
Miserable Wanderer

A massive nerd dies and gets reincarnated, his excitement gets the best of him. The first words he hear are "Get to work slaves!" When he looks around and sees grotesque figures mining with oversized pickaxes his stomach drops to his colon. [Multiverse fanfic, starting in Warframe.] "Status." [Status displaying] Race: Grineer[100%] Level: 0 Status points Available: 0 Stats: Vitality: 1 Strength: 1 Agility: 1 Intellect: .3 Mastery Rank: 0 [Inventory] Strength Quote. "USELESS DISGUSTING MAGGOT FILTHY WORM WHY ARE YOU BREATHING MY AIR !"-Councilor Vay Hek The cosmos weeps at this mans fortune. A distant "FUCK MY LIFE" can be heard Cover not mine THERE WILL BE MULTIVERSE TRAVEL JUST NOT IN THE TRADITIONAL SENSE.

SoupHarbinger · Video Games
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85 Chs

My luck!

This rustbucket is the shittiest thing I have been in.

Maroos Bazzar is only a few minutes away, I am simply waiting for a radio signal at this point.

It has been a hectic trip to say the least.


Elden Ring..

Phew surely it is all smooth sailing from here.




"Corpus cruiser class 1-Z identify your block or we will fire on you."

Oh shit.

What the hell is a block?

I approach the radio and pick it up, my hand shake as I think of something to say.

"Answer in 20 seconds or we will be launching some charges."

I clutch the radio box on my hand, thinking hard of what I should say.

What am I supposed to say? That I stole the ship.

Obviously not!

"Erm.. I dont know it."

I speak into the radio coolly.


The radio man replies.

"What do you mean?"

Radio static blares for a few seconds.

"Prepare to be fired upon!"


I swipe my hand and the controls of the ship pop up holographically, I swipe the directional pad to turn around and I push down on the thruster pedal, sending the ship spinning backwards like a beyblade.


A dome charge blares past the ship, narrowly missing it, I almost shit myself as it skips by. But it is too early to celebrate as the whirring of 3 torpedoes comes raging towards my shit ship.

I got to get outta here!

I push the peddle to the medal and get out of the airspace, plasma fire shoots into the back of my ship, making it quake and many red screens pop up screaming at me to do something.

I swipe the errors away and begin shooting as far east as possible, towards Mars where I can sit and stew up a plan.

I turn off the ship, it makes an exhausted sigh as the thrusters shut off, like an old man on chemotherapy.

I need to send those credits...

I am extremely stupid..

This is the future I cant just waltz in wherever I want...

Radio static breaks the silence.

"This is Schwaz Ket.. Hello?!?.... This is Schwaz Ket!"

I approach and pick up the radio.

"Hello Ket..."

"Ahh! My grineer mercenary friend I see your mission was going smoothly until uhh... You came back to the relay.. But all is not lost friend, you may uh... borrow my block chain.. I shall wire it to you immediately! I cant have a new friend of mine be killed over a mistake!"

A small notification pops up on the ship terminal.


I sigh as I turn the crumbling ship back on. Its thrusters beg for mercy as I lightly push the gas.

At this rate it is going to take 30 minutes to get back, if the ship doesnt fucking implode halfway there.


Drum lays breathing lightly in a 'comfy' medical bed.

A large scar runs from his neck up to the side of his cheek, adding to his already grizzled face.

Gome sits puffing a smoke.

"The surgery went well thanks to ol' Raxx."

Gome continues.

"And we have 200,000 credits to spare.. Amazing I tells ya. We are gonna go places you hear. I just ain't sure where yet but Raxx will know.. He always knows haha."

Drum chuckles.

"As long as I get to make big boom no care Grahaha!"

Gome laughs along with Drum.

Someone pushes the drapes aside a tall female figure looms over the 2 sitting grineer.

"What are you dorks doing?"

Gome looks up and smiles, meeting Wasps eyes.

"What's that get up ye in?"

Wasp looks down crossing her arms, no longer are grineer insignias and alloys covering her body but instead casual clothing. A black tank top and green cargo pants.

"If we are going to rest, I am resting to the fullest."

Gome cuffs his chin.

"Your head, something not right about it...hmmm...hmmm. WAIT! You have more hair!"

Gome points to the bob cut raven black hair.

