
Misfit of Hunter Academy

Unwilling to leave her friend, Leindrea decided to run away from the orphanage to prevent her from being adopted, however, that ended up as a disastrous situation. With her world invaded by creatures named as nevulas under the guise of an incurable fast spreading disease, she was taken as the first human who could actually see their actual forms. Encountering a certain weird man, she was then swept away to another world and without any choice, started training to be a hunter but their was a slight issue--she was the only human. Now, she must survived school with students from different races of half-breed creatures?!

geewintG · Fantasy
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11 Chs

A *Welcoming* Party

Hands on my knees, I tried to catch my breath after a marathon walk with the twins. They were pulling me everywhere! And I swear, for short people, they walk so fast.

I still can't get over with how everything looked different, probably with how grandiose it felt compared to my "not-so grand" origins or the fact that I'm supposed to be in another world—if these people were really not kidding. Not to mention the people—or should I say, different creatures. People covered in leather, horns on their head, and a pair of heavy wings on their back just like the stony-face a while ago. Some have light crystal-like wings, like the ones you see in that one Barbie Movie, but they also have pointy ears. Others were giants, and others have cool hue scales and web-like fins as their ears. And I saw things like cat ears and bird tails?

This felt too surreal. I pinched myself before but it hurts. And I'm not waking up.

They all wore the same black uniform. My "responsible" tour guide had them too. And Bridget and Sebastian.

What kind of school is this? Is this even a normal school like I know?

I couldn't help but notice the piercing, some curious, stares as I pass by.

What do these people want? Want me to gauge their eyes out? "It's rude to stare, you know." I rolled my eyes as I breathed under my breath. As if it's their first time to see a human.

Something suddenly clung to my arm. Oh, it's a someone. It's Veronica. "Here! Eat this! Dried seaweeds! Those came from the Belvamys' under kingdom."

"Although they hate it when people dry it," Sebastian appeared beside me when he whispered. I jumped back in surprise while he smiled in response, liking my reaction.

We sat down in this area I could say a cafeteria. It looked like a normal except for the exotic looking foods. Or maybe I'm the exotic one here.

"A new race, another uncultured brutes." A male dramatically made an entrance. "Ugh, what is it this time? Slimy salt creatures, scaly colored snakes? My, how hideous!"

Two tall figures neared our table. He gasped in horror and disgust when he saw me.

"Shut your trap, Charlot," the other one snapped. He pulled out his monocle as he coldly looked down on our table. "Such manners disgrace the imminent glory of her grace Kaleya."

They both have pointy ears. The scholar had sharp crystal wings like some dragonfly while the drama queen had this funny cape attached to his back. They were folded but it had splashes of pastel pink and purple, with a hint of light blue hues. Black lines weaved around the folds and created intricate patterns. It was almost like a butterfly. He also had this antenna protruding on his golden hair like one. Unlike the others, his slim body framed long sleeves with ruffles.

"So this is the new student."

My attention shifted to the second one. The scholar, on the other hand, wore the usual school uniform. He had silver-white lengths that shines comparably to the full moon.

You're kidding me. This man was able to keep that kind of hair while I'm struggling here looking like some monster just gnawed on mine.

"Lukres!" the girl beside me greeted cheerily.

Oh so, they're friends.

But compared to her bright sunny behavior, his was like the glacial ices of the Antarctic. "A…human."

Oh so they're not friends.

"Agh!" the other one screamed. "What a monstrosity of a being!"

I raised my eyebrows. "Excuse me?"

He covered his eyes and looked at the other direction. "Ugh, it talks, it's ugly!" he added.

What the fu—?! "What?" Standing up, I dared him to say.

"Can you guys stop quacking? You're too noisy." Despite the smile on Sebastian's face, aversion seeped from his tone.

Not this short one too.

"Well, look who came uninvited. One defective wendalf," the dramatic one insulted. If I was right, the guy with glasses called him Charles. "You're not needed here." He dismissively waved his hand at him, shooing him away while a tick mark appeared behind Sebastian's smile.

