
Chapter VII - A Very Unwanted Baby

Pov Mirah

Lately, my body gets tired very easily, I think 9 months with Pey is extremely exhausting not only mentally but physically. When Pey had gone to the office, my head felt so light, so I just stayed in the room, leaving all of Pey’s laundry abandoned.

"Neng, it’s Sukma. Are you okay?"

"A little dizzy," I explained

"You want some massage, Neng" she offered

"Of course!" I replied happily.

"I notice it's been more than a week like this, you look so pale, don't you want to see a doctor?" asked Sukma.

"I'm not sick of, The. Just fatigued" I replied.

"But yesterday you vomited a lot, is the ulcer getting worse or ..." she paused a bit "Or what, Teh?" I teased back.

"Miss, are you sure you aren't pregnant?" her reply instantly shocked me.

"No, Teh" I replied doubtfully. "Could you please make me some warm tea? I want to rest for a bit, Okay?"
