
Misfortune System

Takumi Yuki suddenly gets a system when he survives death. Yuki becomes very excited because with this system he is sure that his life full of misfortune will change soon. Or so Takumi Yuki hoped... ---- [Ding! Mission: Save the woman in front of you who is in danger. Punishment: impotence. *Punishment will be given if the mission fails.] "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" [That is a mission, Master. ] "Why do I have to complete this mission? Aren't you supposed to give me power or wealth? The systems I read about in novels are like that." [Because, if you don't complete the mission, you will be punished, Master. ] "Damn it, isn't this mission's Punishment unreasonable? And, where's the mission reward?" [……Master, quickly save that woman, or this mission will fail. ] “Hey, don't change the subject. Aren't you being too stingy? Even, there's no reward in the mission. I'm not going to save that woman.” [Why?] "I will die if I save that woman. Look, the thug has a Knife." [Tsk, Loser.] "W-what? What did you just say to me?" [Loser.] “Y-you, do you have a grudge against me or something?” [Master, die a man, or live but not a man. ] "WHAT KIND OF SYSTEM ARE YOU?!!" . . *I do not own the cover photo. I will take it out if requested. *DISCLAIMER This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious way. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. . . . This is my first novel. i hope you will like it. English is not my first language, so please forgive me if there are mistakes. I try my best to make my novel easy to read and understand. but, if there is an error, you can tell me.

Krean0rn · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Can you stop asking?

I sneak up on them both. It seems that the woman and the thug are still unaware of my existence.

"Someone help!"

"Shut up. If you scream again, I'll stick this knife in your body. Quickly hand over the bag, and don't forget, the car key."

I overheard their conversation. I could see the terrified look on the woman's face, because it looked like the thug would actually stab her if she didn't listen to orders.

The woman's eyes looked around, and it seemed that she finally saw me.

Maybe out of happiness, after seeing me, The woman seemed to have found someone who would save her, and she screamed subconsciously.

"Help me!"

'This stupid woman, why is she screaming! '

I immediately ran as fast as I could toward the woman.


The woman's body immediately fell to the ground.

"What are you-"



I felt excruciating pain when a knife stabbed my side of the stomach. I could see blood seeping out and my white t-shirt quickly turned red.

I saw that woman was very surprised to see me injured and stabbed by the knife for saving her but, I don't have time to pay attention to that now.

"Damn you, do you want to play the hero?!!"



The man pulled out the knife in my stomach, and I immediately kicked his stomach with all my might, and, the man couldn't withstand my attack and fell backwards.

I saw the man wince in pain and he glared at me.

I'm also not in good condition, blood keeps seeping out of the knife wound.

'This is not good. I must defeat this man quickly.'

I immediately ran towards him, ignoring the stinging pain from my wound. My focus is on beating this guy or waiting for the police to come. I'm sure the woman would have called the police by now.

I threw my punch at the thug's face.


The man was able to block my punch, I immediately took a step back, and threw a kick towards his left abdomen.


My kick hit the thug, and the thug held his stomach again while enduring the pain.

'This is good. This thug doesn't seem very good at fighting.' I thought.

"Good, good, you have pissed me off and thwarted my plans. I decided to kill you quickly and escape before the police arrived."

Right after that, the man came straight at me holding his knife.

*swosh swosh

That man attacked me blindly and he really wanted to kill me.

I dodged the attack of the man who wanted to stab me, but no matter what, I still took some of his attacks.

I also decided to counterattack using punches and kicks.


My body and that man immediately flung backwards. The man and I managed to land kicks on each other's stomach.

I immediately got up again, and the thug was the same. We looked at each other.

The thug had bruises on his face. However, it was only a light wound. Meanwhile, I have cuts on my body. my white shirt had turned red, because blood was coming out of the wounds.

I'm already feeling a bit dizzy, maybe because I'm bleeding too much.


I heard a woman's voice behind me. I looked back, and to my surprise the woman was still on the ground. I can see the surprised expression on her face is still the same as before.

'why is this woman still here? '

"why are you doing this? You fought so hard for someone you don't even know." The woman asked again. And, I'm just speechless.

'Didn't she just scream for help earlier? Did she forget?'

"You even continued to protect me even after all the injuries you've received just now. Why don't you just run? Why are you protecting me so hard that you even want to sacrifice yourself?"

The woman in front of me kept talking which annoyed me quite a bit.

'It's because of a mission, so I have to save you. but, How can I say that to her? She will think I'm crazy. '

I'm pretty annoyed now. Couldn't this woman wait until this was over to speak? This is a life and death battle for me.

[You don't understand a woman's heart, Master. ]

'You'd better shut up too, Karen. '


"Can you stop asking? If you want to hear why I'm helping you, it's because I love you. So run or at least call the police. Or we'll both die."

I left the woman and looked at the man who was still holding his stomach.

"Damn you. This should be an easy job, if you don't bother me. I WILL KILL YOU."

The man immediately ran towards me and I also ran towards him.

The fight continued, I managed to punch and kick the thug, while dodging his attacks.

However, despite my best efforts, I was still hit by the knife.


The man fell down not far from me. I managed to hit him in the face with all my might. I don't know if he is still conscious or not.

"Huft... Huft... Huft..."

I hold my knees. I was so tired, and I already felt very dizzy, and my consciousness seemed to be fading.


Suddenly I heard Karen screaming, and I was very surprised when I saw the man who I thought was unconscious running towards the woman who was still there earlier.

The man was really going to kill the woman. He's out of his mind.

I immediately ran with all my might towards the woman.


"cough... "

I made it in time and stood in front of the woman. However, the man stabbed the knife into my back.

I felt pain and heat from the wound, then blood came out of my mouth, wetting my mouth and throat.

I stared at the Woman in front of me. The woman looked at me while crying.

'Looks like what Karen said earlier was true. This woman is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. Luckily I was able to see that beauty before I died. And, Karen, look, like I said, I'm not a hero or a prince. I can't even save this woman. '

And, slowly my consciousness disappeared.