
Misrule Book One: Envoy of Discord

Using a divine weapon, an unforgiving nation wages war against the Atomo Clan, sending the north into a storm of blood. Koden and Nivra Atomo, unable to withstand the onslaught, were forced to flee. Knowing that they would be powerless against the elite tappers, they went on their own paths. Through lies and deceit, Koden sows chaos throughout the continent in order to assist his northern allies. Using threats and his notorious brutality, Koden throws morals aside in his attempt to succeed. After fleeing his decimated city, Nivra takes to the underbelly of society in hopes to carve out a place for himself. By stealing powerful artifacts and assembling a group of skilled criminals, Nivra begins growing his underground empire.

Atomo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Coldcrown Forest is the largest and most dangerous forest in Plathara. It is vast and is connected with the Coldcrown Mountains, so it has a higher concentration of beasts than anywhere else. Only knowledgeable people familiar of the area can successfully survive for long periods of time. Surrounding nations have taken advantage of the forest as much as they can to try and balance the disadvantages.

    The gray midday sky covered the sun above the Kingdom of Breezeridge. Within its walls were an orderly people, conducting their daily duties to maintain their stead. The buildings were made of darker gray stones and bordered with thick slabs of wood. The brick streets were well maintained and level. Most citizens of the country wore some form of weapon whether it be a blade, axe, or club. 

Further in from the gate stood a towering building accented with massive Breezeridge insignias. A royal blue banner with a three-prong emblem centered onto it. At the tips of the pointed prongs were small dots, each representing the different principles of the once nomadic people, Find, Fight, and Feast. Of course, some in the village say that the principles have been altered to be more suitable for the new age, but the fearless leader of the country Warlord Lorne Tama have kept their original representations unmolested. Centuries ago they were a mobile people, riding on horseback and pillaging all they could find. They were greatly feared across the continent and have even been created into a terrifying folklore in the south. However, after years of being on the move, they eventually settled near the east of Plathara next to a massive ridge containing large gem mines. 

Inside the tower near the center of the capital of Breezeridge, Taman,  sat a group of people at a long table. At the head of the table was a large middle-aged man with a small thicket of blonde facial hair covering his face. His deep blue eyes showed a constant serious hue. His darker blonde hair was medium in length and was pushed over to the left side of his head. Atop his broad shoulders was a padding of scraggly animal fur, underneath was a leather shirt. "We have been asked several times since the annihilation to send troops to assist the Beeajii," he said in his deep, gritty voice. "Linus, have you sent someone to guard our borders?" he continued, looking over to a younger man with a similar appearance to the right of him.

The man cleared his throat before answering him, "Yes lord, we have hundreds of our men patrolling our northern borders at all times of the day."

"Auna, are the mines secured?" the man said after hearing Linus's answer. He looked over at the beautiful young woman sitting next to Linus.

"Yes lord, they are all secured, and the gems themselves will not be able to be found by anyone but us," Auna said, moving her long blonde bangs behind her right ear.

"Good," the man said looking to everyone at the table. "The Atomo have been good people to not only us, but to everyone on Plathara. They were one of the only nations left with a set of balls still in tact. We will send them some of our troops."

The people at the table all looked at their leader. The ones who opposed the notion dared not to speak out to their warlord in fear of punishment. "We will send three hundred men, the rest stay."

"Lord, will they all be tappers?" an even more beautiful younger woman said sitting next to Auna.

"Most will be tappers, yes. For these battles I will refrain, I wish to stay here in case of attack," the man said, being sure to take precaution for his nations sake.

"Warlord Lorne, do you that is the best decision?" a suggestive councilman said to his leader.

Lorne looked at the councilman and smiled. "Councilman Perrs, if I hadn't of known you for as long as I have I would've cut your throat open right here." 

The councilman laughed as he has been threatened by Lorne for quite some time now. "But yes, I will not be taking part. Instead, I will be giving head commanding power to Linus," Lorne said placing a hand on Linus's shoulder.

"Congratulations brother," Auna said, looking over to Linus.

The woman to the side of Auna couldn't help but to speak up, "Lord, don't you think that a group of men with the intention of fending off Tokanoba should be led by someone who is more qualified?"

"Lee, I am qualified," Linus said looking over to his younger sister.

"Linus is next in line to take the throne, he will need this under his belt," Lorne said.

"Lord, please reconsider, give me a chance as a commander I won't disappoint," Lee begged to her father.

"Lee. Linus is my eldest child, making him the next heir. Even if he were to not be suitable for the position, Auna would be the next heir."

"Neither of them are suitable, they don't take the nation seriously and just want the title, lord."

"That is enough Lee," Lorne growled at the insubordinance.

Lee looked away from her father in frustration. "Linus will be the general, Auna will be the Lieutenant, and Lee will lead the special operations battalion that will go with the group. But don't think for a second that Linus or Auna cannot override your orders. You will do as they say, do I make myself clear?"

Lee looked at Lorne with a face of annoyance, "I hear you, lord."

"Do I make myself clear?" 

"Yes, you do."

"You all will leave for the Beeajii Clan in two days," Lorne said as he rose from his chair and began to walk out of the room.

"Thank you, lord," Linus said in appreciation.

Lee got up from her seat and exited the building. She joined the bustle in the city of Taman and began to walk. What will I have to do to prove to him that I should be next in heir? Lee thought to herself as she recollected the meeting. Her long golden blonde hair swayed back and forth as she walked. Her ocean blue eyes showed a face of aggravation. Her skin was paler than the average person, which is a delicacy for the men of Breezeridge. She wore casual clothes made of leather and other softer fabrics. On her left side hung a medium-sized sword in a metal scabbard. Her mind needed to be cleared, her thoughts rampaged throughout her head. 