He slammed his hand on the table while his fingers coiled, his jaw trembling; his face was unreadable. "I'm not—!"

"Hey!" Veronica intervened with a nervous smile. Brave for her to do it but she went in between them. I guess no matter how angry Sebastian gets, he could never hurt his twin.

She nervously glanced between the two. "Calm down..." she said, specifically to her twin brother.

"Listen here, you little piece of—"


"Damn meat-pile narcissist-" Oop, he exploded. "You came to us first. I'll cut that slimy tongue you have- hmphfpmh!"

That's one scary smile he got there.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Veronica hastily said as she slapped a hand over her brother's mouth. "He woke up at the wrong side of the bed today."

But everyone knew, that wasn't the case. Particularly the other two.

"Little piece of what?" Charlot taunted with a smug, bending down his slim body to level his face with Sebastian's.

Poor Sebastian. He resembled nothing more a kitten trying to claws someone's eyes out right now as he was being held back by his sister. It's not like he was weak, on the contrary, he looks like he could overpower his twin and get out of her grip right now. It must be he doesn't want to do something that would upset Veronica.

In a way, that's sweet.

It reminds me of Jane.

But it's such a waste though. I thought there was gonna be some sort of wrestling going on. I held back a dismayed sigh as I nibbled on these dry seaweeds they gave me earlier.

"I should be going," Lukres said after his prolonged silence. He looked at his pocket watch—those things you only see in medieval or some long periods of time ago—and placed it back inside his coat. He left without any further words.

I think it's better that way before this little black angry bird explodes.

Thankfully but anti-climactically, Charlot followed him and left, seeing that he got what he came here for. You could hear the little "hmph" as he turned around to leave. The resting wings on his back flicked like a cape as he turned.

Was that an equivalent of a hairflip?

No matter, it pissed off Sebastian even more.

Yeah, now that I noticed, Charlot's cape would really look like butterfly wings if it wasn't folded. It looks velvety.

Sebastian muttered curses under his breath as he angrily pried himself away from his twin.

"What's his problem?" I asked the sister. Long-term grudge? Enemies? Or I'm guessing it has gotta do with the "defective" word Charlot mentioned. But he also added something at the end that I didn't understand. Was it wendy? Wendils?

"Ah, don't worry about it. Most belvamys don't act like that."

Those words again. Are they supposed to be what they call each other?

They usually don't talk to others outside their kind." She gave me a reassuring smile. "They probably just got curious since it's been forever since there was a new race."

That didn't answer my question. Something's fishy here.


"Yeah! They're those pointy-ear creatures with wings. It's like when you guys call yourselves humans, they call themselves belvamys." Veronica pointed at the two people—I mean, belvamys—who were walking away.

Then I studied Veronica, who doesn't seem to have any mystical or other-worldly features. In fact, she looks more human to me. Black hair with curl ends on her waist and emerald eyes like her twin. She doesn't have anything on her exposed skin either, nothing out of the ordinary.

"Then what are you?"

"Oh, me?" she dumbstruck pointed at her herself.

Is there anyone other than us talking? "Oh no, I was talking to the ghost behind you." I deadpanned while it made her laugh.

"I'm a wendalf."

"Then what are you like? Shapeshifters? Has a secret tail? You look like humans to me." I said, biting on the dried kelp. It's salty but it almost tasted the same as those East Asian dried seaweeds.

"We're not humans." It was a miracle that Sebastian was the one who responded. It looks like he got over his mini tantrum.

"Then what are *you*?"


Well, no shit.

"Hmmm," Veronica thought hard, "how can I say this..."

"Hi!" Someone sat on our table. Her reddish-brown hair was held high in a ponytail. She had web fins as ears and sea green scales lightly dusted her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.

She was really pretty. A rounded, kind face with a dazzling smile. She also had this diamond pearl embedded on her forehead. Wait, is that real? Like they didn't just put a sticker on it?