"That is just unnatural ar ye trying to not look grineer where is yer warrior pride?"

Wasp swooshes the hair and a serious expression curls her lips down, her eyes slit slightly before she speaks.

"I am done... I am done with it all.. The violence.. The blood... The killing... I just want to live a normal life from now on.. I will find someone and settle down.... Gome listen to me. I am done, when Raxx returns tell him for me."

Gomes cigar drops out of his mouth. Drum stares at Wasp.

"Its not Wasp anymore either, I took a more humanizing name.. Eileen, I like to be called that.. It is elegant and beatiful but scarred, just like me."

"Well Uh.. Eileen."

Gome gulps.

"How are you gonna make credits?'

"Like anyone other citizen, I will find a way. WITHOUT killing."

Gome stiffens his lips, his eyes water up a bit.

"If that is what you wish I-I.. Cannot stop you."

Drum stares into Wa- Eileen and muffles his voice, attempting not even to let what he wants to say breach his mouth.

"This is probably the last time I will intentionally meet you all. I hope you all make a name with Raxx one day but I dont want this life anymore, being hunted by the queens, corpus and other tyrants."

Eileen moves the plastic veneer, the tapping of her walking echoes into the distance.

Gome leans down and picks up his cigar, puffing it profusely while staring at the floor.


Inside a misty chamber a somber humming plays..

A woman in a tight purple dress sits on a throne, wires running into a strange reverse rounded trapezoidal helmet covering the womans eyes, but not her beatiful full lips in wich the humming is being emitted from.

"My sweet child.. your soul.. It hurts to even glimpse at, tears from my gaze trail my face from your suffering my little miserable one. I weep for you, despite never knowing you truly, but a mother will love all her children, no matter how lost they are, that is my duty.. As the mother of the void touched.."

Lotus hums lightly but, it stops abruptly as a shrill rumbling voice echoes in the room.

"Little Lotus loving your children? Ha. What a farce. That child you so desperately seek to commune with, he will be mine and unto my legions he shall be ushered."

Lotus gulps and stands up, removing the helmet letting it crash to the floor.

A pair of piercing eyes that's color seem to change with every cursory glance.

"Hunhow, what do you want from my child you monster!"

"YOUR CHILD! Never have I heard such a blatant utterance of complete pergery little Lotus, that ones soul has so much suffering, it will not come into your embrace, it does not seek love. It seeks WAR AND BLOOD."

Lotus begins charging an orb of blue energy in her hand.

"Suffering makes one more compassionate Hunhow, of course you have never been loved so you may never know, he will need me when he leasts know it, and my embrace will be open for the child, he may very well strike you down one day, then will the tau save you, heretical fool!?"

Hunhows voice laughs gleefully, shaking the walls of the room.

"Calling me a heretic little Lotus. How venerable of a mother... I will come for you, and all of them.

No one can stop me.



The Tau.





Ah here we go Maroos Bazzar.

"Block accepted opening drydock"

This time a female messenger with a monotone voice calls over the radio.

I lock my cords onto the drydock and the ship starts slowly descending towards the dock.

The ship steams slowly as the lock of the dock (heh)

Shoots into the ship.

The back door slowly slides open and I walk past a pile of terracotta dust.

I look around and see bustling traders running around excitedly.

Before leaving I dawn my rusty grineer armor and pull the helmet onto my head, the lights on my mask turn on and shoot out of the ship lightly, glowing my path to the inside of the Bazzar.

I walk past a plasma doorway, attempting to ignore all the stares of disdain towards me.

I enter the elevator and press the button for the medical bay where my friends are waiting.

Elevator music begins playing, the elevator ride is uncomfortably long..



The metal door slides open and I step into the medical bay.

Ah the sweet smell of medicine and opioids.

I walk down the long hall covered in various curtains and beds.

I finally reach the medical bay Drum is staying at and open the curtain up.

"RAXX!" x2

Drum claps his hands happily and Gome spits his ciggy out with a massive grin.

"You survived!"

Gome stands up and pats my shoulder.

"Wheres W-"

Gome shushes me his eyes going dark.

"She uh.. She left, she's done with.. us."


She is gone?


Just like that...


Fucking hell....

I take my helmet and throw it onto the ground.

"Well then it seems it's our time to grow as well."


[Eileen image]

Chapterly song suggestion: The Silent life - Rivers of Nihil.