
Misfit of Hunter Academy

Unwilling to leave her friend, Leindrea decided to run away from the orphanage to prevent her from being adopted, however, that ended up as a disastrous situation. With her world invaded by creatures named as nevulas under the guise of an incurable fast spreading disease, she was taken as the first human who could actually see their actual forms. Encountering a certain weird man, she was then swept away to another world and without any choice, started training to be a hunter but their was a slight issue--she was the only human. Now, she must survived school with students from different races of half-breed creatures?!

geewintG · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


"There's a new student."

Those are the words passed from ear to ear. Others who still have no clue were confused on why the student body was making a normal thing such an issue, some doesn't care, while those who know, had been buzzing around to share what they had.

"It's a new creature." This is what caught everyone's attention.

A figure sat atop of a tree, his back resting on the bark as he legs crossed on the branch. A grin smeared across his lips as his slitted eyes followed the moving carriage on its way to the school's front entrance. He held his chin in silent curiosity as the large gates opened to let them in.

His eyes were focused but it held wonder despite having a neutral face.


I didn't think I would end up like this…chained to her. To this woman.

She snickered as she looked down on me. "You've got nowhere else to go. What should you do?" she mocked with a sweet tone, yet every word was laced with poison.

Sheesh, this woman is crazy. Plain crazy.

She just doesn't stop.

We're in a moving carriage and I still tied up. Yes, my whole body is still tied up.

My eyes switched to the man who sat opposite to us. He still held that happy-go-lucky smile, or was it a smile armed with years of experience. I met some few people like him, and he seems to be like one of them. But I can't be comfortable just yet. I still don't know their intentions.

I blinked a couple of times. Fuck, am I really not dreaming? What are these things in front of me? Just wake me up, dammit!

"I'm certain there are a few things in your mind," he said. "Rest assured answers will be due. This scenario must have been a shock to you but we will put effort to make your stay comfortable."


"Can't you understand me?" the man asked with furrowed brows, but instead of asking me, he looked like he was pondering to himself.

The woman beside me huffed as she crossed her arms. "They can't even understand speech. Not only they are weak but they're dumb too. Utterly useless."

My eyes flickered between the two otherworldly beings, not being able to comprehend what's happening and why it's happening. This should not be real. My mouth could only open as I stared with wide eyes.

I wasn't drug, was I?

"That is rude, Malaya."

"Look, it's already broken."

The man smiled apologetically. "My apologies. I hope you'll find our provisions sufficing and if there's anything you need, do tell us. It might be sudden, however, we need your cooperation."

I don't- I can't- nothing is registering. I don't know what's going on. My brain refused to understand what's going on. I don't even know if this is real or not. Am I kidnapped? Am I still alive? Am I dreaming? Am I hallucinating? I don't know. I don't know!

The woman rolled her eyes. "This is such a lousy plan."



"Sit." The girl ordered as if she was training a dog.

"Thank you for escorting back one of our students, Elder Dunong," the man behind the desk said respectfully. He's big. Like hulk-size but he's dressed nicely and not green.

It's safe to assume he's the principal of this school.

I had to look up because of his towering height. He's a really big man. It's like looking at a giant. Almost twice the size of the dragon man, not that he was short, this man is just too big. He had a messy brown beard that reaches down to his ribs. And a few more facial hair. He also had them growing on his arms.

It's like a werewolf before his transformation. And I wouldn't be even surprised if he was.

I sat at the chair provided at the edge of the room while the woman, who was chained to me, dropped herself and sat with her legs and arms crossed.

Although they untied me, they left chain linked to this woman. So I had no escape.

I felt like a criminal who was about to be detained.

"Regarding that, Headmaster Vlord…" The man turned to me while the other followed his gaze.

"The human. I heard," the large man continued, clearing his throat gruffly. "News travel fast."

"So it seems. The council discussed it merely an hour ago yet…" The man chuckled.

"Oh right, about that—" The headmaster had a curious gaze on the man's head.

"What is it?" he snapped, smiling. The headmaster jumped back in surprise at how he reacted.

"A-ah, nothing, Elder. I'm sorry." He scratched the back of his head with an apologetic smile.

The man smiled kindly and patted his arms. I'm guessing it's supposed to be the shoulders but, he's too big to reach.

"If that is the case, I trust I'll leave these two in your care."

The man left the office, leaving the two of us here. The young woman beside me stood up abruptly. Since the chain was short, I was forcefully pulled along with it, like a dog on a leash.

"Ow! What the heck!" I looked at her annoyedly.

The woman didn't even spare me a glance as she looked up at the large man directly with her sharp, slit eyes. He stood up to pay his respect.

His shadow loomed over us but the woman remained unfazed. Now that I got closer, I must have looked like an ant to him.

I stared at the chains in surprise when Malaya held it. With just one squeeze, it crumbled under the pressure. I was gobsmacked when she opened her palms and broken pieces was all its remains. She sprinkled it in front of me with an arrogant huff as it clinked when it hit the furnished floor.

"I'll be leaving," she said and walked away.

"Huh?! What about me?!"

She released a frustrated groan. "Then stay here for all I care!"

The nerve! They kidnap me then take me to an unknown place then leave me here?!

Before she got out, the headmaster said after her, "Thank you for your help today, Lady Malaya."

She stopped by the door and you could see her grip tighten on the doorknob. The silver color of the metal glowed visibly red from heat. She looked back in the corner of her eyes with a murderous glint.

She said nothing but kept her head high and slammed the door shut. The headmaster and I looked at each other. Silence was the only thing between us.

I remained staring at him in shock and disbelief.

I shook my head.

No, you shouldn't be fazed, Lei. This is literally kidnapping!

"What do you want from me?" I demanded, hands coiled beside me.

"Sit down, sit down," he coaxed, "you must be tired." He pulled out a small chair- well, it was small compared to him. When he set it down in front of me, it looked normal-sized.

"Go on, go on," he said. He sounded like he was talking to a child as he lightly pushed me with his wide hands towards the chair.

I couldn't do anything but to do as he says. He's bigger than me. He could literally squash me, swat me with just a flick.

"What do you want from me? Why did you kidnap me? Take me back!"

He returned from his desk with a slice of cake in hand. He set in down on my lap with an expectant smile. Flowers floated around him as if he was in paradise.

He looked like a pet owner "awww-ed" by his cat.

I looked at him weirdly. What is this even?

"Go on. Eat."

"No!" I stood up. "I won't stop until someone tells me what the hell is going on here!

He looked taken aback, however, he cleared his throat. "Starting from today, you are now a student of Kleinestin Academy."


"What?!" What are they saying? Attend where?!

"Starting today, you will attend this school."

I already heard it once! "Why? Why are you deciding it yourselves? What if I don't want to?"

He looked apologetic, almost dejected. It was like he was scratched by his cat but, he tried to me down. "I know this is sudden—"

"Who doesn't?"

"But we have to do it." He sighed. "You are the first human to crossover and we need your help."

Somehow, the wording left a bad feeling. "What do you mean by the first human to crossover?" I squinted my eyes at him in distrust.

First human to crossover, they said.

"I know this will be shocking—unbelievable—but," he paused, "we're in another world right now."

I finished this chapter as fast as I can since I'm in a trip right now so ignore any scantily written phrases and grammatical errors. I'll edit it next time.

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