
Misrule Book One: Envoy of Discord

Using a divine weapon, an unforgiving nation wages war against the Atomo Clan, sending the north into a storm of blood. Koden and Nivra Atomo, unable to withstand the onslaught, were forced to flee. Knowing that they would be powerless against the elite tappers, they went on their own paths. Through lies and deceit, Koden sows chaos throughout the continent in order to assist his northern allies. Using threats and his notorious brutality, Koden throws morals aside in his attempt to succeed. After fleeing his decimated city, Nivra takes to the underbelly of society in hopes to carve out a place for himself. By stealing powerful artifacts and assembling a group of skilled criminals, Nivra begins growing his underground empire.

Atomo · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

You took everything from me. My family my kingdom and everything else I held dear. I swear by the laws that I will extract my revenge even if it takes a thousand years!

-Oath of a vengeful prince

"Charu, bring out the prisoner," Xia ordered while hunched over a glass container.

"Ma'am, you banished Charu last month," a young teen girl replied respectfully. Xia lifted her head up from her work. Her long hair was pure white as was her skin. Her eyes were pale green and seemed to shine with an inner light. Xia had a very striking appearance as she almost looked like an albino. Her white hair and skin were not caused by a disease it was due to the massive amounts of poison that she had been exposed to. 

"Ah that's right he was making recreational poisons and selling them. Have I replaced him yet?" Xia asked as she recalled the event. 

"No ma'am you have been too busy with your latest experiment," the young girl answered.

"Kuha, go get a guard to bring in the prisoner," Xia ordered. 

"Right away," Kuha replied leaving to fulfill Xia's order. Xia took a deep breath as she leaned back in her chair. Relaxing she looked around at the scenic view. Trees and flower along with countless types of other plant life. A glass roof spread in all directions containing the large garden. This was the Tokanoba royal garden and was her territory. Not even the king would recklessly intrude without a good reason. Besides her assistant Kuha, no one was allowed in without her permission. Those who did would die via the poison that filled the air within the garden. Soon Kuha returned with a pale-faced guard and a haggard looking man who was wearing tattered rags. 

"I brought the prisoner as you requested, mistress Xia," the guard said nervously. Xia smiled as she took out a small vial. 

"You may take your leave and drink this, so you don't die," Xia said tossing the small vial to the guard. With a trace of panic, the guard caught the vial and clutched the vial as if his life depended on it. With the vial secure the guard hurriedly left the garden. Xia moved her gaze over to the prisoner.  

"What are you looking at you dumb bi-" the prisoner began to say before he started gagging. The prisoner trembled as he lost control of his body and dropped to the ground.

"Put him on table six," Xia told Kuha. With a nod, Kuha waved her hand as a gust of nimora swept the man onto a metal table. She then took out a vial similar to the one Xia had taken out. Kuha poured the contents into the prisoner's mouth. Soon the prisoner was able to move his body but discovered he was shackled to the table. Before he could say anything Kuha forced a coarse rope into his mouth to act as a gag. 

"He is ready," Kuha said happily walking over to Xia. 

"Did you gag him?" Xia asked as she picked up a sealed bowl. 

"Of course I did," Kuha huffed.

"We just need to make sure he doesn't bit off his own tongue and kill himself," Xia explained. 

"I'm aware," Kuha said rolling her eyes.

"You brat, since when did you start talking back?" Xia asked with fake anger. Kuha giggled as she walked back over to the prisoner. Xia followed behind Kuha as she looked at the prisoner.

"You have been found guilty of murder by the kingdom of Tokanoba, and you have been sentenced to die. Unfortunately, you were sent to me so your death will not be swift nor pleasant," Xia said opening up the sealed bowl. Inside the bowl was blood with a blue root in the center. Xia reached in and grabbed the odd blue root. The root began to wiggle and struggle. Xia then placed the root on the prisoner. The root stilled for a moment before it drilled into the man's body. The prisoner began to thrash about and scream as loud as he could. 

