
Misadventure of Plumeria

Plumeria is a good looking boy. who is rejected by his family, and ending up in Juvenil-prison, such misadventure adventure. He took wrong path. Until an Infamous Alchemist, Luke Postel, wants to take him under the family. Maybe this is a good future that await Plumeria to begin adventure.

DaoistEXceBn · Fantasy
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Welcome to Rozalia Alchemist’s Station

"The city is crowdy luke, when I try to not remember the city where I was living is very quite." Plumeria talked me, then I tried to hit me with little punch in his back.

"Now you are Postel. You can say you are my son, our blood is alchemist's pride. I was ride here with Hover-Motor. Let us go home Plum to rent house" I told him. Then he agreedly nodded. He was quite Obedient since then. 

"You created this Hover-Motor? Awesome." Plumeria talked then his is smiled toward me. Then he sat in the back part of motor.

"Then we go to rent house. after, taking me a while for us to go our real home Plum. Let us go."I talked to him and I my hand pointing to went up. He was laught. Is this our fate Plumeria. It look like the future is nothing to us. I was too old to talk about future to me. But when I saw Plumeria nothing can be imposible toward the future.

Then I was about 4 days after I spend in our rent house. It was very fun. I decided to train him in 4 days, It was like you train a son very beginning, although he was now my son. He lack of something that called Ethics and Manner wise. I do not know why he was poor at that. 

Plumeria was very strange boy, he acted like animal, the way he responded my commands, he did sound like a dog. 

"Plumeria, you have to not to sound like a dog while respond your loyality at me." I trained him so hard. Did not know what to expect. But again I see our future Aura going to be bright as warm sun. 

Tommorow I will take to city, today I was going trained more at our rent house. Our live at Demuge City began slowly lessen day bay day. I know life with mysterious boy is fun.

This is the last day of our day with Plumeria. I was going to see Alchemist station at my friend's station.

"Plum we going to take a leave our rent house,"I talked Plumeria , he was sleeping in the bed and after he knew my sound and woke up. When he first came to here, he was sleeping in floor. After I learned him many ethics.

He stood up and nodded with happily smiled a face and went run to outside. He was fast as hell. I forgot to tell him not to run, whatever. As soon I pay the rent house and took a leave. It was fun a week at here especially with him by my side.

As soon I went to outside the rent building he waited for me, at near Motor-Hover. I stood next to him. He went to strech his hand to up. 

"Luke, we go to home now?" Plumeria talked to Luke. 

"Yes Plum, we going to our real home this afternoon. But we need to visited the Alchemist station." Luke talked to Plumeria again.

As he told him to go to Alchemist station. He walked to go near Motor-Hover , and up to back part of the Hover-Motor. I went up in the front, and we stedily increased the speed the Motor-Hover. This is fun at the morning rode with him went to Alchemist Station.

When we Arrived at Alchemist Station. He jumped off from my back, I jumped back after, and parked my Motor-Hover. He smilled, and his glittery green eyes turned on with his the first visted Alchemist Station.

"Roza's Alchemis station? Do they sell all these? Awesome." Plumeria talked and pointed his finger toward the board name. And he sat in the near of Cauldron. 

"Yes. They sell all of these item. These item over here is Cauldron. It is for the basic making of Amateur Alchemists." I talked to him, and I sat near Plumeria.

"There are a lot of Cauldron, the Cauldron is pricey and vary." He talked to himself let him. He began to sat the next Cauldron indepently. I could not stop him, I decided to let him to take any action of him. I stood up and see Plumeria's glittery once again.

 "Luke, pardon me, are you looking for Cauldron Luke?" Rozalia spook, I recognized her voice. Then I spotted her voice from the inside her Alchemist station's, I suddently took a wave of his appearance, then I waved my hand. 

Rozalia is next to me, she used teleportation. Because of sudden teleportated, Plumeria is scared went hide behind me with scared puppy eyes, with no talk.

"It is okay Plumeria, This Rozalia from Alchemis Station Seller. She only cast teleportation magic." Luke talked to Plumeria. 

"Plumeria I am sorry for my rude introduction, please make yourself at home."Rozalia was talking to Plumeria, she went bow to him.

"Actually I am here come to visit, and leave at this afternoon. We such in hurry. Let us go Plum." Luke talked to Rozalia. Then I was short visit by us. Both of us is ready to mounted Motor-Hover. Rozalia is began to bow again, the Motor-Hover was slightly incresed the speed. 

It was fun by riding it the Motor-Hover. The gate of Demuge was come to near our adventure. Lou is come to see our departion, he waved both his hand to us. These was my memories a week of us, so bitter-sweet because we stuck in Osmo now. 

"Luke, wake up." Rozalia speaks to me. I recognize again of her voice. Then I wake up, I see Plumeria and Rozalia. 

"Luke I asked her by myself to Demigu again, by walk, it is not so far." Plumeria talks to me while pointing his finger.

"I had repaired the Motor-Hover too. I was surprise to him by walk, soon he went run and arrive, I took of the part of what I need. Then I drived my Motor-Hover him." Rosalia speaks to me, she looks to Plumeria.

"Thanks for repairing my Motor-Hover."I speak to Rosalia and bow my body to her.

"Okay Luke, Plum, are you Luke's son? You look different." Rozalia speaks and crawls to Plumeria. Plumeria becomes confuse of our relations. Just say yes Plumeria. 

"Yes Plumeria a week ago I found him and decide to take in our house, your name is changed plum as we enter our house, to Plumeria Postel." I speak to them, and Plumeria is happy.

"hahaha. Then I will take my leave here, Luke, and Plum." She talked to us, and mouted her Motor-Hover and leave.

"So we are going back to our home Plum." I talk to Plum then he nods. Then We mount my Motor-Hover, then I increase my Motor-Hover slightly.

My direction is different from Rozalia, she to Demuge, I take the opposite direction. It was fun at there, but I need something to do, maybe I will visit again. What a mysterius boy appear, he is behind me.