
Miss Gu's Identity Exposed Again

In the past, Gu Ningyan was a carefree eldest daughter, but at the age of fifteen, her father passed away, and her mother remarried two years later. Some people were envious of her and set up a trap deliberately. They tricked her into a hotel on the day of her college entrance examination and even put her in the name of "messing around". To keep the Gu family from being judged, they decided to send Gu Ningyan abroad as soon as possible. However, they didn't expect that Gu Ningyan would have a car accident on the road and fall into the river. Five years had passed, and everyone thought that Gu Ningyan had died. However, with many identities, she came back to the country. But why did it start in the wrong way? Why did she save a handsome stranger and stay in the same room the night she came back?! Runaway as soon as meeting a strange handsome man, don't let him affect you. After all, men will only affect Gu Ningyan's speed of drawing the knife! But... Why did she meet this handsome man again when recruiting a bodyguard? "Hello, Miss Gu. My name is Jiang Han. I'm here to apply for a bodyguard." Gu Ningyan put down the newspaper in her hand and looked up. When she saw the face, she was a little surprised. Wasn't this the person she saved that day? Looking at the man's expressionless face, Gu Ningyan thought that he probably didn't recognize her. She smiled and said, "You are so handsome. Why do you want to be a bodyguard?" Without any guilt, Jiang Han said lightly, "Forced by life." "OK, you get the job. Let's go." When Gu Ningyan didn't notice, Jiang Han smiled. How could this little girl be so gullible? It seemed that she would be his wife soon!

DaoistETjgVi · Urban
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Chapter 3 Mysterious Bodyguard

The Pure Bay Garden was a chain high-end restaurant under the Shen group in North City. A meal here was estimated to cost tens of thousands.

Gu Ningyan glanced at her and had a guess when she heard the word "working woman". She guessed that He Qing had already investigated what had happened to her abroad. Gu Ningyan looked at her sister as if her sister were an idiot. Gu Ningyan was about to ignore her words, but He Siya said again, "Jiang Han, How much did my sister pay you? If you can be my bodyguard, I'll pay you ten times as much!"

Hearing this, Gu Ningyan suddenly stopped! She didn't say anything and looked at Jiang Han quietly with her arms crossed.

Jiang Han looked to He Siya and said indifferently, "You don't deserve my protection."

The look on He Siya's face suddenly changed. "Jiang Han, don't be so ungrateful. I give you the chance because I respect you. Do you really think you're going to get anything by following her? She has nothing. How can she compete with me for the Gu group?"

"I'm sorry. Gu Ningyan is better and more beautiful than you. She's better than you in everything."

Hearing this, Gu Ningyan smiled.

"Sister, this corner may be a little difficult to dig out. I'm sorry. As for the competition result of the Gu group, we'll wait and see."

After saying that, Gu Ningyan went straight to the private room upstairs.

Without saying a word, Jiang Han picked up his phone and sent a message to someone.

He Siya was so angry that she stamped her feet. She had planned to go to a private room, but at this moment, the manager came out.

"I'm sorry, miss. You're disturbing our distinguished guests. Please leave now. You're no longer welcome to the Pure Bay Garden."

The manager's words implied that the restaurant had blacklisted her. She was stunned.

"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything!"

It was known that the Pure Bay Garden was an important place for social engagement. She couldn't enter it. How could she negotiate contracts in the future!

Ignoring her questioning, the manager ordered the security guards to drive her away.

What happened downstairs was unknown to Gu Ningyan. After ordering the dishes, she looked at Jiang Han.

"I didn't expect you to be so sincere."

What He Siya did made Gu Ningyan believe in Jiang Han more. She took out a black card from her bag and handed it to him.

"I'm not as bad as what she said. You won't regret following me. Take this card and swipe it if you need anything."

Jiang Han fell into silence. He's been through a lot in the past more than 20 years, but it was the first time that someone had given him a black card.

A smile flashed across his handsome face, and then he said, "Thank you."