"Growing the Azure Blade Root sure is difficult. It needs a living host to slowly consume their life force before it matures," Kuha said shaking her head.

"In the wild they consume beasts, but we have figured out using humans works even better. After it matures it can be used for a powerful medicine or poison," Xia explained.  The prisoner soon stilled as he passed out from the pain. As Xia and Kuha were monitoring the prisoner, a loud bang echoed through the garden as someone pounded on the garden door. Xia walked over and opened the door as the urged knocking continued. The guard that had brought in the inmate at had frantic loom on his face. 

"Mistress Xia, King Svolik is critically injured and needs your assistance," the guard said. Xia frowned as she was not aware of how Svolik could have been injured. 

"Where is he?" Xia asked.

"In the throne room," the guard responded. 

"By the laws, let's bring the injured man to the throne room, not the garden filled with medicine," Xia complained as she blurred and vanished from sight. Within a moment she appeared within the throne room. What greeted her was a burnt body that she could only barely feel a hint of life from.

"Thank the laws your here," a man dressed in military attire said relieved.

"After I help Svolik I expect an explanation," Xia said with a hint of anger. She walked to the burnt body as she crouched down. She held out her hands as a soft green nimora spread over the burnt body. After a few moments, she stood up in shock. "By the laws who did he fight!?" Xia yelled utterly flabbergasted by the damage. 

"Kagu Atomo," the soldier answered. 

"Once I stabilize him I will get answers," Xia said grimly. She touched a white ring on her finger causing a large tub made out of jade to appear. She then took out a gourd that was hanging on her waist. The gourd was pale white with black vein-like lines running all over it. She uncorked the gourd as a green liquid came gushing out. It quickly filled up the jade tub. Xia then waved a hand sending out a wave of nimora. The nimora wrapped around Svolik as it lifted him up into the tub filled with green liquid. As Svolik entered the tub Xia began to inject a vast amount of Nimora into the tub. The liquid glowed with a faint green light as it attempted to heal Svolik. After a few moments, the liquid began to bubble as multi-colored flames started to seep out of Svolik. The flames intensified as they began to act as if they were alive. 

"Not good get back!" Xia yelled as she used her nimora to lift Svolik out of the tub. As soon as Svolik left the tub flames exploded out of him. Green nimora surrounded Svolik containing the flames from ravaging the entire city. After a struggle Xia was able to suppress the flames. Seeing the lingering flames Xia frowned as she began to analyze Svolik's condition. 

I won't be able to quickly purge those flames. I may be an origin ascendant, but Kagu was much stronger than me, so his flames are naturally harder for me to deal with. I guess I'll have to take drastic action or Svolik will end up dead, Xia thought as she approached Svolik. She used her nimora to move him to a large dining table. She took out a razor-sharp scalpel. She cut into Svolik's chest causing thick black blood to gush out. She opened his chest down to his heart. Svolik heart was shrunken and black but still was beating. Xia focused as she took out a large red pill. She made an incision in Svolik's heart as she quickly inserted the red pill into the cut. After the pill was inserted into Svolik's heart, Xia injected nimora into the heart dissolving the pill. The heart turned red, and the blood began to take on a red tint. With a sigh, Xia closed the cut and smeared a salve on it to heal it shut. 

"I have done what I can. It will be up to the laws if he survives," Xia said feeling exhausted. 

"Thank you for your effort lady Xia," the high ranking soldier said.

"General Kudaos, enough flattery I think it's time you tell me what happened," Xia said in an irritated voice. Kudaos explained the attack on the Atomo and how Svolik had killed Kagu. After hearing the story, Xia was sputtering in rage.

"Why was I not told? I should have let Svolik die for his stupidity! Since you lot kept me in the dark, don't expect any help from me or my assistants!" Xia fumed as she returned to the garden leaving a stunned Kudaos standing in the throne room.