
Kwami Trouble

"Welcome. Ladybug and Chat Noir have saved Paris once again. Jean Duparc was akumatised into the very meaning magician of misfortune. This time, our heroes have the help of a mysterious new hero who appears to be an owl themed costume! Mayor Bourgeois has apparently seen her during the akumatization of Reflekta. We hope that the identity of Paris' new guardian shall be revealed soon."

"Mysterious new hero, huh? Seems like I need to think of a name quickly!" I said, running past a TV screen while heading back to school. "It's been..." I did the math using my fingers. "Almost a week since I got the Owl Miraculous."

"Time flies by fast when your saving the world!" Hedwig said, flying into my bottle bag.

"It does...Got any names for me Hedwig?"

"I already gave you all the names I can think of! You didn't like any of them."

"You only gave two."

"I've only had two holders."

"Oh, right." Master Fu had told me that this miraculous is really powerful, hence, it's seldom used, but Hedwig is older than all of the other kwamis, so it's hard to accept that fact.

I ran back into Miss Mendeleiev's Chemistry class unnoticed. Thankfully, she had just gone to the restroom, or the 'laboratory' as she calls it.

Unfortunately, it was my turn to sit in the back of the class. I said hi to Nath as I sat down. As expected, he had his head buried in his sketchbook. I decided not to bother him.

On the opposite desk, Rose was crying as she watched a new broadcast while Juleka handed her tissues to dry them. Probably crying over Prince Ali's kindness, I thought. Mental note, prevent her from meeting Chloe later, too tired to deal with another akuma.

Something I also forgot to mention, I can't prevent the akumas that are only mention in the episodes. They get like thirty seconds of screen time, so I don't have enough information to stop Hawkmoth from akumatising them.

I saw Alya look towards me, making a questioning face. I just shrug my shoulders and started copying the notes Miss Mendeleiev wrote on the board.

A few minutes later, Miss Mendeleiev returned. "Ah, Yin. Glad to see you're back from the restroom. I don't think I saw you there, though."

I try to maintain my composure. "Uh-I must've left while you were still in there!"

My Chemistry teacher just shook her head and picked up her chalk. "Continuing where we left off, combustion is a high temperature exothermic redox chemical reaction between a fuel and an oxidant. Usually atmospheric oxygen..."

I let out a sigh of relief and my posture sank by a foot.

Suddenly, Marinette burst through the door.

"Ah, Marinette," said Miss Mendeleiev as Marinette fell flat n the floor. "What excuse do you have for us this time? Accidentally locked yourself in the bathroom again?"

"Uh, no! Of course not..." Marinette protested. She looked to the side, trying o find another excuse. "I had to, uh, take my dog to the vet! B-because he...uh, ate an entire wool sweater! It must have felt like-"

"Thank you, Rose, but I don't think our classroom needs any extra refreshing," said Miss Mendeleiev, walking over to Rose's desk.

"I thought someone pack a fish-tuna sandwich, but it was just Rose's perfume!" Laughed Chloe. No one else did though. And for the record, I actually like fish-tuna sandwiches!

Miss Mendeleiev held out her hand and Rose reluctantly gave up her perfume bottle.

"Further more, using your smartphone during school hours is strictly forbidden." Rose air pods and phone were then also handed over to Miss Mendeleiev.

"Take the rest of your things and head to the principle's office."

Miss Mendeleiev gave Rose a disappointing face as she walked out of class, whimpering.

"Watch what happens when you play around with flammable substances in a chemistry lab," said Miss Mendeleiev. She sprayed Rose's perfume into a glass tube and closed it down on a bunsen burner that was on her desk. She then activated it by pressing a red button, and the contents inside exploded.

"Just so you all remember that, I'll be quizzing you on lab safety, again." Dang.



My classmates and I filled out of the classroom as the bell rang. While walking down the hall, I was knocked over by someone.

"Oh! I'm so so so so sorry- Yin?" It was Marinette. "Oh, Just the person I needed to see! Can you please come with me?"

"Uh, sure!" This is probably about Tikki being sick, I though, seeing Marinette's purse move a little.

"Yin, Tikki's sick!" Explained Marinette once we're in the bathroom. "And I don't know what to do! She's telling me to bring her to a healer, but where am I going to find somebody who won't question me?"

"If Tikki's telling you bring you to a healer, then she probably trust that person?" Wait, Marinette isn't supposed to know about this until season 2! Hey, I thought we were over this? Screw the storyline!

"I do trust Tikki but..."

"Well, let's ask her then!"

Marinette opened her purse to reveal a trembling Tikki. "G-girls...I'll g-give you the address..."

"Okay," said Marinette, taking her phone out the type the address into her GPS. "We'll take you to he healer, now."

Marinette and I hurried out of the bathroom and through the halls of Françoise Dupont High School, only thebe stopped by Alya at the entrance.

"How come non of you can get to school on time?" Puzzled Alya as she watched Adrien run towards Nino. Then, she turned to me. "Hey, since Adrien missed Chemistry class, it be so neat if some lady could lead him her notes so he could get up to speed~!"

I gave her a dead-pan look. "No. I have something to do right now..." I snuck a glance at Marinette. She looked like she was about to have a heart-attack.

"Girl, I don't know why, but you've been disappearing as much as our bluenette here recently." Alya pointed at Marinette. "So your fake excuses don't work on me anymore."

"Alya! He can just borrow the notes from Nino!"

Just then, Tikki sneezed from inside Marinette purse.

"What was that?" Asked Alya, looking suspiciously at Marinette.

Marinette pretty much gave herself away by widening her eyes. "U-um...I think it's Yin!" She said. "S-she, um...She's coming down with a cold! Right...?" She gave me a pleading face. I give her the dead-pan look that was directed at Alya earlier, but I decided to play along.

"Um, yeah! I think I am-Achoo!" I said, and pretended to rub my nose.

"Mm-hmm," said Alya, raising an eyebrow. "Then don't breathe on him." She pointed towards Adrien.

I held myself together and slouched down the stairs, and from this experience, I learned that, apparently, my mind only cares about preventing akumas.

How? Because, while I was walking down the stairs, my brain didn't think about the fall Marinette had in the show so that I wouldn't do the same thing and risk breaking my bones.