
Misogynistic Hololiver (A Hololive Fanfic)

"...This is my life now..." Ishijin Shiro. An ex-soldier. Single, broken-hearted twice, and finally got his heart shattered into pieces after his mom decided to break it by "betraying" him, and now he sits there, really doubting the opposite gender. "...Why did you have to do that, mom?!" However...though he's out of the military now, that closed door led to another open door. Streaming. Holostars' 13th member, a.k.a the Solo Debutant, will give blood, sweat, and tears to rise up to mainstream. But can he do it though? Knowing he's gonna be working alongside Hololive? An idol group consisting of girls? All he knows is that he's determined to be considered one of the greatest Vtubers in the scene. He wishes to be considered a GOAT. Btw, the drawing is not mine. It belongs to a guy named Laovaan that did a drawing tutorial. I also don't own Cover or Hololive. The only thing I own here is my OC, Ishijin Shiro.

MinecUwUberif · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Ch 46 - We're Friends, Aren't We? Pt. 7

"Hah...hah...almost there...!" Anemachi panted as I still ran with her, totally still fine, although kind of sweaty since I sweat easily.

"What is it anyway?"

"I'll tell you when we get there! It'll make it all the more exciting!" Anemachi said.

And so, I just followed her orders, still running at the 3rd floor, and…

"...A jewelry shop?" I asked.

"Come inside!" She said as she pushed the glass door.

"Ah, welcome, mister, miss. What would you two like?" The lady at the counter said.

"Hello, me and him are the first place winners of the contest below earlier. I would like to inquire if you still have that diamond star ring in stock?" Anemachi asked.

"Here's our token of proof." I said, getting the token out of my pocket.

"Ah, how smart of you two to use that for this occasion! It's really expensive, since it costed 2 million yen. And yes, we do have a few in stock!" The lady said as she opened a box, showing six rings that glimmered and sparkled like a diamond. It had a silver ring, but on top was a beautiful small diamond.

"Wah...! Thank god, it's still here...! C-Can we please take one?"

"Sure! Are you sure you want to make this purchase? This token only works for one purchase!"

"I'm very sure! Can we have it in a box?"

"Of course! Give me a moment. Oh, by the way, you two look so good together! Do any of you do modeling by any chance?" The lady asked as she prepared a small ring box.

"Ah, I don't do modeling, sorry! I do get complimented about my looks a lot though." Anemachi giggled nervously.

"Me too, I don't." I giggled...but a bit more than Anemachi.

'I can't just tell them I actually did modeling before when I was 15. That's embarrassing.' I thought in my mind and looked away.

"Here you go! Is your boyfriend perhaps wanting to propose?" The lady asked.

"Nope! It's a gift for my sister!"

"Mhmm. Her sister is lovely, by the way. Very kind and talented." I said.

"I see...have a good day, you two!" The lady said as she waved.

We waved back, and got out of the mall, breathing in the fresh air.

"Aaahh! It feels good to come out of that contest and be a winner!" She giggled and put her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, me too." I chuckled.

"...Say...did you at least have fun?" She asked.

"Oh? Of course. I love doing music! And besides...I guess going out with you wasn't as boring and bad as I thought it'd be."

"Eh...? So...you weren't actually looking forward to hanging out with me?"

"It's not that, it's just…"


"...Don't take it the wrong way, but I've said it before, especially in my debut. I'm straight, but I don't like girls. I especially can't just trust them out of the blue. I-I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but I only put my trust in you at that time. Other than that...I'm kind of having a hard time interacting with girls…"

"I-I see…"

"...H-However, I wasn't lying when I said it wasn't as boring and bad as I thought it'd be...I-It was fun going out with you." I scratched my head and looked away.

"Hmm? Maybe you're saying that so I won't feel bad?"

"N-No...I genuinely did like it."

"I see...me too. I liked it, you know?" She smiled while looking at me.

"B-By the way, why'd you choose that ring?"

"Oh...you see, me and my family went here one time...Suisei kept looking at a jewelry store, so we went in, and she saw this ring right here...Because she wanted to save up some money for Vtubing and all that, she had to ditch it. You know...me and my parents also wanted to buy it, but we wanted to save money too...and I'm pretty sure you know what that was used for."

"The keyboard and guitar, huh...? I see."


"Well...guess we're doing her a huge favor."

