

This is more or less an introduction and an apology. My mind can create very elaborate stories, but jotting then down into words can be challenge. I hate punctuation, and grammar was not my strongest subject. In light of this I'm sure you'll run across no shortage of errors, so if I somehow manage to capture you still with the story and you make it through it; I want to offer you my thanks now in advance.

I'll do my best to clean it up and improve upon it and try and stay consistent with updates

Chapter one:

I stared down the street, the buildings towering to either side of me, encasing me in a steel and glass box.

The sounds of sirens and screeching tires echoed through the blocks; the chattering and shuffling about of other souls push by.

I breath deep,

I know I can't stay any longer it's presence is drawing in closer, closer then I've ever felt; it's not in my world yet I know this much but it's not far.

Quickly I reach down and remove my gloves from hands walking to towards the nearest skyscrapers ground floor. As I approach the window gleaming in the rays of light beaming down from tops of buildings.

It's dark, my reflection, I stare for moment at myself; it had been almost 3 years since I had to do this, and this tinted pane of glass wasn't ideal but better to jump a couple times through a few different phases. Maybe I'll get a few more years out of the next place, I reached out to touch the glass.

(Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) I look up and man is falling from a window washers bucket that was above, i don't know why I did it. I reached out and I brush his hand with mine, as my other came into contact with glass I was just looking at seconds before.

It happened so fast, I felt the switch and I heard the crack suddenly I was facing the street I had just been on only everything was darker. The tint I remembered the mans body lay on the ground but I'm no longer next to him or touching the glass; there is no more reflection of me on that side.


Jesus! I jumped back the man that had fallen his reflection on this side was moving, he was staring at his body on the other side of the glass. How are you alive I try and ask him, but he's visibly shaken he's even sitting and his body on the other is still deformed and bleeding on the street on the other side. Bystanders begin to surround it.

What the hell is going on he screamed! And for the first time in very long time I actually don't even know myself.

Look I tell him maybe it's best if I introduce myself and tell you little about me, and maybe I can help figure out exactly what I just accidentally did.

Accidentally did?!? I'm dead! Look at me!

Let me stop you there, Look at you; your fine or at least I think you are, and if I hadn't did what I did you would still be in that version of yourself.

That version?

I cut him off like I said maybe I should introduce myself and tell you little about me.

Why? He asked, in rather a enraged tone.

Because I'm probably your only hope of getting out here which where here is will take some explaining to.

My name is Yalanis Ricard, and since I was very little when ever I touched my reflection I would enter to the other side.