, she turned around and said, "I left the tie I bought for you. I'll bring it to you."

Then she turned around and went out.

When she went back to her room, her face was still a little red. Then she remembered the thing about the earrings. Was it a coincidence?

Jiang Han was injured and appeared in her rental house. He had her earring. Was he just an ordinary bodyguard?

Or did Jiang Han approach her for another purpose!

Gu Ningyan's face darkened. It seemed that she had to investigate the man's identity.