
Mirror Vengeance

As the most beloved eldest daughter of the Evans family, Sharon Evans always thought that God treated her seriously ....

leading_bird · Fantasy
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54 Chs

##Chapter 15 Bane

Sharon looked through him and kept moving. She searched around for Nathan.

Yet that drunkard decided to keep at her. He tugged along all tipsy, trying all his might to keep talking to her.

Sharon finally couldn't take it much longer. She growled back at the man, "May I please ask you to have some respect and stop following me around?"

That did stun the drunkard for a second, but he started smiling obscenely again right after that.

"Woah. Babe's got quite the temper. That's sexy,"

as he said that, he started to reach out for Sharon's face.

Sharon dodged that. She was already furious, "What do you want? I'm calling the cops if you keep at it."

"Woah there... Haha. W-we're all out here for some good fun if I do say so myself... I ain't done nothing, eh? You want the cops here? Atta girl..."

As he mumbled on, he started moving closer. People started closing in, trying to see what was going on.

"I thought we had a deal on going back to mine. N-now you're hitting the road yaself. Come back here, little darling."

"What? I don't even know you. What was that all about?"

Sharon tried to leave him, but curious people blocked her way. Then, someone spoke up,

"Hey. Isn't that an Evans?"

That made Sharon even more embarrassed. The last thing she wanted was to have a drunkard tagging behind her at such a spot while having everyone know who she was.

"Woo-hoo. Ain't that so? I always thought she was just a naive girl, but lord knows this is what she's all about. No wonder they got her like that on their family feast the other day."

As she listened to all the comments, her mood went for the worse. How could they be like this? She was already deprived of everything, and they still had to blame her like that.

Sharon looked at the chattering people around her. She tried explaining, but she knew nobody would listen. It wouldn't be necessary to explain everything to all of them, either.

"What's this all about?"

A lady among the spectators mumbled to herself,

"Is that her? How come?"

Sharon froze there, feeling utterly offended. There was no longer a way out of that anymore. An entire crowd was all around them.

"Make way. Make way."

The lady pushed her way to Sharon and asked, "Are you alright, miss?"

The drunkard glanced at the lady and started to smile even brighter.

"Tee-hee. Another one. N-now I've got two. It's my lucky day."

Sharon looked up at the lady and said in awe, "You don't even know me. You don't have to put yourself through all this, you know."

"I don't have to?

This is my cousin's spot. There's no way I can ignore this," she thought.

"Yeah. I'm Olga Patel..."

Before she could finish, the drunkard had already started walking at them. Olga saw him coming, so she caught the chance to smash him in the head with a bottle. Blood started oozing out.

The drunkard covered his head and pointed at her, "Are you outta your mind? How dare you pick on me?"

"Yeah, I wish I could kill you with that blow. That would've been a major contribution to the world."

Sharon saw that she still held on to that bottle, so she tugged on Olga.

Olga smiled at her and went back to staring the drunkard down.

"Do you need the hospital? Or shall we keep this up?"

She said so like a superwoman helping out an innocent citizen.

All the racket there caught the manager's attention.

"What's going on?"

"Nah. We've got a scoundrel around here. I'm just here to bring justice."

By that time, Nathan also got back. He rushed in and asked Sharon, "Are you alright? Did you get hurt?"

"I'm alright," Sharon replied while looking at Olga worriedly.

Nathan then got the chance to take a good look at that superwoman. The sight of her gave him a shock.

"It's her."

When Nathan got the news, he was already furious. Nobody dared go against him, nor his subordinates who had been working for him for years. He squinted at the manager, and the manager immediately got him.

"Please come with us, miss. We'll take over from here since this happened at our place."

"He's the one who ran around, harassing innocent ladies, and I'm the one who's taken away, eh? Do you have any idea who I am? I know your boss."

Olga stared at the staff. Meanwhile, the drunkard was already taken away.

"We do have to get both sides of the confrontation to understand what was going on."

Olga looked nonchalantly at Sharon and saw a man holding her. She could not see the man's face, so she didn't give it a second thought, "Off you go. I'll go with them."


Before she could say anything else, Olga stepped away with the staff.

"Should we go with them as well? All this started because of me, after all,"

Sharon looked at Nathan with much guilt and worry.

Nathan smiled at her, "Don't worry. She'll be just fine. Now, let's get something to eat."

Sharon sure was worried, but she knew Olga would be fine. Plus, there was nothing more she could do, so she nodded and went back to the table with Nathan.

"So, was it you that went after the lady?"

As someone patched the drunkard up, he was taken to a quiet spot.

"Now, who the hell are you guys?"

Looking at the squad of fully-armed ape-like men around him, he knew he got himself into bigger trouble than he could handle.

The squad looked at each other and started a full round of beating. Only after a good while did they come to a full stop again.

"You should be glad you didn't put your hands on her, or you'd be done for,"

one of the squad members said so peacefully, but it felt like regards from hell.

"Did... did you mean that Evans girl? Who..."

the drunkard was too weak to say anything after the sound beating. Before long, he fainted.

"Wait. Did he just die on us?"

"Nah, he's fine. Boss told us to give him a good scare, so we'd be done for if we just killed him here."

"Get his men to pick him up. Don't compromise our identity. Move."

Meanwhile, Nathan and Sharon were at the restaurant.

"How do you like it? Try this."

"This is fantastic. But what about Olga..."

"Don't worry about her. She's already home."

"How did you know?"

Sharon stared at this man in front of her. She somehow felt that he wasn't like what met the eyes, but she couldn't tell why.

"I was only guessing. She didn't do anything wrong, after all. Nobody can charge her with anything."