"Yeah! Oh, it's almost by the way, so...I gotta go back now. If you wanna come eat at our house though, it's fine too. We also know about your secret behind...the mask, so no worries about anything judgmental. We're not like that."

"Well...it sounds good, but I think I'm fine eating back at the Holohouse."

"I see...so I guess this is goodbye, huh?"

"Mhmm. Though, if you wanna go out again, just call me. I might be free or so."



"I-I expected you to give something colder as a response...you're quite the kind man despite your hate against girls, huh?"

"N-Not really." I looked away.

"Well, at least you got to go out with a pretty girl like me.~ See ya!" She said as she waved and hummed nicely while also putting the ring box on my hand.

"Me and my family are going to the school later at 4 PM to visit her and bring the gifts! You take care of the ring!" She said.

"Oh? Okay!" I said.

'...Wait, I won't cause misunderstandings, will I?' I sweat dropped and deadpanned at the ground.

I can already imagine everybody blushing and fainting on the ground as Suisei's heart pounds 100 beats per minute while blushing hard...Ah, screw it. I'll get out of that predicament anyway, one way or another.

And so, I went back to the Holohouse, putting the box inside of my pocket, and running straight to my room.

"Oh? Yo!" A few Holostars in the kitchen said.

"Yo!" I said as I waved and ran past them.

"What's with the rush?" They said as I already arrived at the door of my room.

"Got busy with stuff, and now I gotta have lunch and work on some music! Just call me if you need me!" I said as I slammed the door shut.

'Hmm...how am I gonna give it to Suisei? I can't just give it to her plainly, 'cause it feels half-assed…'

…Do I need to give it like how one would propose? That will REALLY cause misunderstandings…

"Hmm...ah, fuck it, I'll think about it later after lunch."

Hopefully I won't forget it though...but anyway, I cooked vegetables and a bit of meat with some fried egg, and I ate lunch while watching some clips.

After that, I played Jstris. Although I said I would work on some music, I'm currently braindead.

"Hmm...GAH! ...huh, still around the 50 second mark...oh, well. Guess I'll just do music instead. What a fucking hypocrite I am." I laughed.

And so, I thought that maybe I should give my "USSEEWA" a listen and see if I could tweak it just a bit more, as well as just seeing if my voice is fantastic or if it's shittier than pig shit.

"Hmm...oh? Now that I think about it, the 2nd 'Hah?' is fine, but the first one...it could sound cooler if I make it sound like it came from a guitar amplifier. Yeah!" I giggled as I smiled like a freak when I added a guitar amp effect in FL Studio.

Make it distorted, tiny, but powerful. Hehehe...and after that, I also practiced some guitar. Maybe practicing some Ichika Nito?

"Hmm...oh?" I said as I heard some noise outside.

"Sui-chan, surprise!" I heard a voice outside.

"Eh? The hell's the commotion?" I said as I got my headphones out and went out the door.

"Eh?! Thank you so much for the gifts!" Suisei said.

I looked at the entrance of the Holohouse and saw two staff members bringing a long rectangular box, and what looked like a guitar case.

"...Oh, they're here." I deadpanned.

"Oh? Hey, Shiro-kun!~" Anemachi waved at me.

"H-Hey." I sweat dropped.

"Oh yeah, since me and my parents already showed our gifts, how about showing yours?"

"Ah, that. Mhmm, wait." I said as I went to my desk and got the ring.

"Alright, gotta give it to he-" I said as I kept walking, but my mind went blank instantly.

'...Fuck, I forgot that I was supposed to think of how to give her the ring...Ah, screw it! Do it on the spot!' I thought.

"Suisei." I said as I approached her, who was standing near one of the couches along with a few Hololivers.


There were even a few Holostars, namely Astel, Miyabi, Suzaku, Kaoru, and Aruran. The Hololivers were a few 1st gen, Marine, all of HoloEN, and some HoloID.

"I...have something for you." I said as I knelt on one knee, and put the other against the floor.

"E-Eh?" She said, widening her eyes.

"W-Wait, Shiro, what's that on your hand?" Astel said.

"Suisei, when I first saw you on the internet, I thought, 'Wow...she really is a star' ...You got beauty, comedy, and talent. What more could anybody ask from a person...?" I said as I looked her straight in the eyes and showed the box.

