
Miss Corrupt and Mister Righteous

Cuteness overload! Fluttering moments! Mysterious and unpredictable ride. The cute love story of a corrupt Policewoman and a Righteous Prosecutor. A guaranteed rollercoaster that will bring you Joy, happiness and a lot of laughter and leave you rooting for the main leads to get together already.

ZoeyA · Urban
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33 Chs

Is it the same man?

''You must be hungry, right? I will go and get you something to eat. Wait for me.'' Kai stood up and hurried out of the ward without answering the question. It made Avery even more confused. She didn't know what was going on.

Avery got down from the bedroom and went into the washroom. When she finished and came to the sink to wash her hands, she suddenly felt cold. As if she could feel the presence of someone else in the room.

Avery looked around. She was alone in the washroom. But why did she feel cold suddenly? Avery shook her head and pushed her IV pole along as she came out of the washroom. When she came out, she saw Fiona standing in front of her bed.

''When did she wake up?'' Fiona muttered.

''I should be asking you that question. When did you wake up? Wait! Why do you look so normal as if nothing happened to you?'' Avery walked over and asked.

''You… you can see me?'' Fiona asked cautiously.

''Of course I can see you. Didn't you come to check on me? But… did the police allow you to come and visit me? You were stabbed multiple times, are you okay? Are you allowed to be here?'' Avery asked again. She had yet to realize that the person she was communicating with wasn't real.

''You can really see me? I thought the old woman was messing with me but you can really see me?'' Fiona asked excitedly.

''Get me a glass of water. Prosecutor Oak just left me alone. I'm thirsty.'' Avery walked over to the bed as she spoke.

Fiona looked at her for a while.

''Why are you not giving me the water? Look at my hands… do you think I can get water for myself?'' As Avery was busy talking, she felt a strong wind pass through her body and she almost fell. She held the bed and mumbled.

''What… what was that?''

''That was me.'' Fiona said behind Avery.

''Oh Lord…'' Avery turned and saw Fiona behind her. ''You…. What are you doing behind me? Weren't you just in front of me right now?'' Avery asked and moved back.

Fiona moved closer to Avery again. This time, Avery saw how swift she was and fell on the bed.

''You… what… what are you?'' Avery stuttered.

''I am Fiona.'' Fiona replied.

''But…'' Avery shook her head to clear her mind.

''No! This can't be possible. My mind is messing with me.'' Avery muttered.

''My body went into coma after the impact. The doctors said they can't do anything besides waiting to see if I can wake up. I don't know what is happening either. Before I could process what was going on, I found myself next to you. I guess my soul left my body.'' Fiona explained.

''No! This can't be true. I must be dreaming. I slept for so long, I must definitely be dreaming. I can't be seeing someone who isn't dead yet.'' Avery covered herself up with the quilt and closed her eyes.

''Stop deceiving yourself. You know it's real. The earlier you accept it, the better for both of us.'' Fiona said, trying to take off the quilt. Just then the door opened and Kai walked in holding the food.

When Kai saw Avery struggling with the quilt, he rushed over and pulled the quilt away and asked. ''Detective Sandas, what are you doing? Are you trying to kill yourself?''

Avery looked at Kai and turned to look at Fiona. Fiona raised her hands in the air and shook her head saying. ''He can't see me.''

''Prosecutor Oak, take her away.'' Avery said. She didn't believe that Kai couldn't see Fiona.

''Take who away?'' Kai turned and looked around and didn't see anyone.

''Take her away. Take Fiona away from me.'' Avery said anxiously.

''Fiona? Where is she?'' Kai looked at Avery and sighed.

''I should call the doctor. I think you've been stressed by what happened that you are beginning to be traumatized.'' Kai turned and Avery held his hand.

''Wait! You… you really cannot see her?'' Avery asked timidly.

''There is just the two of us here, Avery. Fiona is in coma at the next ward. I can take you there to see her if you want to.''

''Then…'' Avery turned to look at Fiona.

''Aye, you are so stupid. Didn't I tell you already? He can't see me. You are the only one who can.'' Fiona said to Avery.

