

A story when everything turns upside down, when there will be a link to past. Brendon : "we can redeem the past only if we can save our future" Rachel : " for our future, for us" A story filled with thrill and excitement. 2015 vs 2020 Ring Ring * Rachel :Hello this is Rachel speaking from woods residence Unknown :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Silence * Rachel : umm hello? Is anyone there. Unknown: shoot. At that moment their world falls apart.

Rya_Wasim · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Chapter: 01 NEWLY WEDS

23rd of December, 2020

Hey!! We just got married and didn't even planned our honey moon so far and you are.... leaving..... for work? What about Christmas? "

She said with a sad pout on her cute face and crossing her arms in front of her chest.

" I am sorry my dear wife but this is an important deal for us to make it work, we just hit a jackpot, moreover we celebrate our Christmas every year, just think of it if we make it we are gonna earn two million dollars in span of just two months "

Brendon said trying to make up her mind.

"2 MONTHS??????"

Rachel asked with an ultimate shock not believing her ears as her blue eyes starts to water with the thought of her lover being away from her that long, the lump that was forming in her throat she had to gulp it down with pain and stopping herself with everything she has so she could not shed tears in front of him knowing very well how it effect him as it would be difficult for him and her itself departing from each other for so long.

They were never this far from each other, the longest they were apart was when they were getting married, following the rituals of being away from each other for a week. It was even difficult for them at that time too

"But that's too long, you know it bren"

He sighed sadly, thinking of a way to calm her down as he know her too deeply as how sad can she be, cupping her face lovingly he placed a small and a sweet soft peck on her forehead, smiling sadly he said, " I know baby I'm so sorry for leaving you alone out there its the least I want, I can't live without you too it's just I have never given you something expensive, something worthy my love. You know you deserve more, you deserve the world and this time I am gonna make you proud."

"Bren if it's about money you know that there are a lot of jobs I can apply for and this way we both will be able to work and earn more money. Don't you agree? And the least I care for is expensive things, cause I don't need anything I don't need the world because for me you are my world.... If I deserve the world so do you, and about making me proud... you did you've already made me so so proud of you "

Suggesting an alternate was her art either it was for work or trying to solve the problems, the utmost thing Brendon loved about

She tried stopping him, tried everything she could to stop him because it felt off, everything was going... Good? she knew something was up, something felt odd, she felt suffocated as if she knew the tragedy that never happened was awaiting for them, as if the tragedy is yet to come.

"Love, I have said it multiple times. You have been through a lot and I didn't want you to go through more, I told you that you will be my housewife and restrain yourself from doing any earnings, what I earn will be enough for us and this time I am gonna hit the jackpot, so no need to worry my love your husband's enough for us to make big cash."

humming as a reply, all she was thinking of trying her best to smile for him, to see him off with good luck, to see him off with all her best so she shouldn't feel regrets.

Brendon started to load his car with his necessary equipment that he will use it while construction later.

"Don't be sad hmm? Eat well, rest well and don't worry about me, these 2 months are gonna past so fast and we will be back into each others arms again okay?


She said while trying to control herself to let any tear out of her eyes as she sees Brendon sitting in the car and igniting the engine.

But before taking off he gets out of car only to remember that he forget something so important.

Getting off the car he asked," am I forgetting something? "

"oh! You do? I thought you organized everything so nicely, maybe you forget your-

Her words were cut off by him pressing his soft lips to her cupping her face delicately with so much care as if she was fragile as if she will break even with small force. Pecking her lips ever so lightly, so delightedly it felt like a feather touched her lips. In the moment she slowly started to encircle her hands on his neck only to tangle his soft locks with her fingers. The tears she tried to control made it's way to her face as they both began to kiss each other so passionately as if it's their last time kissing each other as if there would be no tomorrow as if the they knew that storm ahead will break them apart, as if their heart is aching bad from feeling the things they never felt before it felt like there last time, it felt like there would be no tomorrow.

"take good care of yourself, eat well, sleep well and be happy".

Brendon said while attaching his forehead to hers feeling so many emotions surrounding him, it was hard for him too to leave her like that but he only thought about future that awaits them.

Finally sitting in the car he starts ignition by switching car keys and one last look at her was enough for him to speed his way and drove off to the destination.

Standing at the door step Rachel waved him off until she could see no more, until he vanish into thin air. Sighing she went inside her house and took mop in her hand and slowly started mopping the floor clearly remembering all her past memories with her one and only.

Dara is the bestfriend of Rachel who runs a small chicken cafe known as "Newtons Chicken" at the small town in Newyork. She and Rachel became friends when they went to college together along with another friend named zoey Morgan. The trio was totally amazing and lived their life with so many memories.

"How many times have I told to pack your things beforehand, but you never listens" angrily huffing at her fiancée dara threw the dusting cloth on his face and helps him with all packings.

"Drill machine"


"Screw driver"




"All done"


"what about grinder you dumb head"

Dara spoke while zipping up his bag.

"Oh my goodness, where did I put it wait here lemme go and find"

With that being said felix started to find his grinder.

"Well maybe I am right about you being dumb head, it's inside your bag"

Dara said while flicking his forehead, she was fuming with anger for two reasons: one he can't do anything without her help, two he is leaving her for work and that too uninformed as they were in the mid of preparing their wedding, everything was almost done with it except for the dresses and arrangements of church.

As they were in the midst of their bickering they heard a car honk in their driveway. They search for the source of that sound only to find their long time friend Brendon getting off the car.

"Hello there felix, Dara".

Brendon said to the two showing some respect as they were older than him.

"Are you ready to hit the jackpot? "

Brendon said with excitement as the both of them knew the amount of profit they would get from this project.

"Sure, let's get to work".

And the couple became emotional as their time came to depart. Kissing her forehead felix hugged her tight and wished her good bye.

"good bye dara, I will come back for you stay safe".

Felix and Brendon waved off her and drove to their destination.