"HOLY SHIT, IS THAT A MARRIAGE PROPOSAL I'M SEEING?!" Aruran dove to the floor and looked at what I was holding.


"W-W-W-WAIT, WHAT?! A-A-ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Suisei said.

"I'm serious right now, Suisei. My feelings are true."


"Ey yo, you can't just confess out of the blue, my dude!" Calli said.


"What'ya mean? This is the perfect time, Marine." I said.

"*whistles*...going the bold route, I see." Anemachi said.

"Humu humu. Shiro-kun does have the looks, after all." Suisei's dad said while his hand was on his chin.


"Save your thoughts for later. Suisei, I came here for one purpose and one purpose only…" I said as I put my other hand on top of the box and slowly lifted the case.

"Will you…" I said as everybody's eyes widened so much, waiting for whatever was inside the box.

"...Take this ring as a birthday gift?!" I shouted as I showed it.





"But hey, congratulations for proposing to Suisei!" Kiara continued.


"The hell? I've always been treating her right though." I sweat dropped.

"I-I never knew you liked Sui-chan, but if that's what you want, I guess...so be it." Mel said slightly frowning.

"...Sigh, the reactions are fun to watch, but I think this might turn into something more serious if I don't intervene." Anemachi said as she came to us as the others gave their own comments on the "proposal".

"Sui-chan...you remember that ring you wanted months ago?" Anemachi asked Suisei while walking towards us.

"O-Oh? Ah, that! What about it?"

"That's the ring Shiro-kun got for you."

"..." Everybody deadpanned at Anemachi for a few seconds, processing what they just did earlier vs now and putting 2 and 2 together.


"2 MILLION?! THAT'S EXPENSIVE!" Everybody said.

"Yeah! You see, thanks to Shiro-kun, we were able to get this ring!~" Anemachi hugged me and put her face against mine.

"E-Err...well, thanks to Anemachi too, not just me."

"Eh?! But, Shiro-kun! 2 million is too much for a gift!"

"Ah, no. We got this for free." I said.

"FREE?!" Everybody shouted.

"You see, in Shibuya, there was an event in a mall where couples can participate in a music composition improv contest, and we got first place! The prize was that we could buy anything with no budget! However, it would only be spent on one purchase only!"

"And so, that's how I got this ring. Also...this isn't an engagement ring. It's merely a gift. Anemachi said you wanted this ring, so...that's why we went with this." I sweat dropped.

"Also, get off of me, Anemachi." I said.

"Hmph! Fine, you meanie!" She said as she pouted and stood up.

"Eh? It's not a proposal?" They all asked, especially Suisei's parents.

"No...wait, did I just-"

"Shi...ro...kun...!!!" Suisei said as a fiery aura appeared around her.

'...I knew it. This wasn't the way to go.'

"Hey, listen. I didn't want to give it casually. I wanted to make it a bit more special."

"Shiro-kun...you do know that type of action is only for proposing, right...?" Marine sweated a bit, looking at Suisei and also backing away.

"Welp, you're on your own, Shiro-kun." Matsuri looked away.

"Yeah. Sorry, Shiro-kun. Sui-chan is scary when she's mad." Mel said.

"Hoowee, this is gonna be memorable!" Amelia said, forming a camera with her hands.

"Huh...that's disappointing." Suisei's dad and mom said.

"Oh no...Sui-chan is angry.~" Anemachi put her hand on her mouth.

"H-Hey, Suisei, calm down. Yo, guys. Can you vouch for me?-" I looked back, seeing the guys whistle and look away.

"Sowwy Shiro-kyun. We can't help you." Astel whistled.


'Welp, I'm gonna get fucked so hard in the ass by Suisei, not even prison inmates can have an asshole as big as mine.' I deadpanned in my mind.

"S-Suisei, listen-"


"I WASN'T GONNA MARRY YOU ANYWAY! AND I DIDN'T EVEN STATE I WAS GONNA MARRY YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE!" I said as I grabbed her wrists, putting us in a standstill.




"I KNOW, BUT YOU NEED TO KNOW THAT WHAT MATTERS IS THE GIFT! HERE, TAKE THE DAMN RING!" I said as I pushed her away and breathed out.

"Hah...here, just take it. That's the only thing I was gonna say to you." I said, showing the ring in the box in front of her face.

