
mirrored affection

It's never predictable, that's the chilling thing about things, about men....Or what do you think?

muhonja_nonstop · Urban
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29 Chs

Burdens of smiles

You sound very sad and distant.

A moment ago you tried to smile,

I'm afraid I can't contemplate

for what I saw behind the attempt

was not the smile I used to know...

The radiance was gone.

I saw the waning smile of the moon,

that needed to be in full splendor,

the splendor in you is soured by anger and bitterness...

You hold hopes unrealized,

That you know of no more.

In the backwards perpetual of life you see...

might have aroused some hope you see

at a glance to make the present tolerable,

the future worth waiting for.

All the same there was no warmth,

no happiness behind the smile.

we sometimes hide our pain in forced smiles.

muhonja_nonstopcreators' thoughts