

Synopsis Story of a young female character, her ambition been decided to be a hero, that helps those in need of strength and money, such childish ambition, despite been regarded by her parents as an unrealistic child and noting comes out of a child way of thinking. She never stops doing the best she could to make a good names out of her self. Until when tragedy knocks at her door twice in a week, living her mentally off balance and unstable. Have u ever heard of a saying. "WHEN ONE LIFE ENDS ANOTHER IS AWAKEN" MISS EMINENCE IN THE SHADOW, the light that’s exist in the midst of total darkness. Neither love matter. Until this day……LOVE intercede

Solomon_Lebechi · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: The intruder

A dark figure appeared from above, hidden under a black mask. Fear griped their heart, they begin Murmuring between themselves. Who got the guts to confront us alone. One of the men spoke up. Summoning up enough courage, they picked up their merchant and called out on the unknown intruders with some questions.

"Who the fuck are you !?

",,,,,,,,,," stood silent, staring at the men fiercely

"One of the men said" hey boss, were you expecting any visitor?.

"I don't who this MF is, and don't you dare question me, I pay you guys to get your hands dirty, so knock out the nuisance out of my way.

The men charged towards the intruder, gathering enough courage, they spread out, making a circle around their prey, preparing to engage on a strike.

Is there really a hero or is it his imagination playing tricks on him. Liam question himself and praying inwardly, that his rescuer becomes victorious.

Violence Scenes POV...

"Aaarrrggghh" the four men charged against the intruder at once, the first men, with a muscular figure, carrying a chain, the other, were equipped with a handgun and a dagger. The intruder flew into the dark area of the facility, impatiently, they split up, searching for their target.

Not long after few minutes of the silence search. One of the men screamed in pain, he has been attached and later every where became quiet. The voice that had fillies the air few seconds ago was not heard again. This gave the rest of the bandit the impression that their men might be dead or knocked out, they immediately rushed toward the location where the voice was heard and found the body laying lifeless on the floor but the attacker was nowhere to be found.

Is this a sick joke, who the fuck is that guy. Do he thinks he can mess with us" one of the men yelled out feeling pissed off.

Hey, there's is he." One of the men called out to the rest of his gang, immediately he discovered a shadow running around. The three men rushed against the shadow. The last men behind got dragged into the dark areas, what a scary sight, only his screams gave off his location. "Eduardo!! Eduardo!! They called out on him, but his body was nowhere to be found, his voice became faint and was silent.

"He was just behind me few seconds ago, I don't understand, over there we are chasing the intruder, behind us we were being chased.

"Or is it that the ghost of those we have hunted are coming back to have it revenge" the less capable bandit said, shivering in fear.

"Hey, shut your trap, there are no such thing as ghost, maybe they are more than one person we are dealing with here." The other men said

There she is!! The less capable yelled out, after seeing a shadow that had stopped" an..and it's glaring at us" I think we should get out of here."

"No!! We are gonna end this, our brothers life should not be in vain" the other man, summons up enough courage and charged towards the visible shadow, he accidentally slipped and fell hard towards the concrete floor, hitting his head hard, he went unconscious.

"Arrrggghhhhh!!!! The last bandit scream ontop his voice, shivering in fear, his legs couldn't holds the fear that had invade his chest, he was trembling like a vibrator. He immediately rushed back to his boss.

"Hey!! What the hell is going on over there? Simon ordered for an answer

"I don't know boss, but who ever is out there in the shadow is definitely not a human"

"Where is the rest of your gang you dip shit!!

"They all have being knocked out"


"Boss can you send me my remain balance"

"What do you mean!!

"Never mind, I quit, sir"

"Wait!! What?

"I still got a little kid of seven to raise up, I ain't ready to die" he said out boldly, but still trembling in fear of what had happened to his colleagues. "Good day sir" he rushed out towards the exits door

"Hey!! You asshole, are you just gonna leav..." How annoying, I hate the sight of weak cowards like him. He said inwardly. There's no reason for you to be left standing, you should probably dropped dead!!!

Simon pointed his hand gun towards the head of the last man running for his life, and gave a perfect aim to the skull. Immediately the man dropped to the floor flat, blood spilled the wall like a rush of tap water.

"Now!! Where is this shadow stalker, come out !! Come out, where ever you are" Simon called out on the intruder who is probably still hiding in the dark.

After few minutes of a quiet atmosphere, not even a foot step was heard. A Frustrating feelings cling his body down to his spines. "Do you want to play silent all night, let's get this over with"

Again the surrounding was quiet...…

Young Liam still bound to the chair, his eyes was left to witness all that's happening, unable to stand the sight of blood Simon had just spilled out, his eyes almost looked out, his heart beats fast, his legs was stiff, his mind couldn't think straight, he thought about his life back at home and school, he thoughts about the kind of life he want, his future, his family's who are still at home praying for his return. He is the o my son of his mom, if he didn't make it through this might, his mom might not be able to stand the lost. He thought about sexual life, he is still a virgin for Christ sake. Please Lord, I don't want to end up dead, even if I get shot, please Lord let me make it through this nightmares. He prayed inwardly, tears roll down his eyes....

Simon called out on the intruder the third time, still every where was quiet, feeling extremely frustrated and pissed up to the bream, he pointed his gun to the head of Liam and yelled out on top his voice, filing the whole facility. " I will fucking blow up the brain of this asshole, if you don't show yourself"

Not up to 20seconds, A figure appeared from the dark, equipped with a metal hook on its right hand that is covered in red, or the blood of the men he has knocked down...…