"O-Oh...yeah…" She said, getting the box from me and getting the ring to examine it.

"Wow...it really is the ring I wanted back then…" Suisei said as she finally put it on her ring finger.

"...I love it." She said with a smile.

"Man...a 2 million yen ring...I wish I had something like that.~" Aruran said.

"How lucky! Soon enough, when I get money, I'll get that too!" Marine said.

"That looks great on you, Sui-chan!" Matsuri said.

"Yeah!" Mel said.

"Hey, Shiro, when it's my birthday, buy me a car-okay, no no! That's a joke, man!" Calli said.

"Aight, next up, a lambo for you, Calli." I snickered.

"NO NO NO! I WAS JUST JOKING!" Calli said.

"Hey, buy me a house next!" Amelia said.

"Buy me a pool full of sweets too!" Gura said.

"Hey, you better buy me a mansion when I get back to Austria soon, Shiro!" Kiara laughed.

I looked at everybody, especially the Holostars beside me, look at Suisei as they all talked with her.

"Sui-chan, happy birthday." Suisei's mom and dad said.

"Un! I'm so happy I have people like you all to be here!" Suisei said.

"You know, although it was mostly Shiro-kun, I also did my part in it. Give me praise, Sui-chan.~" Anemachi said.


"You're mean! What kind of little sister are you?!" Anemachi said as everybody laughed. I did a small chuckle and smiled.

"Say, Shiro-kun. Do you actually like Sui-chan though?" Anemachi asked.

"Huh? No, what makes you think that?"

"I mean...you got on your knees like that. I can't think of any reason for doing that other than having some sort of feeling for the other. Another is the way you respect her. Could it be...you like my little sister actually?~" Anemachi said.

"Oh? I mean, Shiro-kun can be accepted into our family. He's a musician, and I'm also liking his shenanigans." Suisei's dad said.

"H-Hey! You guys can't just decide that! At least give me freedom!" Suisei said.

"Oh, c'mon! You're still young! You gotta enjoy more about life, especially love.~"

"NEE-CHAN, SHUT UP!" Suisei said to Anemachi as she giggled.

Everybody also started to talk to each other about their thoughts and gratitude to Suisei. They even praised Suisei for having that ring.

Something about this situation unsettles me...no, it sickens me. It's not jealousy, it's not disgust. Hell, it's not even nausea...

'I hate this…' I clenched my fists that were in my pockets.

There was something I hated...this situation happens almost everyday since I've been here. I wonder if I even hate myself for it.

It's not that their happiness is what I hate...it's about the girls. Yes, the girls. The main reason why I have trust issues against their gender. It's not that they're girls, but…

Rushia, Mel, Miko, Noel, Flare, Matsuri, Subaru, Roboco, and every other girl that's gotten close to me, and now this? Suisei? ...Why can't just a single girl be chosen for me? Why do I have to go through this shit? Having multiple girls falling for me?

I can tell. They may or may not be in love with each other, hell, even Noel and Flare are a couple, as well as Rushia and Marine, and Miko and Pekora, but I know, deep inside, they have some sort of feelings in them for me...I fear I could cause them to cheat, or even worse...do something we'll regret. I dare not imagine that. I don't want it...

Why did I have to have these thoughts in Suisei's birthday...? Not only a special day, but even somebody I admire...?

"Shiro-kun...Shiro-kun...!" I heard from my front.

"U-Ueh?" I snapped back to reality and looked at Izuru.

"Suisei-senpai was asking what you would like to say to her."

"Oh, that. I didn't get to say everything, right?" I faked a giggle.

"Suisei, what I've said earlier was true. When I first saw you, you were really a star. Of course, the first time I saw you was when you taught Ui some Tetris. Then I heard your song 'Next Color Planet'...it felt like such a novel experience. It gave me a huge dopamine rush. For a moment, I felt like you. A star in the night sky."

"Not to mention, you're interesting with how you have many talents as well as being funny...I consider you a rival, since I want to rise like a star too, but if you need help, I'm more than willing to do so. "

"...Huh…" Suisei said.

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

"You consider me a rival...and I don't even think that highly of you, yet you respect me so much that I'm like your idol?"

"Mhmm. And I'll work hard to capture your heart and make you a fan, like how you did to me!"

"C-Capture my heart?"