"Well, you look more handsome when you smile. You should smile more in the future. Don't act like a cold and distant president."

Jiang Han was speechless.

After lunch, since the office hadn't been finished yet, Gu Ningyan went back to the hotel with Jiang Han and asked him to find a house.

She had to stay a long time in China. She would play with them slowly.

Jiang Han was very efficient. He found a house that evening. It was a small villa in the suburb of the South City. The decoration style was good, and the inside had been cleaned up completely, including the room of Gu Ningyan, and all living goods were complete.

Gu Ningyan had to praise him again, he was very efficient.

After she put her belongings away in her room, she took out her computer and looked at the development of the Gu group in the past few years. After her father's death, the company has always been controlled by He Qing.

But He Qing was just from an ordinary family. Although she went into the Gu family, she was still short-sighted. The Gu family had been on the decline all these years.

With a sigh, she turned off the computer and fell asleep on the bed.

When Jiang Han opened the room, he saw the woman lying quietly on the bed and sleeping soundly. Her beautiful face was no longer cold and arrogant, she looked very obedient at the moment.

A deep light flashed through Jiang Han's eyes, but he felt sorrier for her. What had she experienced in the past five years? What had she experienced before?

After two minutes, Jiang Han quietly left the room and drove to a hotel.

When Gu Ningyan woke up again, it was already dark. She rubbed her eyes and stood up. She looked around the villa but didn't see Jiang Han.

She frowned slightly. Somehow, she felt empty in her heart.

At this moment, the door of the villa was opened. Sitting on the sofa, Gu Ningyan asked casually, "Where have you been?"

"I bought you something to eat."

Turning her head, she saw the man holding something in his hand. The anger in her heart disappeared inexplicably.

On the second day, Gu Ningyan went to the Gu group as usual. Her office had been cleaned up. Although it was somewhat shabby, it could still be used.

After checking this room, as expected, she found the hidden monitoring and bug. A trace of coldness flashed through her eyes, and she casually took a cup to the tea room.

Seeing that He Qing and He Siya were inside, He Qing said in a firm tone, "Siya, you must take the project of the Shen group in South City, so that you can have the chance to approach the president of the Shen group."

"I know, mom."

Hearing this, there was a trace of inquiry in Gu Ningyan's eyes. She had seen some projects yesterday, and she also understood something.

The Shen family in the North City bought a piece of land in the South City and planned to develop it recently. They had been looking for a company to cooperate in the South City. Many companies in the South City want to win this cooperation opportunity.

Including the Gu group.

But to her surprise, He Qing wanted He Siya to marry the president of the Shen group.

Of course, Gu Ningyan knew the Shen family, a famous family in the North City. But this president was very mysterious. Few people had seen him and knew his name. She only knew that he was handsome and incomparably outstanding. He took over the company at the age of eighteen, a well-known big boss.

How could He Siya marry into the Shen family? She was dreaming.

Noticing the arrival of Gu Ningyan, they stopped talking. They looked at Gu Ningyan in disgust and then left.

After making a cup of coffee and returning to her office, she began to prepare for work. She was not interested in the president of the Shen group, but she had to take this project. Because it was good for the reputation of the Gu group and the development of the Gu group.

She had been working on the plan the whole afternoon.

In the evening, she received a call from Jiang Han and went downstairs slowly.

After they returned to the villa for dinner, Gu Ningyan took out the plan and continued to modify it. There were many companies in the South City that were better than the Gu group. If they wanted to take the cooperation, the plan must be wonderful.

Looking at her, Jiang Han sat down beside her, looked at the document on the computer, and asked, "Do you want to take the project of Shen group in South City?"

Gu Ningyan looked at the computer and nodded casually.

Jiang Han leaned over, looked at the document, and thought for a moment. The man said slowly, "I don't think this plan is very good."

Hearing this, Gu Ningyan paused. She was about to say that did you know these? A magnetic voice came to her ears, and the man pointed out the shortcomings of the plan.