''Why is that? Why can't he see you? Why are you trying to make me look like a crazy person?'' Avery yelled.

''You are already making him think so. If you don't want Prosecutor Oak to send you to see the psychiatrist, then just act normal. After all, there is still time. You and I can talk about what happened to us later on.'' Fiona said.

''Detective Sanders, are you okay? Who are you talking to?'' Kai asked.

''Nobody. I guess my head is a little messed up because of what happened. Is that the food? I'm hungry.'' Avery said anxiously. She turned and looked at Fiona.

''I will set the table for you.'' Kai said. He gave Avery a worried gaze.


Avery looked at Fiona's body connected to all the different machines and sighed.

''She is in coma and the doctors don't know when she will wake up. They said we should be prepared for the worse scenario.''

''Last night, there was an attack on her life by someone.'' Kai explained the situation to Avery.

Avery turned and looked at Kai. She clasped her hands nervously and asked. ''Is it the same man? The one who attacked us in the forest?''

''I don't know. We didn't see the person this time but I believe it should be the same person.'' Kai replied.

''Someone tried to kill me? Is that why I was suddenly forced into my body?'' Fiona muttered.

Avery sighed and looked at Fiona. ''It's alright! Now that I am awake, I won't let anything happen to you.''

''Let's go back to your ward. You need to rest.'' Kai said to her. Avery turned and they walked towards the door. The two police officers at the door bowed respectfully as they walked out.

As they were about to enter the ward, Suleiman arrived with the Chief of police, Chief Johnson arriving at the door.

''Senior, you are finally awake. Do you know how worried I was?'' Suleiman hugged Avery and she clenched her hands uncomfortably.


''Sorry, I'm sorry senior. I forgot you feel uncomfortable when someone hugs you…'' Suleiman said.

''Avery, how do you feel?'' Chief Johnson asked.

''Well… I am alive, right? I'm fine, Chief. Don't worry.'' Avery replied and they went inside together.

''That's great. You just need to concentrate on recovering. When you are out of the hospital, we will talk about work.'' Chief Johnson said.

''When is the disciplinary meeting taking place? They must be in a hurry to strip me off my post.'' Avery commented.

''You don't need to worry about that. Just get well first.''

Avery sat on the bed and looked at Fiona whom was standing quietly by the window.

''Chief, what news did I miss?'' Avery asked.

''You didn't miss anything.'' Chief Johnson placed the basket of fruits on the table and turned to Avery. ''I came to see how you are doing. I need to go back to the station. Things are a little chaotic because of what happened, but you don't have to worry about that. Mariah will take care of it.'' Chief Johnson said.

Chief Johnson soon left, leaving Suleiman and Avery in the ward. Kai had gone to see him off.

''I was surprised when I heard about the sudden drop of the charges against Avery. I knew you had a hand in it but I didn't think you would go to that extent, Prosecutor Oak. I asked around and was informed that you had something to do with it.'' Chief Johnson said to Kai.

'Well…'' Kai smiled.

Chief Johnson turned and faced Kai. ''I heard Adonis Birchwood came here and wanted to take Avery away? You didn't allow him to and promised to take care of Avery. What I don't understand is this, Prosecutor Oak. A month ago, you walked into the police station and threatened to sue Avery but a month after, you stepped in and prevented her from going to jail. Can I ask what is the reason for you doing all this?''

''I do have a reason but I want Avery to be the first person to know before anyone else. As for me being behind the charges dropped, I would appreciate it if you don't tell Avery about it.''

''This is really surprising. You hated her with so much passion a month ago but now you don't even want her to know that you are being good to her? Prosecutor Oak, are you in love with Avery?''

''No!'' Kai said sharply.

''Well… as long as you are not, it's fine. Avery is a nice woman and I want her to meet a good man. Someone who won't be toxic to her. As you know… she is capable of ruining herself because of her stubbornness.''

''You don't have to worry. I am only protecting her because of a reason. Detective Sandas and I… will never become a couple.''

''Alright! I have to go then. I will see you around, I guess.''

''Sure.'' Kai said and turned to go inside after Chief Johnson walked away.