"Oh...sigh, I forgot I'm Japanese, so every word counts." I facepalmed and mumbled to myself.

"I-I mean that I'll make you look up to me as hard as I can! I'll do my best!"

"Heh. Well, if that's the case, good luck. I'm sure I can beat you in sales, and even trends!" Suisei said.

"Oh? A rivalry? This'll be interesting! Though, I prefer Shiro-kun's music." Anemachi put her finger on her mouth.

"Don't let him get the win already before the race started, nee-chan! Oi!" Suisei said as Anemachi giggled.

And so, we went back to our business from afternoon to evening. Obviously, we're gonna watch Suisei's birthday stream tonight, but it's around near midnight, so I'll just catch a bit of it. Though, around 7-8, having already eaten dinner, I went to the edge of the school, leaning on the bars and looking at the moon.

"...Damn, what the fuck should I do with this...?"

How funny. My worries were distracted for a moment back then when I gave Suisei my feelings, but after that...it's gotten back to it.

"I'm supposed to be an adult, yet I don't know shit...Can't blame it since I was once 16 years old, but...god...this is hard…"

If it was my 15 year old self, he would've loved it, but I'm fucking 20 now. Multiple girls falling in love with me, especially how I only want one and how a few of them are actual couples, is hella bothering…

"...Baa!" I felt hands over my shoulder but didn't flinch an inch.

"...Roberu? Oh, it's you guys." I said as I looked around to see Roberu, Izuru, Temma, Aruran, and Astel.

"Yo, we went out to eat dinner together." Aruran said.

"Man, I thought I could scare you." Roberu pouted.

"Well, guess you better try harder. If you wanna scare me, be a girl and tell me to hold your bags for you." I chuckled. That joke also made them giggle.

"Say, what's with the long face? Why're you staring at the moon? You like watching HoloID streams without actually using a computer?" Roberu asked.

"...Well...mind if you guys keep this a secret from the Hololivers?" I said, looking around if there was anybody present aside from us.

"Ooh...I see, I see. Boys' talk is happening right now, folks." Roberu giggled.

"Ooh...I mean, I'm a girl by heart, but let's hear it, Shiro-kun." Izuru said.

"Well, you guys can tell it to the boys too later if you want. Just make sure to keep this away from all the girls...I hate them."

"Ooh...well, can't blame your misogyny. What'd they do to you, though? I doubt they've done anything to upset you...aside from what Sui-chan did yesterday." Astel giggled nervously.

"It's not that...I don't hate them because of my trust issues...well...I guess it has some connection to it. Promise you guys won't snitch a thing to the girls?"

"We promise." They said.

"Good...you see, I hate them...they're making me want to trust them less and just keep them from a distance, like a fan to an idol, or a friend...Right now, I'm having a love crisis of some sort."

"Ooh, one of these anime tropes, huh?" Roberu chuckled.

"Yeah, except it's real life, and instead of the MC getting all of them and being happy, the MC hates them and is currently frustrated."

"What's the problem anyway? Most boys would envy your position. Besides, most of the girls are single, and to add on to that, they're mostly lesbian." Temma deadpanned at the sea.

"That's the issue. Despite mostly being gay as hell for each other, I turned them bi. Roboco, Rushia, and the others...you know, Rushia, Pekora, Noel, and Flare so far as the ones I know who have a significant other, Noel and Flare being the most obvious one, but I thought back to what Suisei's parents said earlier in the afternoon…"

"Her dad said I could be good as their future son-in-law for Suisei. That's the same thing as what Rushia's dad said to me once. Not to mention, me and Flare and Noel are getting closer recently, Roboco and Anemachi have a huge crush on me, Miko, despite having Pekora as a girlfriend, is thinking of me, and it's gone so far that it's having an impact on her mind. She's already depressed from so much shit, and this can get her to regress. I could go on for the others, but I'll stop there for now."

"I'm also starting to have mixed feelings for Subaru. Do I love her? Do I not? I don't fucking get it. And not to mention, I can't even tell if she's having feelings for me. Matsuri as well...I fear she'll end up like the rest of them and maybe fall for me. I might be exaggerating, but I just can't help but worry that they might soon enough not only possibly cheat on each other for me, but even do something irreversible...you guys get it, right?"

"Hmm...from the way I see it, it seems you're exaggerating." Aruran said.

