
Misfortune System

Takumi Yuki suddenly gets a system when he survives death. Yuki becomes very excited because with this system he is sure that his life full of misfortune will change soon. Or so Takumi Yuki hoped... ---- [Ding! Mission: Save the woman in front of you who is in danger. Punishment: impotence. *Punishment will be given if the mission fails.] "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" [That is a mission, Master. ] "Why do I have to complete this mission? Aren't you supposed to give me power or wealth? The systems I read about in novels are like that." [Because, if you don't complete the mission, you will be punished, Master. ] "Damn it, isn't this mission's Punishment unreasonable? And, where's the mission reward?" [……Master, quickly save that woman, or this mission will fail. ] “Hey, don't change the subject. Aren't you being too stingy? Even, there's no reward in the mission. I'm not going to save that woman.” [Why?] "I will die if I save that woman. Look, the thug has a Knife." [Tsk, Loser.] "W-what? What did you just say to me?" [Loser.] “Y-you, do you have a grudge against me or something?” [Master, die a man, or live but not a man. ] "WHAT KIND OF SYSTEM ARE YOU?!!" . . *I do not own the cover photo. I will take it out if requested. *DISCLAIMER This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious way. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. . . . This is my first novel. i hope you will like it. English is not my first language, so please forgive me if there are mistakes. I try my best to make my novel easy to read and understand. but, if there is an error, you can tell me.

Krean0rn · Urban
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19 Chs

Congratulations, Master

Note : Finally my account can run normally after discussing this with webnovel's online customer service. so, I will continue this novel here, will not move to my other account. Thank you very much.


Mikazuki Rika POV


Day after day has passed, and it's been 1 week, but the young man is still unconscious.

I entered the room that I have often visited in this hospital.

I saw a young man with white hair who was still lying in a hospital bed.

"Is there still no sign, nurse?" I asked the nurse who was checking the young man's condition.

The nurse shook her head, "Not yet, Mikazuki-sama."

After finishing checking, the nurse went outside the room.

Then, I sat down on a chair that was beside the hospital bed.

I held the young man's right hand while looking at his face. His face was so peaceful, as if he was fast asleep.

I've been visiting this young man every day like now, after I've finished work. I will continue to be here until nightfall.

I don't get tired of situations like this, where I hold his right hand and look at his face.

Sometimes I try to talk to him, but of course there is no reply from the young man.

I really hope this young man wakes up soon. I want to see his smile, I want to see his sky-blue eyes, and I want to hear his voice again.

"I hope you wake up soon."

Maybe because I had too much work today, I feel very sleepy. I put my head close to his hand, and slowly my consciousness faded away.


Mikazuki Rika POV end


I opened my eyes.

'Am I dead? And is this heaven?'

When my eyes open only white I see, and maybe this is heaven.

Usually heaven is associated with the color White.

I moved my body, but I didn't move my right hand.

When I checked my right hand, I saw a woman with long black hair sleeping while holding my right hand.

Then, I looked around, and realized that I was in the hospital.

'It seems I am in the hospital. No wonder I saw a lot of white, I thought I was in heaven before.'

[Congratulations on your recovery, Master. ]

A voice I knew very well rang in my head.

'Thank you, Karen. So do you know why I am here now? And why is this woman accompanying me and sleeping here?' I asked Karen. Because, I'm sure Karen will pay attention to everything around me even when I'm unconscious.

[Yes, Master. You've been in the hospital for 7 days. ]

I was quite surprised that I was unconscious for 7 days.

I've never had that happen so for me it's been a long time.

Well, with the injuries I got I'm sure 7 days is a short amount of time.

[And, this woman is the woman you rescued during the mission that day. She's really worried about you.

When you were unconscious, she immediately called the secretary, the hospital and the police station.

While waiting for them to come, she kept hugging you while crying.

In fact, while you are here, she will accompany you every day until the night. However, most of the time she will just be silent while holding your right hand and looking at your face, Master.

She also always says that she misses you and wants to see you. This woman has fallen in love with you, Master. ]

'Eh? why did she fall in love with me? This is my first time meeting her.'

