
Misplaced Princess

Emily's 18th birthday would be the day her world would be turned upside down, threw into a new life in a seemingly familiar world how will she cope? With more questions than answers will Emily be able to piece anything together? Emily is not alone in her journey but will the secrets be more than she can bear? A story of supernatural forces, royalty. loyalty. love. and betrayal.

LillianRose · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter Ten

Emily forced a smile on to her face, but her heart ached for the rest of the night. She had found she truly was the cause of her mothers' death and that alone ate a hole through her. She had always hoped her father's cruel words had been just that. Finding she had a brother should have been a blessing, and it was, but the thought of never seeing this family's kingdom brought dread to her soul. Would she be reunited with her brother just for him to be ripped away?

Questions and sadness swirled through Emily's mind. She enjoyed the party in mostly silence. She sat at one of the tables in the rear of the room and sipped some wine. It had been her first experience with such a drink. Though she didn't enjoy the flavor she drank it anyway. It seemed it helped take the edge off her feeling of helplessness.

"Are you not enjoying the party?" Adam had approached her without her notice. She looked up from her half empty glass and gave a smile.

"I'm not much if a partier. I enjoy just observing." She said lightly and shifted her gaze back down."

"Is that so?" Adam said. "Princess, would you mind accompanying me?" He stretched is hand out towards her.

"Me? Where to?" She was surprised by his sudden offer.

"Take my hand and find out." A small smile swept over his lips. No matter how small Emily was taken aback by it. His usually cold face had lit up ever so slightly and she realized just how truly handsome the man in front of her was. She had never thought otherwise but seeing even such a slight smile seemed like it melted some of his cold exterior away. She placed her hand gently in his and they quietly made their way from the room. It didn't seem to gather much attention or interest for that matter, the remaining party goers were consumer in drink and conversation.

Emily and Adam walked hand in hand. The gesture brought a warmth into Emily's face that she didn't recognize. Adam led her outside, behind the cast to be exact. A large river sat there with a small white bench situated in front. Emily's breath caught in her chest as she took in the beauty before her. The river waves violently crashed against the large rocks within it, the sound it created mixed with the humid scent in the air calmed Emily's mind. The stars shone brightly behind the trees that night. The moon even brighter as it sat half full.

The pair sat on the bench together. It hadn't occurred to Emily that here hand still sat in his. She shyly removed it and scooted slightly away. The closeness brought a flutter to her heart. She had never been around many people, other than her father, much less a man, less than that even a king.

"This place is truly beautiful." Emily said, twiddling her thumps.

"I thought you might enjoy it. I come here when I want to think." Adam said.

Silence fell upon them. Emily just tried to take in her surroundings. She tried to block out the man beside her, but it was truly a task to do so. His presence was very notable, his normal intimidating aura had lessened significantly on this night. She wondered what may have become of her that night if he and his men hadn't rescued her. It seemed twice now he had been a part of saving her life.

"Adam, I don't think I have properly thanked you. You have done so much for me, especially being someone, you didn't know. I may not understand your reasoning, but I am thankful." Emily stared into the river as she spoke. Something about this moment seemed to bring her confidence in front of him. She was nervous to be so close and secluded, but she also felt free to speak.

"You have no need to thank me." He said simply.

They remained in silence, enjoying the moment. The peacefulness had brought some peace to her. She had much to be disheartened about but in this moment she felt fine.


Emily awake the next day full of determination. She refused to worry about the future. Today was what mattered, and she would enjoy it. She readied herself and attempted to find her brother. If things couldn't be worked out and she couldn't go back with him she at least hoped to share the pleasure of his company for as long as she could. She located Jason's guards before she did him.

"Do you know where I may find King Jason?" She asked the guards.

"His Majesty is in a meeting and wishes not to be disturbed." One of the guards responded flatly.

Emily raised her eyebrow. "Well, could you tell him I was looking for him?"

"Yes miss."

It was clear to Emily her new title was not yet common knowledge. "Very well. I will be waiting in my room then."

She buried herself in a book she had borrowed from the library. She was anxious to see her brother, but she did her best to be patient.

Several hours had passed and Emily began to worry. Could whatever meeting her had really be so long? Just as the thought crossed her mind, she hears a knock at the door. She jumped up and rushed to see who it was.

To something of Emily's surprise, it wasn't her brother but one of his guards. "Miss would you come with me please? His majesty wishes to see you."

"Oh, sure." Emily said. She quickly slipped on her shoes and off they went.

Jason was standing outside the palace doors, he appeared to be admiring a flower bed. A horse drawn carriage waited beside him.

"Jason?" Emily said, the disappointment evident in her voice.

"Ah, darling sister." Jason said turning to her. "How are you feeling today?"

"I'm well. Are you leaving?" She frowned. She didn't want to waste time on small talk.

"I'm afraid so. Something has happened that requires my attention. It will already be a few days before I can address it so I must leave as soon as possible." Emily told tell from the sadness in his eyes he didn't have nay kind of good news.

"Is everything ok?" She asked.

"Yes, we had a small attack. Nothing to serious but it seems my absence is may be causing unrest."

"I see." Emily said. She had a question but no courage to ask it.

Jason sighed. "it isn't wise for you to come back with me this time. I think you should stay here. King Adam has promised me your safety." Jason had a grim frown on his face.

"Why would he do that? I mean he has been securing my safety for some time now but why? What's in it for him?" She asked.

"Well right now, my gratitude. Before, I can't say. I also can't say I like the idea of you staying here amongst all these men… but I don't see much option now." He sighed.

"I hardly got to talk to you." Emily whined.

Jason took a long look at his sister before pulling her into his embrace. "My darling sister. We will see each other again; this I promise you. For now, keep your wits about you." He gave her a squeeze before departing.

That hug was the first she had ever had, and her heart warmed at the thought. She would cherish it always. Still as she watched the carriage ride away hundreds of questions flowed through her mind.