"Yeah. So what if they fall for you? You can just decline and say 'no'. It's not that hard, right?" Roberu asked.

"That's what I want to believe...I wish it was that simple, but shit. You guys know that we were all once 16 years old, remember? They won't change until they see the damage it causes. Sure, it's mild right now, but this is the calm before the storm. If it's too late, I don't know what I have to do…actions speak louder than words, you know?"

"Well...how about you just directly tell them not to do it? Like talk to some of them about their feelings and talk things out?" Temma asked.

"I could...but like I said, actions speak louder than words. Persuasion can only do so much. Even if I persuade Miko to not cheat on Pekora or anything, it's not enough to trick her brain to forget she even liked me in the first place."

"I get what you're saying, Shiro-kun…" Izuru said.

We all looked at Izuru.

"You know, no matter the gender, a girl will always have that feeling for a man...that feeling of wanting protection, that feeling of warmth...that feeling of love. That feeling that only a man can do to a woman."

"Why do you think they 'fell in love' with you in the first place? You think Rushia-chan could find anybody else who could sacrifice almost half of their money for her own problems?" Izuru continued.


"Flare-chan and Noel-chan, what did you do for them?"

"I...I helped them with issues too."


"I got her out of depression."


"...I get what you're saying now." I said.

"See? A woman likes depending on a man for these roles...When that happens, a girl won't stop until something happens, and most of the time, it's when she captures that man's heart the same way that man has captured their heart."

"True. A girl can't ever stop when it comes to that. You think men are the only fierce lions? Girls are a damn gorilla." Astel chuckled.

"Then tell me, Izuru, Astel. If I 'captured their heart', and 'they can't stop', then what can I do to stop it?"

"Who knows? The only thing I know is that girls can get as competitive as men can get." Izuru said.

"As for me, you should definitely give them more attention and all, but you gotta do it in a different way." Astel said.

"Hmm?" I said.

"Keep them at a distance. After all, lovers love kissing each other, but a friend can only hug them. Find some way to keep them at a distance to make it clear you only see them as a friend. Though, I guess I can't say much, since it's been a long time since I dated a lot of people. I'm bi, after all." Astel chuckled.

"Yeah. I mean...in the end, girls will just fight till the end. And if you do one wrong move, like the saying goes. 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'. But one thing is for certain. If you've been here for a while, it means the relationship is just starting. You better make it apparent you only wanna be friends before they really start catching feelings." Izuru said.

"Hmm...I see."

That'll be hard...but I'll know what it looks like if I'm doing it right.

"Love and platonic love walk on a helluva fine line. What a pain in the ass." I chuckled.

"Such is life." They said.

"Though...you do know you're very lucky to have those girls, you know? Should we change your nickname in the Discord server to 'Harem King'?" Aruran said.

"Shut up, you Italian old man." I said as we all started giggling.

"Ah...thank you guys for your 2 cents. I needed somebody to keep me in check and to vent out to."

"Don't worry." They all said.

"After all...we're friends, aren't we? Hololive is a family, so we gotta stick together!" Roberu said.

"That's gross." Temma and Aruran said in unison, before we all burst out in laughter.

"Eh? Now that I think about it, it's too anime-ish." Astel put his hand on his mouth to tease Roberu.

"Oi! You'd say the same damn thing if you were me!" Roberu said, grabbing Astel's head and ruffling it.

"Stop! That's my hair!"

"Ah...the usual Holostars." I said to myself.

Noice! Suisei got her gift! The diamond ring that costed 2 million yen! (Will Shiro get married to Suisei? I know you Hoshiyomis want it...UyU. But we'll see!)

Also...Shiro's love crisis is solved! ...OR IS IT?! (DUN DUN DUUUUNNN!!). Will the NTR route prevail? Or will Shiro find his one true love, along with everybody else? Find out soon when Author-kun FINALLY GETS TO THE ENDING. HOLY SHIT, I'VE WRITTEN SO MANY CHAPTERS, AND IT'S NOT EVEN A MONTH YET IN THE STORY-

And one more thing, me going back to 1 chap per Thursday. Holy shit, that was fun finishing that whole arc of that story, but damn, I gotta slow down for a while. Do gotta make sure I'm not pushing myself too much too. (though, it was fun writing these chapters ngl)

That'll be all from Cube QB, squarey bois!~

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