
Bandits again

Mirai rode faster and faster. Her grip on the reins tightened.

'Where are you Suki.' She thought as she rode.

The soldiers were close behind her with torches and swords. The small army did not have an archer so the soldiers could only run after the man on the horse. The young man that was leading the soldiers also had to run after Mirai because he did not bring a horse with him.

One soldier held up his spear and aimed at Mirai's neck before throwing the spear with all his strength. Mirai stood up on her saddle then did a front flip over the spear. She stretched her hand and caught the spear then sat back on her saddle.

"Jia!" She commanded and her horse neighed in response.

The young man that was supposed to be leading the soldiers cursed under his breath as he continued to run after the man on the horse. Unfortunately, he was out of breath and could not run anymore. He looked at the group he was supposed to lead and found that they were as tired as him, in fact, they were even more tired because along with running they were wearing 20 pounds worth of gear and weapons.

"Curse you. Everyone get him!" He commanded.

The soldiers responded with a loud groan before charging forward with their swords.

'Crap.' Mirai looked at the mob behind her, ready to kill her.

"Will, run forward with all your strength. Don't turn back." She whispered to her horse and her horse neighed as if he was rejecting her offer.

"Go!" She leaped up and climbed onto a tree. She watched as her horse ran in the forest and disappear from sight.

'At least you're safe." She turned around and faced the soldiers beneath her.

All of them were sweating and huffing as they tried to catch their breath.

'They're fatigued and tired.' She noted.

"Burn the tree! Catch him!" One man yelled as he pointed his finger at her.

'So he's the leader.'

The men did what they were told and threw their torches at the tree she was on. However, Mirai simply jumped onto another tree.

"Get him!" The leader commanded again.

"Arghhhh!!!" A broken cry rang through the forests and then more cries could be heard.

"What?" The leader looked around to see that his soldiers were being brutally killed by men draped in animal furs and their hairs being tied into long braids.

Mirai was confused at first but when she saw a familiar 'boy' standing on 'his' horse she smiled. Without making a sound she leaped forwards making her way over.

"Fancy seeing you here." Suki's lips curled up as she turned around.

"So mind explaining how you organized that." Mirai pointed her thumb behind her at the soldiers being mercilessly killed.

"Oh, that." Suki laughed. "It was easy. They're the bandits we met before. With a little 'persuading', I was able to get them to help." She spoke carelessly as if what she had done was not a big deal when in fact she had 'persuaded' an entire clan of bandits to kill the soldiers.

Recruiting these bandits were no easy thing, especially for a woman. However, Suki was no ordinary woman. With the clues left behind from the battle with the bandits before she was able to track the bandits and their den. Their den was located deepest parts of the mountain and the bandits lived surprisingly well. All the money and goods they had stolen from travelers were enough to supply their needs. These men liked to wear coats made out of animal skin and hide, drink wine whenever they wanted and in large quantities at a time, and last but not least they craved women. There's a rule in this den for when they raid which is to kill any man that stands in their way and to capture the women.

The captured women would then be used as a toy for pleasure and when the men grew bored these women became maids to the bandits. They would have to wash, clean and cook for the rest of their lives. Anyone that tries to escape would never make it out because they were all recaptured or lost in the mountain and then died.

Suki is a ninja so, although it wasn't easy, she made it into the main hall of the den where the chief of the bandits was. Luckily the chief was drunk like an uncle at the pub and could barely stand up without stumbling. He was surrounded by women of all complex and each of them were wearing very little clothing. It wasn't long for Suki to strike and when it all ended Suki had a silver blade pressed against the chief's throat.

Her 'persuasion' was actually her using the chief to threaten the other bandits to help. All the other bandits were against what she said but when she told them that it was a small patch of soldiers under the Mugo family they decision changed. These bandits hated the Mugo family because when the Mugo family invaded the Shirogane territory they also invaded the den of these bandits and killed their brothers. These bandits were greatly weakened from that incident so they could not fight back but stored their hatred inside them waiting for a chance to take revenge.

With a chance like this, they were more than enough happy to agree.

Mirai placed a hand on Suki's shoulder as Suki finished her story. "As expected of Suki." She said and smiled.

Suki looked at the bandits murdering the soldiers then patted Mirai's hand. "Let's go before the bandits come back for us."

Mirai agreed and Suki climbed back onto her horse.

"Suki. Uhhh-" Mirai paused for a bit carefully choosing what to say.

Suki sighed. "Your horse is over there."

"Eh? How did you." Mirai began and looked over towards where Suki was pointing and saw her horse standing there waiting.

She immediately went over and jumped on then moved towards Suki.

"Mirai you know it's not that hard to know that you let your horse go when, a. your horse is not near you and b. knowing you have a habit of letting your horse go." Suki answered.

Mirai playfully pouted but she was happy that she has Suki.

"Race you." She said and sprinted into the forest.

"Hey!" Suki followed close after her and the two disappeared into the night.

Thank you for your patience!

I've been going through some writer's block lately but I'm slowly recovering. I hope to be able to update normally again soon but as of right now I don't know when I will be able to.

mels010creators' thoughts