
Mirror Of Fate

In the enchanting world of Elura, where various human races, mythical creatures, and ancient powers coexist. Cain Astaria, reborn from the ashes of his previous life as Joshua, carries with him memories from his former existence on Earth, guided by a mystical silver mirror that holds secrets untold. As Cain navigates the intricate tapestry of Elura, he discovers the extraordinary abilities bestowed upon him by the enigmatic mirror. With each revelation, he delves deeper into the mirror's mysteries, uncovering its true significance and the role it plays in shaping his destiny. Amidst the backdrop of political intrigue, familial legacies, and ancient prophecies, Cain finds himself drawn into a world of danger and intrigue. Join Cain Astaria as he unravels the mysteries of the mystical mirror and unlocks the power within, forging his path in a world where the past and present collide, and destiny awaits at every turn. ************************************ image is ai generated.

WhiteAngel · Fantasy
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5 Chs

end of the world?

September 18th, New York:

A young man in a formal suit could be seen walking home. His face looked tired, probably from work. He was somewhat handsome and pleasing to the eye.

What was special about him was his gold-colored eyes, which shone with a strong, unyielding will. His name was Joshua.

He entered his apartment, which looked somewhat luxurious, showing his decent success at a younger age.

Afterward, he took off his clothes and got into the shower, proclaiming, "Ah, what a hectic week this was; those investors are driving us crazy."

Adorning his neck, an exquisite silver mirror necklace could be seen, which suddenly flashed with a white light unseen by him.

After the long shower, he got ready to prepare his dinner, which was some noodle soup, and turned on the TV to pass time. On the TV, a report in standard woman's suit could be seen, with the reporter, Mira, speaking with great enthusiasm.

"Hello, everyone, I am reporter Mira bringing you international news. Government and weather agencies have discovered sudden unnatural phenomena appearing around the world such as earthquakes, lightning falls, and storms happening for the past year. We have invited Deputy Researcher Seth from the International Weather Academy to make a statement."

Afterward, an old man in his late 70s with a white beard appeared. Joshua, who was preparing dinner, stopped and looked towards the screen. The first thing he noticed about the man was the scholarly temperament around him.

Researcher Seth took the mic and said, "After analyzing the data, we theorized that an enormous amount of radioactive energy waves were making their way from space, causing unnatural phenomena across the world." He went on to talk about some scientific stuff to back up his theory, looking serious.

Joshua watched the program with full concentration, and he didn't know why, but he had an uneasy feeling, as if something terrible was about to happen. He didn't dismiss this feeling, as ever since he was young, he had this unnatural sense towards danger which saved him every time.

Joshua was the only child of his parents, who both died when he was 11 in an ancient site due to a landslide, and both of them were archaeologists. Without his parents at a young age, he was forced to mature quickly, and his intuition saved him multiple times ever since he was eleven when his relatives tried to coax and fool him into signing his parents' entire property after their deaths. He didn't know what the documents were at that time but had a terrible feeling that if he signed them, something bad would happen.

It later saved him afterward, as they wanted to take all his property and even attempted to kill him, but were later arrested with the help of his father's close friend, who was a lawyer. Ever since then, he relied on his intuition to solve his problems from business deals to even relationships.

Back to the present, Joshua was watching the news with worry on his face and thought about what action he should take.

Countless numbers of people were dying every day due to the following natural calamities and researchers and government put theories for it and were unable to do anything making people wonder

"Is this the end of the world?"