
Misfortune System

Takumi Yuki suddenly gets a system when he survives death. Yuki becomes very excited because with this system he is sure that his life full of misfortune will change soon. Or so Takumi Yuki hoped... ---- [Ding! Mission: Save the woman in front of you who is in danger. Punishment: impotence. *Punishment will be given if the mission fails.] "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" [That is a mission, Master. ] "Why do I have to complete this mission? Aren't you supposed to give me power or wealth? The systems I read about in novels are like that." [Because, if you don't complete the mission, you will be punished, Master. ] "Damn it, isn't this mission's Punishment unreasonable? And, where's the mission reward?" [……Master, quickly save that woman, or this mission will fail. ] “Hey, don't change the subject. Aren't you being too stingy? Even, there's no reward in the mission. I'm not going to save that woman.” [Why?] "I will die if I save that woman. Look, the thug has a Knife." [Tsk, Loser.] "W-what? What did you just say to me?" [Loser.] “Y-you, do you have a grudge against me or something?” [Master, die a man, or live but not a man. ] "WHAT KIND OF SYSTEM ARE YOU?!!" . . *I do not own the cover photo. I will take it out if requested. *DISCLAIMER This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious way. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. . . . This is my first novel. i hope you will like it. English is not my first language, so please forgive me if there are mistakes. I try my best to make my novel easy to read and understand. but, if there is an error, you can tell me.

Krean0rn · Urban
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19 Chs

Master, time for mission

I opened my eyes, and my gaze fixed on the ceiling of my house.

'What's the time now? '

[3pm, Master.]

Before I turned to look at the clock on the wall, a female voice sounded in my head, answering my question.

'Wow, I actually slept for more than 12 hours. Maybe my body and mind are so exhausted.' I thought.

Today I do not have any schedule. I have also been laid off from my part time job.

Well, that's normal. Luckily I still have money for my living expenses.

I also don't need to go to school, because it's winter break now.

So, today I will rest all day.


"Yes, Karen?"

Yesterday, after the incident that shattered my dreams and hopes 2 times, I decided to give this system a name.

At first I wanted to give her a bad name to make fun of her, but I didn't.

I feel pity.

I'm a good person right? Although the system has destroyed my dream.

The name I gave was Karen.

I gave it this name because I was inspired by a character from my favorite cartoon.

It's a cartoon from the United States, which takes place under the sea. In the cartoon, there is an evil and cunning character who has a computer wife who is always talking. And, the character's name is Karen.

Well, without even needing to explain, the System had looked through all of my memories, so he knew that Karen's name was from that cartoon.

Luckily he wasn't angry, and probably felt pleased to be given a name by me.

While I was lost in my thoughts, I heard a sound like a bell ringing? It's like the sound in a game.

"Uwahhh... *


I was so shocked that I fell off the bed, when suddenly a hologram appeared in front of me.

"Karen, do you want me to die? Do you have any grudges about yesterday? If you startle me like this, I'll have a heart attack." I grumbled at Karen as I moved back into my bed and sat there.

[Master, it's your own fault. Don't blame me.]

'This system...'

I ignored Karen and read the writing in front of me. The appearance of this hologram is like the mission boards I have seen in anime or in games.

[Ding! Missions: Push Up 100 Times, Sit Up 100 Times, Squat 100 Times, Run 10 Km.

Punishment if the mission fails: The body will experience pain for 1 hour. ]


What kind of ridiculous thing is this?

[This is a mission, Master. ]

The corner of my lips twitched at Karen's answer.

"I know it's a mission because it's written there Karen. but what I want to ask is why is there a mission?"

[That is to help you become a better person, Master. And, for you to live a better life.]

I was silent can not say anything. I'm sure if Karen were in front of me right now, she would say these things in an even tone while looking at me with lazy eyes.

And, what the heck is the mission description. Isn't that a rehearsal list from an anime with a bald-headed OP main character?

Does Karen want me to go bald too?

"Why do I have to complete this mission, Karen?" I asked while trying to touch the hologram or mission board, but my hand passed through the hologram instead. It was as if the hologram could only be seen by my eyes, and could not be touched by me.

[Because, if you do not complete this mission, you will be punished.]

'Hold, Yuki, hold. You have to be patient. Control your anger.'

"Umm, Karen."

[Yes, Master?]

Karen answered in a sweet tone.

" Why am I being punished if I don't complete this mission, Karen?" I asked in a gentle tone followed by a smile on my face. The anger within me had reached its peak.

[Because this mission is the mission of the system to guide you to make your life better. and, you will live happily. ]

Hearing that answer, my smile immediately disappeared from my face.

'I can't take it anymore. '


The anger inside of me immediately dissipated after I let it out. that's a relief.

"Even, There are no mission rewards at all if I successfully complete this mission. At least you give me a mission reward to motivate me. However, you will instead give me punishment if I don't complete this mission." I said while laying my body on the bed.

I pay attention to the mission that is still in front of me. I can see that apart from the mission description, there is also time moving on. It seemed to be a clock, and it was the same as the clock on the wall.

And, the amount of time needed to complete the mission was also written there.

" Karen, do I have to complete this mission before the day ends?" I asked to confirm what I saw and read on the mission board.

[Yes, Master. You can see it in the mission description. This mission will end at 12 pm. You will be considered failed to complete the mission even if you are 1 second late. So, please pay close attention.]

"Thank you Karen. Your explanation really helped me."

[You're welcome, Master.]

I felt that Karen looked happy to be complimented by me.

"Karen, can you remove the mission board in front of me?"

Then, the mission board in front of me disappeared.

"Thank you Karen."

[You're welcome, Master. So, are you going to start the mission now?]

"No, I'm going back to sleep now."

[Eh? ]

Karen seemed surprised by my answer. Heh, who wants to carry out the mission. Better sleep again.

[Master, you will be punished if you don't complete the mission.]

"Yeah, yeah, I know Karen, thanks for letting me know. I'm going to bed now, good night Karen."

[I have warned you, Master. ]

I heard Karen's voice but I decided to sleep.