She arrived at a large stable containing many well-maintained horses. They were quite larger than normal and looked lean and fast. Their coats were shiny, and the hair on their tails were well combed. She approached a tall mare with golden fur. The mane of the beautiful animal had a thin braid kept together with a bead at the end with the Breezeridge insignia engraved into it. The horse welcomed her and nudged Lee with her sleek head.

As Lee continued to pet her companion she couldn't help but think that someone was near. She looked to the entrance of the stable and saw councilman Perrs standing in the doorway. "May I speak with you lady?" Perrs politely asked.

"As long as you address me by my name instead of "Lady,"" Lee said, annoyed by the councilman's approach.

"My apologies Lee, I saw you were quite upset during the meeting," he said walking closer to Lee, his short gray hair and stubble hair showed from the light.

"I just wanted what I am owed that is all," Lee huffed as she began to place a saddle on her mare.

"Lee you have been a wonderful warrior and a fantastic leader, your father knows that."

"Doesn't know enough apparently."

"Lee don't be rash, he is just following the tradition that's be-," 

"That tradition is trash," Lee interrupted.

"What is he to do Lee."

"Use his warlord powers and some common sense and appoint the most capable to take the kingdom over."

"Lee, I'm aware it's hard to understand, but you will have a wonderful life here."

"It's not about that Perrs, it's about getting the things you deserve in life," Lee said as she walked over to Perrs. "And I'm going to prove it to my father if it's the last thing I do."

Perrs frowned at her stubbornness, he was concerned that she was just going to become even further disappointed in the long run. "Where do you plan on going?" he said looking at Lee's horse saddled up.

"I am going to train outside of the city to clear my mind," Lee said as she mounted her steed. "But first I am going to speak privately with my father," she continued as she sped out of the stable.

"I wouldn't do that!" Perrs said, but it was too late as Lee was far gone.

Lee arrived at her father's home within the massive tower that the meeting was held in. She entered the building and found her father in his study. Lorne sat at his desk and appeared to be writing something. "Lord," Lee said as she stepped into the doorway.

Lorne looked up from his writings and smiled, "Come in Lee."

Lee entered the study and approached his desk. She remained quite as she made eye contact with her father. "What is it?" Lorne asked.

"Lord, I wish to apologize for my disobedience earlier."

"Don't apologize for something you aren't sorry for," Her father chuckled.

"No, I am sorry. It wasn't right to disrespect you in front of aldermen."

"Yes, your constant disrespect wears thin at times," Lorne said with a grit to his teeth.

"Lord, I wish for you to try and understand my reasons."

"For what the throne?"


"There is nothing to understand, you believe you are entitled to the throne."

"Entitled Lord? I have done nothing but live for this nation. I have bloodied my sword, taken injuries, and even undergone the impossible for the sake of Breezeridge, and that to you is an entitlement?"


"You and the laws both know that I am a more suitable leader than Linus and Auna combined, and you are stooping to primitive expired ways to conduct your business."

"Lee I will not be spoken to like this."

"Lord, what do I have to do?"

"You will be subordinate! You will fight for your nation, and you will be rewarded for such."

"How can I convince you that I am the one to place on the throne, Lord?"

"There is nothing to convince me of, I know you are a wonderful leader, however, Linus is the next in heir."

Lee looked away in frustration. A moment of silence followed before she spoke again. "Linus will show you his incompetencies, many Breezeridge men will die as we fight Tokanoba and the blood will be on his hands. He is a detriment, and I will show you, my worth father."


Before Lorne could finish his sentence Lee exited the room and began walking toward the exit. She was frustrated to no end, her fists clenched in anger as she internally cursed her father. She felt unappreciated for her duties to Breezeridge. At this time Lee needed to clear her mind more than ever, she mounted her mare and left the city to train.


Two days have passed, and the three hundred soldiers that Lorne had promised stood in line at the gates preparing to depart. Linus, Auna, and Lee stood near the front of the line on horseback, dressed in their armor. "We will leave soon," Linus said as he adjusted his belongings.

Lee rolled her eyes and walked away from her two siblings. She felt that they looked down on her because of her insubordination. She approached a scarred man gathering his weapons. His short black hair was lightly speckled with gray, and his facial stubble resembled salt and pepper. "Aizel, gather our squadron, I wish to have a word with them before we leave," Lee said.

Aizel looked up at Lee with his blue eyes and nodded his head, "Right away, Lady."

Minutes later Lee's special operations squadron was assembled away from the masses. Lee stood before them on her horse. "We all know where we are going, and what we are going to face," she began saying. "Let me be your reminder that the battles ahead of us will be conducted differently, quite poorly compared to usual. We will not be valued, and if we allow it, our lives will be thrown away for the greatness of someone else," Lee said with a tone of frustration.

"We must watch out for one another and preserve as much life as possible, we aren't losing soldiers for this cause," Lee began pacing back and forth as her rant continued. "This is why I chose all of you for my team, don't disappoint me."

A light motivated roar came from the group of soldiers. They greatly respected Lee, she has proven herself well enough that she is a worthy leader and a formidable opponent. 

"We leave!" Linus yelled in the distance as the gates to the city opened.

The soldiers began to ride northeast towards the Beeajii Clan. Lee was concerned about her speech earlier, what if she does lose a soldier? That would make her a liar, and people would look down to her as a leader. She must hold her word for the sake of her men and get them out alive.