"You're the new student, right?" Her voice was smooth as honey and I nodded without any thought, absolutely stupefied. "My name is Hanii. It's sooo nice to meet you."

The twins went silent.

"Hey, why did you guys suddenly stop?" I asked one of the twins beside me. Sebastian, who was opposite of us, slowly scooted away from the woman who sat beside him.

"Uhhh..." Veronica looked away.

"That was just your imagination," Sebastian said with spite, his smile never ceasing. He stood up and took his sister with him. "Ver and I still have something to do." She protested while being dragged away.

Damn, I'll never have a proper tour guide.

The woman heartily laughed as she waved her hand. "Oh, don't mind them. How about let's gave a chat?"

I gave her a look of suspicion. Her vibes spoke oddly different, The not so good kind of different.

Did they really have to leave me with this stranger?

"MOVE ASIDE!" A demanding voice boomed inside the cafeteria and took large strides towards our table.

Oh, brother. I knew what I was in for the moment I saw a reptilian beast nearing us. All of those creatures speak trouble.

I thought it was Malaya at first glance, but no, it was another person—creature. She was shorter. She had horns on her head and large wings on her back.

Are they not seriously demons?

She had crimson leather covering some parts of her skin. Her red eyes glared at me with intensity. She raised her foot and slammed it down on the table.

Seriously? I was eating!

"What are you doing here?" the woman asked to the newcomer. She was smiling but you could hear the displeasure in her voice.

"You," she said, pointing at me and ignoring the other woman. "You're the new creature."

I raised by brow. Isn't that obvious?

"I challenge you to a *kilaya*!" she demanded.

Huh? What was it? Kill eye? Killet? Wait, is it fillet?

Hanii rolled her eyes. "You can't challenge her into your nonsensical games because she's not like you."

"I'm not talking to you," she snapped.

"Excuse me?!" The girl practically screeched. But the other still didn't spare her a glance.

"I challenge you to a *kilaya*! I shall test to see who among us two is more powerful!"

What is wrong with this one?! Why does she keep stabbing her finger on me?

I see no point in staying. They're so problematic. No wonder the twins left.

I stood up and acted to leave, but before I could, she grabbed me by the collar.

"Don't you dare ignore me! Unless you're just scared to fight?" she taunted and smirked. "Hah! Nevermind. You're actually weak."

What did she say?!

I grabbed her wrists. Her grip was strong and she wasn't easily budged, much to my annoyance. "Who do you think you are?!" I said through gritted teeth. "Come on. Let's settle this here!"

It's not I haven't been to fights before. I even came back once, barely standing, a black eye on my face, and some large gashes at flight of dawn. Jane had to take care of me and make up excuses to the orphanage staff while I stayed in our room recuperating. The hardest one to convince was Miss Nell but since it was Jane she was talking to, she let it slide while throwing us a stink eye. But at least, I sent three of those goons in the hospital and came back as the winner.

Just because I'm new, doesn't mean the can bully me. If they want a fight, I'll give them a fight! I don't care if they're human or not.

Everyone was already looking, some were eager, other creatures with distaste, and a few were uninterested but still watched. The whole cafeteria was chanting "fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Kislap, let the human go." In the midst of rowdiness, a calm voice spoke. It was the headmaster.

"No! I challenge her!"

"Yeah, listen to our headmaster." Hanii also spoke. "Why are you fighting here? This is not the place to do your useless games. Have some respect!"

Eh? What is this? She was trying to get away a while ago. And why is she making it seem like I'm in this when I was just dragged in it? Is it because the headmaster is here? Ohhh, I see. So, this is her agenda.

The headmaster sighed. "Let her go, Kislap."

I felt her grip faltered and while she was distracted, I took this opportunity and shoved her away. With a snarl, she also let me go. I returned her glare while fixing my poor clothes.

I already looked beaten and battered as it is. I haven't showered yet! I smell like hell.

Headmaster cleared his throat. "Leindrea, excuse me but we need you to the office again."

another unedited one but hope you enjoy!

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