[Hmph, this is the reason why you never had a girlfriend, Master. If you continue like this, you will never find a lover or a wife until you die. ]

'Umm, Karen, can you be a little nicer to me now?'

[I am annoyed with you, Master. You don't understand women's hearts at all.]

My lips twitched at Karen's words.

'What's wrong? Did Karen have a short circuit? As is common with computers? Are the symptoms the same as that? Hell, if Karen's condition got any worse, my life would be even more miserable. '

[...Master, what you said just now I can hear. And, it really hurts. As I thought, you don't understand women's hearts at all, Master.]

Tsk. I still sometimes forget that I have no privacy now.

'I'm sorry, Karen. So, can you tell me about it?'

[Hmph, I'll forgive you, luckily I was kind to you, Master. ]

I believe. 100% sure, there is a problem with this system.

'Umm, thanks for your kindness I guess? So can you tell me now? '

[Listen carefully, Master. This woman fell in love with you because of your actions.

You bravely fought Thug just to protect this woman.

You even saved this woman's life 2 times. How could this woman not fall in love with you after you did that? If there are women who do not fall in love with your actions at that time, I'm sure there is something wrong with that woman.

And, moreover, while on the battlefield, you expressed your love for that woman.

I guarantee 100% that this woman has been conquered. Her heart is in your hands now. Congratulations Master, you got your first girlfriend.]


I'm processing what Karen told me.

I understand about Karen's explanation in the part that the woman fell in love because of my heroic act.

However, I don't understand Karen's explanation about me confessing my love to that woman.

'Umm, Karen, can you tell me when I confessed my love to that woman?'

[Gosh, Master, don't you remember? Your brain performance should have gotten better, because you have won a mission Reward.

But, okay, I'll explain it to you.

Please listen, I will imitate your voice and words at that time, I'm sure you will remember right away.

'Could you stop asking? If you want to hear why I'm helping you, it's because I love you. So run or at least call the police. Or we will both die.']

'Eh? '

Instantly I remembered the moment when I said those words. Those were the words I spontaneously said to this woman. At that time, I was a little annoyed because she kept asking.

[Imagine, in a life and death situation, when the hero was fighting bravely protecting the princess from the hands of the demon king, he confessed his love to the princess while his body was covered in wounds and blood. The hero confesses that love now to the Princess, Because he might not survive the fight with the demon king-]

'Could you be quiet for a second, Karen? I'm understanding all this information.'

[Ding! Mission: Make this woman your lover.

Punishment: Death.

*Punishment will be given if the mission fails or rejects the mission.]

While I was thinking all this, suddenly the sound of a mission was heard and a mission board appeared in front of me.

View the mission description, and the Punishment. this is really crazy. insane.


[Hmph. I am very annoyed with you and very angry with you, Master. How could you think of rejecting this woman. and, even worse, you plan to tell this woman that your confession at the time was just a misunderstanding. ]


[What else do you have to think of, Master? You clearly confessed to this woman. As a man you have to be responsible, and don't go back on what you say.

And, again, this woman already loves you, sir. Don't say things like that.

Imagine, if you said that your previous love confession was just a joke and misunderstood, this woman will be very hurt. and, maybe this woman will kill herself. Who knows? women always do crazy things when it comes to love.

Don't be the protagonist in the romantic comedy anime that you watch, where the main character is very insensitive and unmanly.

So, shut up and take responsibility.]

Everything Karen said is true, I would really hurt this woman if I said those things. I'm not the main character like those stubborn romantic comedy anime.

Hearing the explanation where this woman cares about me so much, I already like this woman. Of course, I haven't fallen in love with this woman, because I haven't even spent much time with her.

I sometimes see in the news or hear from people about this, about someone helping someone who is in danger. Sure, the person will thank their helper, but most of the time they just say "Thank you" and that's it. Just that.

But, this woman, as Karen said, she cares about me so much.

I can count on my fingers the people who care about me, and maybe this woman is the one who cares about me the most.

Just as she was mesmerized by my actions, I was also mesmerized by this woman's actions.

