
Chapter 9

“Oh, and Anise.” Miss Baxter was clearly smirking now as she locked her gaze on mine and bored into my skull. “Do not even think of taking yourself over without my permission.”

Wait. What? It’s bad enough that she’s watching, but making me wait for release until she allows it? What kind of sick joke is that? “Miss Baxter?”

“You heard me, young lady.” The smirk had disappeared, replaced by a slight downturn of the corners of her mouth that I came to know as her way of showing disappointment. “Under no circumstances are you to let yourself come without my express permission.”


“These are the rules now. Either learn to live within them or the Aphrodite gets locked away. Your choice.”

I think I must have whined just a little bit. How did we go from nice landlady who buys me expensive gifts to infuriating woman who has me masturbating in her bed, only to demand that I inform her of my desire to have an orgasm? No, not inform—ask—ask for fucking permission.