
Extra Part 2 - Oli’s Birthday

Mirah’s Pov

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday Dear Oli

Happy Birthday to You.

From good friends and true,

From old friends and new,

May good luck go with you,

And happiness too.

Everyone sang cheerfully to Oli as he welcomed the singing with a faint yet excited clapping. Pey carried Oli, laughing freely with everyone. I really saw a huge change in Pey; someone who used to be unbelievably arrogant, now a gentle and loving dad. Peyton sometimes even can be more patient with Oli than I can ever bear. Now my pregnancy is 17 weeks old, my nausea has somewhat decreased. Not as bad as the previous weeks but I get so dizzy so easily now.

Everyone was here for Oli’s birthday. Almost all of Peyton's close friends came with their families. Aunt Ana, Aunt Ina and Uncle whom I invited from Surabaya, they stayed for some time at our house. Everyone is here! Nobody missed our invitation for Oli's first birthday.