If this woman only had gratitude towards me, she would not come every day to be with me like Karen said. She can wait for a call from the hospital to find out if I'm conscious or not.

However, she came to accompany me every day. According to Karen, no one has ever visited me here, apart from this woman.

Of course, I don't have anyone in this world. I also have no relatives. My parents have also died.

So how can I not like this woman? Maybe she just wants to pay back for everything I've done for her, but I don't care.

'Why do you seem to care so much about women, Karen? and, you look really push me to make this woman my girlfriend. What is your real plan?'


'Karen, answer my question!'

[...You'd better focus on the woman in front of you first, Master.]

Karen really didn't want to tell me about this. I decided not to ask anymore.

Then, I sat on my hospital bed, and stared at the woman who was still asleep.

I put my left hand on his head, and stroked it.

"Thanks a lot." I said smiling.

Perhaps because of my actions or my voice, the woman woke up from her sleep. However, it doesn't seem to have fully awakened yet.

"Good morning, I presume?" I said to the woman. I don't know what time it is, so I say good morning.

The woman looked at me with sleepy eyes, which seemed cute to me. However, in an instant her eyes widened and looked at me with a surprised look.

I could also see tears starting to come out of her eyes.


And, the woman immediately hugged me tightly.

It was actually quite painful, because this woman actually hugged me really tight.

[Just hold on, Master. She is releasing his longing and feeling happy to see you awake. ]

'I know, I'm not going to spoil this moment. '

I also returned the hug of this woman whose body was shaking because this woman was crying while hugging me.

After a few minutes, she stopped crying and released her hug.

The woman looked at me, and I looked at her too. There were still traces of tears on her cheeks. I used both my hands to wipe away the remaining tears.

She kept looking at me even after I finished wiping away his tears.

[Wow, I didn't expect you to act so romantically like this, Master. You are like a Playboy, even though this is the first time you are really close to women. You seem to have talent. ]

'Karen, could you just shut up for a second? I'm not finished here. Don't spoil the mood.'

"I'm so glad you're awake." Said the woman opened the conversation between us with a smile.

'oh my god, this woman has a beautiful smile. '

[Tsk, stop acting like you just saw a woman's smile. ]

I ignored Karen's words that seemed jealous.

"Thank you for looking after me and accompanying me all this time." I said while smiling back.

"How did you know I accompanied you while you were here?" asked the woman.

'Shit, I forgot. I shouldn't have said that.'

"During my unconsciousness, I dreamed that you always accompanied me. However, I didn't expect that you would actually accompany me."

[Tsk, liar.]

'What's wrong with you?'

[Hmph! ]

I could see a tinge of red on her face. But, damn, this woman is really beautiful. Even the artists I see would be outdone by this woman's beauty.

He had long black hair, and black eyes, just like the people of this country. however, she is so beautiful.

"Oh this might sound weird but, we don't even know each other's name. My name is Takumi Yuki. You can call me Yuki."

The woman laughed lightly at my words, "Hehe, yeah, it's going to feel weird after what we've been through. My name is Mikazuki Rika, you can call me Rika."

"Mikazuki Rika? What a beautiful name, sure, I'll call you Rika."

Rika seemed a little surprised at what I said, but she immediately smiled.

"Thank you so much for saving me before, Yuki. You were even injured so badly to protect me."

Risa slightly lowered her head while thanking me. Seeing that, I smiled.

"I'm glad you're okay, Rika."

Hearing my answer, Rika raised her head and she smiled, again.

'why does she always smile when I reply to what she says?'

"Yuki, do you like Adult women?"

I was lost in my thoughts when Rika asked me something.

"Of course."

'What? What was the question just now? I answered spontaneously.'

[He asks you, 'do you like Adult women?', and you say, 'sure.'.]

'W-what? why did she ask like that?'

I saw Rika smiling at me.

'What the heck is this?'


I looked at Rika when she called my name.


"I love you too."


Note : Finally my account can run normally after discussing this with webnovel's online customer service. so, I will continue this novel here, will not move to my other account. Thank you very much.

Krean0rncreators' thoughts