
Miserable Wanderer

A massive nerd dies and gets reincarnated, his excitement gets the best of him. The first words he hear are "Get to work slaves!" When he looks around and sees grotesque figures mining with oversized pickaxes his stomach drops to his colon. [Multiverse fanfic, starting in Warframe.] "Status." [Status displaying] Race: Grineer[100%] Level: 0 Status points Available: 0 Stats: Vitality: 1 Strength: 1 Agility: 1 Intellect: .3 Mastery Rank: 0 [Inventory] Strength Quote. "USELESS DISGUSTING MAGGOT FILTHY WORM WHY ARE YOU BREATHING MY AIR !"-Councilor Vay Hek The cosmos weeps at this mans fortune. A distant "FUCK MY LIFE" can be heard Cover not mine THERE WILL BE MULTIVERSE TRAVEL JUST NOT IN THE TRADITIONAL SENSE.

SoupHarbinger · Video Games
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85 Chs

Sparring with a god amongst chads


<Time dilated void dimension>

"You are a lazy sap, you are nothing, a husky afraid boy who knows nothing!"

A short muscular man with an eyepatch and scarred face spittles at our piss poor protagonist, he continues his rant.

*Japanese gibberish*

"Mr. Orochi, im sorry for my mistakes but please continue teaching me!"

Im view of the dojo we see Sebastian, but he is not a grineer!

Its his original appearance!

He is a small frail boy, his short black hair hangs over his head and a black gi covers his body, but a small white belt holds his outfit together. Yes, a white belt, a karate belt meant for actual beginners and small children.

Tears run down his weak feminine face.

"Show me your worth teaching you slump!"

Doppo crouches into a weird stance and holds his arms estranged parallel from eachother.


Sebastian runs forward with fists raised and begins hurling at Sensei Orochi, the masters goblin face skews into a smile.

"Such rage!"

He continues speaking while dodging all the poor sods attacks.

"No technique!"

A foot is placed firmly into Sebastians stomach, he is sent flying back.

"You bring the reek of shame to my ancestors by having your scent in my dojo you pale fool!"

Sensei Orochi snickers at the struggling boy.

"If you cant even take one blow how will you overcome those who truly wish to DECIMATE YOU!"



Sebastian grows angry from the berating, his breath growing more strained every step Doppo takes towards him.

Suddenly he surges up from the ground and sweeps his masters legs, Orochi of course dodges easily but he seems impressed in the near perfect strike even in a fit of rage.

"oh-ho you are aproaching me!"

Doppo holds his arms out wide, mocking Sebastian.

A flurry of blows comes raining, a tiny red mist emerges from his body as he strikes towards the karate master.



Sensei Orochi sighs while he dodges the blows, even bringing his head to his watch to check the time.

His eyes go wide though as a blow glances off his cheek, leaving a small red line. Out of instinctive action he strikes Sebastian back.

"That just now.. qi?"

Orochi can only think to himself, not daring to utter anything more.


"I suppose you can be trained."

Orochi bows and smirks widely.

Sebastian falls to his knees in exhaustion, a bottle of booze smacks into his head.

"Drink up boy, your hell begins now."

Sebastian looks down at the bottle of sake before vehemently chugging it down, he tosses the bottle down and wipes his moist lips.

"I am ready to learn master!"

As he mutters these words a karate chop slaps him across the cheek, Sebastian is sent flying back into the wall from the light strike.

"I will now show you, choku-zuki!"

Sebastian feels a sense of immediate death, he turns his head to dodge but a gust of wind blows his hair back and Doppo covers the 20 yard distance in a millisecond.

His fist taps the edge of his students nose, stopping before and major damage is caused.

"You will learn this strike, then you will do it 100s of times until you can show me mastery, only then will we continue."

Sebastian gulps nervously at his masters statement.

*2 hours later.*





Sebastian has thrown a straight punch atleast 200 times but each time Sensei Orochi smacks him with a stick promptly on the calf. The student can barely stand as both his legs are beaten raw. He continues the process of getting beaten and then punching.

"You will only be strong if you can attack at your best and weakest state, you must appear broken but be ready to strike, like a leper warrior"



*stick wacking noise*



*4 hours later*

"Hmph, you really have already mastered it, impressive"

Sebastian smiles lightly at Doppos words.

In Doppos mind he is racing at lightspeed, this new monster he has found has already mastered the straight strike, a sense of pride and conviction overcomes the blossoming master.

"Now boy, follow me."

Orochi opens the sliding door of his dojo and walks outside, a stereotypical Japanese frog pond lies stagnant in the moonlit sky.

He aproaches a boulder with a rope tied around it.

"Either smash your knuckles raw or put a dent in this big rock."

"Only when one of these requirements are met can you 'leave' "

Sebastians eyes go wide at the sight of the big ass rock.


Sebastians fist strikes the boulder, and unlike in most anime where the MC fails, he actually-

Im fucking with you. He failed miserably.


Sebastian rears back in pain, his hand throbs in pain.

Doppo looks dowm disappointed.

"Hit the rope idiot."

Doppo facepalms at having to give this advice to his disciple.

"Oh, right."

Sebastian aproaches once more, this time aiming for the fabric covered rope.


His fist makes a loud thud but nothing happens. Again and again he strikes, each time growing more angry, Orochi gives him small tips like adjusting his stance and such but nothing but willpower can truly overcome DA ROCK.

*thump* x 100


Blood is splattered all over the boulder.

Sebastian is now reduced to weakly tapping the rock like a child. He gasps for air just to fuel a micro movement.

"Stop, you truly arent ready."

Doppo clutches Sebastians bleeding hand, stopping him from continuing in his sad state.

"Return when you are ready for more lessons, until then keep what I have taught you in mind."

"Yes master."

A black shockwave of haze staggers throughout the area, everything freezes. Orochi is stopped in a frozen state and even the blood dripping from the rock is frozen mid air.

A black portal absorbs Sebastian.



That felt like an eternity and a second at the same time.

[Basic Karate LVL 1]

Eh. That was a weird dream.

I really saw Doppo Orochi. But why was I in my real form?

Im just not going to dwell on it. It was just a dream right? Right?


Im going insane.

[A/N Below]

Hello children of the earth.

Yes this chapter is filler-ish, but kinda sets up a sub plot that will have some majorish plot later on with Doppo becoming a major character and blah-blah-blah self monologue.

Also It always makes me pissed off when an MC just grabs a martial arts book or sumthin and uses some instant learn bullshit, and his body just instantly knows everything like bruh.

I wanted my MC to feel the technique and actually be taught it and not just be like 'aha, I get it'. I need muh immersion.

Anyways the warframe plot is gonna start chugging forward a little soon.

This is like a looking at the future memo or whatever the cool cats call it now.

Power stoners and reviewes and all that idk.

SoupHarbingercreators' thoughts